Is it me or are most believers almost ASHAMED to say they heard the voice of God? it's like we mask it by saying "i was impressed upon my heart", or "Something told me"? are we seriously THAT afraid of looking crazy to simply say "GOD TOLD ME!"?
My biggest struggle in my christian walk was knowing if it was God talking to me.
I spent so much time angry at god because i felt he wasn't talking to me. this was my ultimate reasoning for believing agnostic. it was down right infuriating.
I used to think i could recognize his voice in church during an alter call or something,but alas, twas simply emotional alchemy. which obviously justfied my belief that he wasn't talking to me. However, god in his "god has a sick sense of humor way" rectified that. So, i will be doggoned if i am ashamed to say God talks to me. He Delivered me from one of my BIGGEST struggles. So call me crazy if you want, i'll Still scream it from the mountaintops: GOD TALKS TO ME!
(even though it's not in an audible voice,i understand his direction just the same)
To see/hear how god transformed my struggle with discernment to confidence in him using a 10lb turkey enjoy this Silent Movie by the oneKproduction Studio:)
God is the best God i've even gotten to know.
He's So legit!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper!
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