my Favorite thing about the bible is it's redundancy. It's a big book of tedium.
Seriously, I can read any given verse at take 10 different messages from it, or i can take 10 different verses and get any given message from it. See what i mean?
So, Fact is the bible can't really contradict itself because it says the same thing.
I used to didn't think like that though. i used to read the bible as life a manual.
i would read it for a lesson in specifics. i would read it so i can know exactly what i should do to get the results i desire.
That caused ambiguity and frustration and yes contradiction. You wanna know why?
Because the bible isn't a life coach manuel. The bible is simply a story, of what God is all about, and what he's trying to do.
It took me 21 years to get it through my thick skull, and it still hasn't completely sunk in....
God's whole purpose for doing anything he does is to restore us back to our original state of living. We are Still God's most prized creation. He want to dwell with us as we once were.
But you know you, just like i know me. simply telling me/us that won't do.
thus the bible was written, inspired by god so that we may get a glimpse of comprehension into god supreme purposes.
This world is NOT our home....yet. Sol, et's keep our eyes on the prize.
<3 ∞,
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