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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

baby, you're a firework...

Is it just me, or do most people equate talent with musical ability?
could that be why the tween Tv has been bombarded with shows about "making it big" in the music industry?
suddenly, everyone seems to have dreams of becoming a singer, have we figured out why!

i mean, call me crazy, most of my life -- actually, ALL of my life(up until i turned 21...which was 3months ago) i felt i had no talents or gifts..... people would tell me i was good at things but those compliments were few and far between, and even still no one ever actually said that i was "talented".

well, to all those people who never called me talented: eat your hearts out! i run a blog.

well, i mean... what were we talking about again?

if your anything like me, you have no real "artful capabilities", however that doesn't mean you are any less talented than rebecca black....

eesh, bad analogy.

that doesn't mean you are any less talented than (insert "most talented" person you know here).

a lot of people may not consider putting on make-up a talent, but once you've seen me apply eyeliner... you'll think twice about that.

fact is, NOONE is good at everything. some people are better at things than you, and vice versa.

the key is you have to find YOUR talents. you have at least one. [even if it's pit farting.... everyone is good at something!] run with with your talents through a feild of daisies, into the moonlight . however, if your allergic to daisies stay out of that field. your stuck running on the sidewalk.

but back to the point...

YOU ARE YOU! you come equip INSIDE OF YOU everything you need to live a fulfilled life. do what makes YOU happy.

don't try to be someone you are not... 

Get to know you FIRSt, and once you do - i am sure you will LOVE you:)

<3 ∞,

Ryen Lynette Cooper

check out this Video Blog!

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