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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Stop putting God first.

Hey Ya'll,

We have a problem that i think we should address. I have been hearing people say, for quite sometime now, to 'Put God First'. While i think it is a GREAT idea, a NOBLE gesture even,  to think we have in us the capacity to put(&Keep) God first it is downright silly that we try.

When We place god First, or the center, or the forefront of our life we still have him in our control. When we compartmentalize God and do with him as we please we are doing ourselves a GREAT disservice because really nothing is happening but frustration. Think about Jeremiah, half way(more like close to the beginning) of his ministry got SO MAD at God that he probably hated him(in that moment), he was so fed up, that he tried to QUIT! In those moments there was nothing that God could have said or done to simmer Jeremiah down, What kept him was his UNITY with god. What if he only put God first(outside of himself) and let his emotions allow him to walk away? what would that mean for LIFE as we know it? No matter how much he tried to fight it Jeremiah and god were one. The word was "like fire shut in his bones" and he could do nothing but let it out. As we see he went on to do GREAT things with his life.

Now, I don't envy jeremiah's position, but i think a lesson can be learned here.
When god is outside of us(first, front, center) We can easily walk away, we can easily push him to the side if he says something we don't particularly like, but when we are unified with christ, when we become one with christ, when we are crucified WITH chirst(Gal.2.20), Not only is it dang near impossible to walk away, we can be certain we are ALWAYS on the right track.



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