A few days ago Tiffany Thurston tweeted: "God can use YOU right where you are! There's a reason you are in your school, job, church, community, etc... BLOOM where you are planted!"
Now, if you don't know who Tiffany Thurston is you can interweb stalk her HERE!
if it really makes you no difference who she is you can Keep reading....
still with me? cool!
So let's back up a little bit before i actually get to the point of this post.
a little known fact that has been lost in translation over the years(trust me, it's been a lot of years) is what ACTUALLY went down in heaven... and what caused the demise of lucifer....
we know from reading out bibles that he was "trying to be like the most high" (isaiah 14.14)...
so, simply put we know that lucifer became satan because he was trying to be like god, but let's dig a little deeper. shall we...
I find, as believers, we don't like to "identify" with satan because we have painted him as a monster and forgotten what he TRULY IS. a FALLEN angel. more than a fallen angel he is the prince of the earth. the prince of darkness.
at the fall of man, we became his! we switched sides and became the property of satan. why do think the bible says we were "born in sin, shaped in inequity"(psalm 51:5)
*dances in glitter*
hehehe. yea. so.... where were we...
Satan's demise is a lot of OUR biggest mistakes that we make.
we try to be something we are not... God created each and every one of us for a SPECIFIC purpouse. He was INTENTIONALLY when he made us "fearfully and wonderfully"(psalm 139.14).
satan's problem wasn't really "trying to be like god" his BIGGEST problem was TRYIN TO LIVE OUTSIDE OF HIS PURPOSE!!!
see what just happened there? i might have stepped on someone's toe. sorry....... SORRY I'm NOT SORRY!
( ._.) sorry.
Satan tried to do something OTHER than what he was created for, which led to the demise of not only him but numerous other angels and also life as WE know it.
Trying to live MORE THAN or LESS THAN what God created you for will return to you void and your life will be empty. simple as that.
you just have to take ONE STEP AT A TIME, and listen to him.
the only way to hear him is to get to know his voice... so IGNITE the fire of your relationship and get to lovin you some jesus.
The only way to live an abundant life as promised in John 10:10 is to play your part.
simple as that.
Everyone's "purpose" is a general one. to be restored back to God. God is just trying to get US back to HIS original plan. as they were in eden.
Care free and naked.
well... uhm, you know what i mean.
so ANY AND EVERY opportunity you have to share the gospel(which is YOUR TESTIMONY, you don't have to be a preacher to talk about jesus)... USE IT!
you don't have to be famous to SPEAK UP about your faith and what you believe in.
you are exactly where god wants you RIGHT NOW, (how long we STAY there is up to us)
Use the influence and resources you have NOW! don't wait!
Just DO IT!
just do it.
right now.
dont wait.
did i get my point across?
good, i am learning this lesson everyday.
obedience to the word of god is OUR ULTIMATE source of JOY! he wants us happy and FREE IN HIM, and that is just to hold us over until he comes and takes us home.!
like, yea. THAT'S the god we serve.
k. that is all. bye.
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
p.s. Check out this AWESOME Video Blog -- vlog!
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