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Monday, September 23, 2013

Brown is a color too...

@thafourth ||

and it's just as beautiful as all the rest.

In a world where 'you just be you' means fitting the mold of larger than life personality, colorful hair and loudly clashing patterns draped across bodacious curve filled bodies, everyone needs to be reminded that its ok to choose grey in a world of vibrant colors.

because if you live inside the box and color inside the lines, you are just as unique, special and beautiful as the girl with the pink hair.

Be you. 
whoever that may be.

always the best,


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

because sometimes it's really just this simple....

My Broski, Eyram is Back with another brilliant piece of his heart.


There was no epiphany, but I have come to realize that whatever we go through in life is to test our resolve to stand by the principles we claim to live by.

It happened to Joseph; stuck in a foreign land with a godless, pagan, hedonistic culture. He was stripped of his family and spiritual support system. Several dozen rounds of alluring temptations were thrown at him. He was treated unfairly again and again. And then his ego was fed with promotion and success. Yet by staying true to God and the principles he was raised with, Joseph lived through all of that without giving in.

It happened to Daniel as well; deported to a foreign land after Judah was conquered, he had every right to question why the God who wrought those wonders of old had forsaken his people. He was surrounded by an egocentric ruler, and the lure of idolatry was everywhere. Yet he too never gave in.

And it happens to me – and to you. Day after day, moment after moment, we seem to be pressurized by circumstances to give in and forsake the principles we have come to cherish in our lives. 
But you see we lose ourselves when we compromise the ideals and principles that we stand for. What will be said of a Joseph who gives in to the seduction of Potiphar’s wife? What will be said of a Daniel who puts away prayer for a month because of a decree?

And here’s the thing; God mightn’t be “angry” at those who bow to the golden image when the cue is given (we don’t read of anything like that in Daniel 3, do we?) but he sure shows that He is impressed by those who choose to stand for him by not bowing (remember the 3 Hebrew boys?). And maybe, it wouldn’t be as “grand” as having a fourth guy in the furnace with us, or coming out of that furnace without proof of the experience, but it could be us becoming much more than we dream of becoming (like it happened to Joseph and Daniel).

So here’s my pledge; in my faith walk, in my purity, in my principles, I choose to refuse to allow – no compromise.

to read more from him, and I know you will want to because he is absolutely amazing slide on over to
Thanks a ton hun!