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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Testify to love!

I'm sorry guys. I have failed you. i have conformed, and given into this commercial revenue scheme know as valentines day.... my first mind was to wait until next week to post the words you are about to read so it would still have the same meaning but wouldn't be so OVERLY CLICHE'D, but when god speaks i type and so here you go. My Valentine's day tribute to my first love!

It was less than six months ago when my daily prayer was "God, if you care anything about me do not wake me up tomorrow".... morning after morning i would wake up with more hate and discontent in my heart than the day before... i simply couldn't understand why my life was complete crap. I always did the right things, i always gave my money AND time for service, i always prayed and had devotion, i mean you name it, i was doing it yet i was more miserable than i had every been, like was even MORE unbearable than when i was living with my mother's abusive husband.
life was backwards and god was torturing me, on night at the beginning of october i literally had enough, i said to God "When you wake me up tomorrow i'll be sure to undo what you did. i am done. i never wanted to be here and it's cruel that you are keeping me around".... i was done, i had given up....

DUN DUN DUN.... what will happen next? STay tuned after this commercial break! *did you know that feb. 15 is the OFFICIAL single awareness day? Yes, there is seriously a SAD, it's official. so find lOVE today and wallow in your singleness tomorrow. :) back to the program!

When i woke up the next morning, everything was different.... i literally cannot explain it. i wish i could, as to make for a more interesting story, but i literally cannot! It was if While i was sleeping, God Gave me the heart transplant that i needed to experience his love. The verses in 1corinth.13 meant more to me than than every before.... IF you do ALLLL THESE things but don't have love you have nothing... I was a Good person, who had nice intentions for others, but until i was able to receive GOD'S love i was empty and broken.
Only the power of the cross can change you, fill your heart with love, peace, joy!
I am not completely restored, but he is working on me everyday! i have more Good days than i do bad, and i have more peace than i do questions!

OH! how he loves us!
For as long as i shall live i will testify to love!
He saved my life, literally.
He saved my mother and sister unbearable heartache.
He saved my friends shock and disappointment.
He literally turned my world right side up and saved everyone from the enemy.
I no longer ask" "what  do you want from me God?
My heart sings a new song: "God, what can i do For you?"
I am eternally grateful!

So this is an ode to my first love!
he loves me and for that i love him.
and we LOVE YOU!

Have Fun! Be Fab! Live SAVED!
<3 ∞,
Miss Ryen Lynette Cooper

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