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Tuesday, February 28, 2012


SO here are some random Facts about eating disorders.
The more you know.

  1. People with eating disorders think about and use food in ways that are physically and emotionally destructive.
  2. In the U.S., eating disorders are more common than Alzheimer’s disease: five to ten million people have eating disorders compared to four million with Alzheimer’s disease.
  3. Treating eating disorders can be expensive. For example, a resident program for anorexia can cost upwards of $30,000 a month.
  4. Anorexia has the highest premature mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder. The majority of deaths are due to physiological complications.
  5. Although recovery from anorexia can often take up to a decade, the outcome of treatment is better than for obesity or breast cancer.
  6. 90% of people who have eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25.
  7. Male wrestlers are 7 to 10 times more likely to develop bulimia nervosa than the average male.
  8. Over one-half of teenage girls and nearly one-third of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting and taking laxatives.
  9. Americans spend over $40 billion on dieting and diet-related products each year.
  10. The average American woman is 5’4” tall and weighs 164 pounds. The average American model is 5’11” tall and weighs 117 pounds.
  11. People who have severe anorexia often grow a downy layer of hair, called lanugo, all over the body, including the face, in an effort to keep the body warm.
Be in formed. Everyone knows someone.

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