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Monday, January 9, 2012

Is MOST enough?

Today's Message is the most important thing i have EVER learned about the character of God. It may seem obvious and simple, but it's profundity may Cause you to fully submit to God today and everyday. beware. you might fall in love.

Ya see, If ALL believers submitted their will to God and went 100% living for him, i'm sure jesus would be back by now, but because we hold on to our own way we aren't ready for him, and in his grace and love he waits.

Are you, My FunFabSAVED readers, ready for the hot fire of truth i'm about to drop on you?
brace yourselves.

"Just Because God wants you to Give it to him, doesn't mean he wants to keep it from you"

i know right? has your world stopped spinning?
ok, i'll give you a second.

i don't know about you, but when i give something to someone -- i rarely get it back. it's like a law of nature. or science. or something.
we've heard it a million times. "give god your all" (and that's usually in relation to things like your time and money and relationships... blah blah blah), But seriously, He wants your EVERYTHING. literally. not just the cliche'd examples people use. i'm talking: your car, your cell phone, your wardrobe, you hair/make-up, your food, your computer. ect.) he wants EVERYTHING!
Not giving God EVERYTHING, is what separates you from where you are now and sublime, unspeakable peace/joy!

i know your wondering: but if i give God EVERYTHING, what's left for me?
hmmmm. Good question[NOT!]

Here's the answer to your question: EVERYTHING! and i mean that beyond the realms of mortal comprehension. giving everything grants you accesses to things OUT OF THIS WORLD! literally.

the way i see it god wants you to give it to him, so he can fine tune it to be the very best for you so he can give it back...(to be clear: JUST because you give it to god, does NOT mean he's gonna give it back.... you have to trust he knows whats best)

"In almost everything that touches our everyday life on earth, God is pleased when we're pleased. He wills that we be as free as birds to soar and sing our maker's praise without anxiety." - Aiden Wilson Tozer

At the end of the day God wants the VERY BEST for us, and he wants to GIVE us the very best, but we have got to trust him over our own judgement.
(it's a christian cliche - but it still holds high merits of  truth).

<3 ∞,

Ryen Lynette Cooper.

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