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Friday, November 15, 2013

Missy's Guide to Mild Contentment

I don't want to water down this amazingly poignant post with a long winded gush fest about how much I love and adore Missy and in no way shape or form am going to mention how blessed and honored I feel that God saw fit our paths to cross and NEVER will I include that all my organs fell out and I did indeed die when she agreed to share her heart across this pretty blog space.

No, none of that is necessary to say because, well, her words, her talent, her heart speaks for itself.

Oh Yes indeedy!

I am pretty much content.

There is a roof over my head that does not need repair.  There is a car that gets me from point A to point D, as needed.  The Devil Dogs are plentiful in my pantry. My family is clothed. Tar-jay is my Neiman's - true.  But, I've got one.

I want for very little.

I also lie sometimes.

My God knows this of me.

"I'm sorry, child. There really is no such thing as mild contentment. Not if you want to chase after my heart!"

These are the words that were whispered into my soul as I window shopped with a gaggle of girlfriends, recently.  We ooohed and ahhhed over fabulous Things.  Oh, for All The Things.  Things that would decorate us beautifully. Things that would make our lives easier. 

"Who told you that your life was to be made easier, child?", I heard Him whispering.

And then, as if He knew (and He always knows) that His still small voice wouldn't be enough, he sent another reminder.

As we passed by the cup at the feet of the man who truly did need the chatter stalled out.  The dance of discomfort set in as we each processed our folly in different ways.

For me, I realized that the Salad Shooter didn't seem near as powerful as the dollar five dollar bill that would buy The One Who Needed a sub sandwich and some water to quench His thirst. 

I hear you, God.

And with that, I was feeling only mildly enchanted by All The Pretty Things; but Fully Content.

Oh yes indeedy.

Sincerely Indeed,



  1. Okay, wow! This is powerfully good! I'm inspired and encouraged and blessed, as always, my friend. Your words move me deeply. This is awesome to see your sharing your thoughts over here.

  2. This is beautiful, and a reminder to me that the things of this world are temporal -- something I need to be reminded of in this season of catalogs, twinkling stores and Pottery Barn. :) Love you friend!

  3. I love your heart and how you share so transparently.

    Deb Weaver

  4. hmmmmmmm you got me. with this >> Things that would decorate us beautifully. Things that would make our lives easier.

    how true. sometimes my struggle isn't "but i have to be beautiful" .. sometimes it's "but this is something i need. i'm lacking. it'll make life easier."

    that's a lie. it always makes life harder. because the needs never stop, so then never does the shopping. sooner or later you find yourself on a path of self sufficiency and money deficiency and it ain't pretty.

    God forgive me.

    i'm glad you have your devil dogs.

    blessings in disguise ;)
