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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Don't disappoint your progress.

**Don’t get too excited, FFS isn't Back… per se.
Something in my heart isn't ready to let it go, not too sure why, all i know its it is not time to let go... and as I embark on this new chapter in my life, i couldn't think of a better place to share this very special piece of my heart.

This pretty space has been my life line for the past 5 years, and so while I'm not sure what is going to happen to us here, in this space in the future, this is a peace of my heart. right here. right now.

An open letter to #Year25 Jesi Rae.
(Part I on**

... and in regard to your dreams, those wild and crazy dreams that make no sense. those dreams that poor Rachel has to her about in scattered bits and pieces throughout the day and into each night,

Chase them, All of them.

Every single one of them.

Knock on every door you see, no limitations, no hang ups, no fears.

You changed, and are different, and have a new foundation,
and that is ok. 

Because your dreams are an extension of Y O U, not your beliefs. 

Your past is a precious gem, it formed your soul, and built your character. &. Although you took a sharp right turn and beelined towards the forest, you are happy, and you are free; don't let this O N E thing about you that has changed, stop you from doing the things you have always wanted to do
(Yes, JG, we are touring together… at least once!… it’s happening.)

You know who you want to be [#GlamLife], you know what you want to do [for the most part.]
N O W is the time to do it.
N O W  I S  T H E  T I M E  T O  D O  I T ! ! ! 

because you have cowered down to the pressures of life and the ideals of success for too long!

You have lived inside of your head and although you claimed you were fearless, because you boldly declared your dreams, you are now on the other side of your foundation, deep in love with your new journey, with the courage to not only declare your dreams but fight and hold on unto you see them happen. - you now truly A R E fearless.

and as you sit thinking about the future, 
the fog doesn't scare you, and the blinding light excites you.
You have more power than you think.

Your life is yours to create, Trust the moment, and dive in!