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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bounce back, bounce ba bounce back.

elasticity has got to be one of my favorite words to say. it takes tongue skill, cunning edge wit, and sheer dumb luck to properly pronounce it. if you say it too slow you you sound mentally challenged, if you say it too fast you get tongue tied. makes you feel special, eh? to say it right.  if you are a fellow five percenter, i welcome you, brethren. Like the pronunciation of the word, the action is also something that takes a special kind of person to do.
(i should've worked on that segway... sorry.)

my favorite person on the planet is the woman i hate spending time with the most. Are you hearing me? this is cutting edge stuff. i Love this woman with everything i have, but i absolutely hate seeing her. My nana. she is the epitome of pee in your lemonade. after last night's conversation, i was left frustrated and impatient,she gave me a hard time about my future and my right now plans, things i am already insecure about/struggling with. I used to take her advice but ended up depressed and suicidal, so now i politely sweep her advice under the rug, but last night i let it get to me. "God, THiS is why you need to hurry up... i can't deal with another one of THESE...dude! are you listening? are you there?" within minutes i got on the internet and started to attempt to make contacts with people of influence that would help me kick start my life. Trying to make moves, because god was taking too long and something needed to happen. asapually!

as soon as i got a moment to myself God was all like: "chill out dude... nothings changed, what are you doing? i got this", and within moments i had bounced back to my position. exactly where i belonged. patiently waiting on my creator.
in that moment i realized my spiritual elasticity was getting keener and sharper.
in other words, the time it takes me to bounce back from  frustrated with god to at peace with his will has gotten shorter and shorter. After battling depression/anxiety this is a MAJOR accomplishment to realize, because all depression/anxiety was for me was a lack of elasticity, i just couldn't bounce back. Everyone has bad days, some more than others. Contrary to popular belief you CANNOT control EVERYthing that happens to you. it's ok to be sad, it's just how quickly you bounce back is what matters. don't linger.

How tight is your spiritual elasticity? do you wallow in your misery? do you find yourself frustrated more than you are happy?
check you elasticity.
It's what is separating you from the peace that god so desperately desires to give you.
please! don't miss a moments peace because your flabby.
i've been there, trust me, it's not pretty.

i know your probably tired of hearing these words (God knows i am) but i don't care. here they come again:

Just be patient, and trust god.

That is how your elasticity gets more elastic-y and you can stay in place on this vast waistline called life.

i think i like typing elasticity as much as i like saying elasticity.

elasticity yours,


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