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Friday, May 9, 2014

How to Land your Dream Job (in one easy step).

Photo Credit: Jesi Rae || check out my friend because he's my friend and he's awesome.... but not check him out like..."oh, he's cute" shut it down. he's married. check him out like click this link. geez guys! - *ghost hands*

Now, I may be far off about this because I walked away from Nashville, my practiced christianity and my dream job - things that grossly formed who I was and the dreams i dreamed and worked very hard for - and have yet to find another dream, let alone land another dream job!(i do thoroughly enjoy my current job and am sublimely happy though) However, if this tip doesn't land you your dream job, at the very least I can guarantee it will cushion the sting of rejection, especially when everyone seems to think everyone is moving foreword while in real life everyone is just bumping around trying to figure this life thing out -- Oh Facebook, Twitter and Instagram why must you torment us!

Now before I release this secret I must tell you, you kind of need to score an interview first and with that being said - the best way to score an interview is to be kind, professional and URGENT! - and by urgent I mean follow up ya big dopes! - if they hit you with the "don't call us we will call you" don't wait and mope by the phone MOVE ON!, assume it is a no, and if it turns into a yes then deal with that when it comes.

So, you have an interview and your nervous because this is like, your dream job and you want it and you want them to like you and your all giddy and smily and just an awkward ball of frizz because of course the elements turned on you on your big day because thats just how the universe works.


I know that it is basically human nature to try to convince someone to like you and we've been taught that the point of an interview is to talk them into why they need you. 

Don't do that.

Putting that much power in someones hands is the master key to unhappiness(hear me ladies, this applies to knucklehead boys too, but that it for another time) life is a cumulation of relationships. happy life = happy relationships.

Walk into the interview prepared, and confident. - this is a partnership. Think about it, THEY are seeking help, THEY are also in need. They need you a little bit more just as much as you need them.


Simply express your interest and obvi your qualifications, get to know THEM and who they are not just what they are offering. be bold - Ask questions. figure out for yourself if this is something you actually want. again, and i cannot stress this enough, this is a two way street. you are not a slave to this employer or this job. you have rights, freedoms. choices.

Soooooooo what is this one easy step you ask:

Be yourself, duh!

They key to landing your dream job going into an interview or a pitch meeting or anything of that nature, is being yourself, fearless and uninhibited. Take the power back, you also need to decide if it a good fit.(life is a cumulation of relationships. happy life = happy relationships) and if it isn't a good fit on their behalf, don't take it personal.

Your Dream job doesn't always come wrapped pretty in the package you pictured.

Things that fit, fit. - Stars do indeed align.
I think Socrates said that..... or maybe i did... who knows these days.
if it's the right fit, you WILL love it and it will be a dream come true!

Blam-o. Dream job landed.