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Monday, November 18, 2013

No Thank You Very Much. [volume III]

No Thanks I say to the idea that sin is my problem.
No Thanks to the notion that being wrecked with guilt because of sin is an indication of salvation.

My heart breaks because of the sin problem, which leads me to want to help, but make no mistake I do not feel guilty because the sin problem has nothing to do with me.

I was born into sin AND salvation.

By the time I got here everything was already messed up, and reconciliation had already been put into place.

I've only ever know sin AND salvation.

Tis All.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Missy's Guide to Mild Contentment

I don't want to water down this amazingly poignant post with a long winded gush fest about how much I love and adore Missy and in no way shape or form am going to mention how blessed and honored I feel that God saw fit our paths to cross and NEVER will I include that all my organs fell out and I did indeed die when she agreed to share her heart across this pretty blog space.

No, none of that is necessary to say because, well, her words, her talent, her heart speaks for itself.

Oh Yes indeedy!

I am pretty much content.

There is a roof over my head that does not need repair.  There is a car that gets me from point A to point D, as needed.  The Devil Dogs are plentiful in my pantry. My family is clothed. Tar-jay is my Neiman's - true.  But, I've got one.

I want for very little.

I also lie sometimes.

My God knows this of me.

"I'm sorry, child. There really is no such thing as mild contentment. Not if you want to chase after my heart!"

These are the words that were whispered into my soul as I window shopped with a gaggle of girlfriends, recently.  We ooohed and ahhhed over fabulous Things.  Oh, for All The Things.  Things that would decorate us beautifully. Things that would make our lives easier. 

"Who told you that your life was to be made easier, child?", I heard Him whispering.

And then, as if He knew (and He always knows) that His still small voice wouldn't be enough, he sent another reminder.

As we passed by the cup at the feet of the man who truly did need the chatter stalled out.  The dance of discomfort set in as we each processed our folly in different ways.

For me, I realized that the Salad Shooter didn't seem near as powerful as the dollar five dollar bill that would buy The One Who Needed a sub sandwich and some water to quench His thirst. 

I hear you, God.

And with that, I was feeling only mildly enchanted by All The Pretty Things; but Fully Content.

Oh yes indeedy.

Sincerely Indeed,


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Year 23 as told by Rae.

I often ask myself how I got to so lucky to be cast as Jesi Rae on this grand stage called life, and Rae's presence and all the many presents(haha.) God has sent through her(known and unknown. seen and unseen)  is a large reason why I often ponder said query. Like, I. Literarily. can't. even.

You know her, You love her, I quote/reference her all the time.
Her name is Rae.

and she's my friend.

OH! and this is her heart:

I want to swaddle you in the warmest blanket, Jesi, and wrap you tight in the fantasy that 23 isn’t a crazy age, or a crazy year. I want to spoon feed you candy corn, give you ice cream for breakfast and tell you ten times over that life is fair and you’ve nothing to worry about.

But the truth isn’t pretty and turning 23 is not like turning 2, because there isn’t always going to be a soft hand to hold you or a calm voice to read you bed time stories when the scary monsters growl their biggest and baddest from behind that closet door.

So all I got is all I’ve got to give. It’s the best I can do and the most I can hope for and pray for as you spend these next 365 days as a 23-year-old in a world gone mad.

Life is cray, Jesi, but you don’t have to be.

It’s not a Bible, but here’s some hope, wrapped up with wisdom. Nuggets of testimony, as lived me.

1.     never abandon the art you were born to live, that thing you were made to do: that which makes you happy – and brings Him glory.

2.     speaking of glory, make sure you give it to Him, every moment of everyday.

3.     eat. cookies. like. a. boss.

4.     drink water. lots of it. i’m telling you: wrinkles DO start at 23. i’ve seen them. and they’re mean.

5.     never shop with a credit card. ever.
ever. ever.

6.       boys are dumb.

7.     but they’re cute. so they’re totally worth it. don’t give up on love.

8.     the world is not a mirror, you cannot use it to tell you how you’re supposed to look, or how you should be or who you should be, for that matter. which leads us to #9…

9.     BE unapologetically YOU

10.  you don’t have to blog everyday to be heard. you don’t have to join every online blogger’s shindig. you don’t need a thousand followers, or a new book releasing every summer or the latest trending website design, or a hot picture with puckered lips, or an inbox full of comments and thank you’s. you only need this: to know that without an ounce of makeup or even a finger lifted, your God is crazy about you. utterly crazy about you.

11.  there is a common, cruel joke that the world likes to play on 23-year-olds at the stroke of their 24th birthday. it’s like an april fools’ joke, except it doesn’t leave you laughing. 24 is hard. it is real, it is harsh, and its nickname is Mean. it comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion. point blank? enjoy 23. have fun – be reckless. . but be ready for 24 to come swooping in with lessons to learn and tears to cry. #growingupain’teasy.

12.  respect yo’ mamma, love your family, hold back no hug.

13.  count memories, not calories.

14.  the antidote for your monthly . is a hot cup of tea, one almond hershey’s bar and these five movies (in no particular order) as follows:

15.  pride & prejudice
16.  my best friend’s wedding
17.  the devil wears prada
18.  breakfast at tiffany’s
19.  mean girls

20.  avoid walmart like it’s the black plague…except for when you need nail polish, pads, tampons, underwear, food, CDs and DVDs, makeup, some cheap and cozy sweatpants and pretty much any and everything else you need. heck – what am I saying, there is no way to avoid walmart.

21.  join a gym, eat healthy, and refer to #3, then repeat, repeat, REPEAT.

22.  ain’t nobody gonna love you as much as you can love yourself. #truth >> which leads to #23, the most important of ‘em all:

23.  be fun, be fab, be saved. 24/7 – 365 days a year, especially on this 23rd year.

Happy 23rd Year, Jesi Rae.

Monday, November 11, 2013

No Thank You Very Much. [volume II]

E IV || @thafourth

No Thanks to your archetype. No Thanks to your paradigm.
I say no thanks to the idea that the christian experiance looks the same; to the notion that if I don't fit your standard of appropriation and proper apologetics I am misrepresnting God, or that I'm not a "true christian"
I say no thanks to your one dimensional truth.
Yes there is a standard, yes there are boundaries, yes there are rules but Grace, oh what amazing Grace, allows that experience to be vibrant, multifaceted, full of color, diverse in texture and truth.
My experience may very much look different than yours. Their truth may very much be different than yours. Show grace.
No matter how different The experience, our God looks the same.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

And so it begins ....

MK.... about 72hrs in.

72 hrs into year 23. Into this new season. onto new, fresh pages, of the new chapter of life.

Year 23 has thusly proven life lessons that I embraced in year 22 and are equally relevant through the bad times but also the good times. One lessons in particular that got me to year 23 with my sanity in tact.
Being present and intently listening to God.
Through the sometimes Good but mostly bad year I think I unlocked the key to Jesi Rae's ever growing character development.
When things are bad be present and listen to God because you learn and grow and change.
When things are good be present and listen to God because soaking in every moment of God's goodness/blessings.... Well, That's just a feeling too good for words. Just sit back and be happy.

Monday, November 4, 2013

No Thank You Very Much. [volume I]

No Thanks I say. No Thanks to your archetype. No Thanks to your paradigm.
No Thanks to the notion that I do not deserve my life, or God's love or God's gifts/blessings.
No Thanks to the idea that I should count myself lucky that the God of all heaven and earth would give me the time of day.

I was created for heaven. I was born for salvation. I was made for God. Why wouldn't he love me and bless me and talk to me.

He isn't doing me any favors. He is simply living out the beauty of his character.
Jesus wants me with him. Now and Forever. Pointblankandtheperiod.
Everything else are really just details.


Jesi Rae