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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Brace Face!

So, call me crazy, but i thought MY measurements of my own beauty was a common thread among women everywhere. it's like this, If someone I personally think is pretty thinks i'm pretty then i consider myself pretty, and if someone thinks i'm pretty that i personally don't think is pretty then i think they think i'm pretty because i'm prettier than them. so i don't take it as a compliment and i second guess my beauty. Did you get all that!?

it wasn't until maybe a couple days ago that i realized two things:

  • Just because I personally think they're pretty doesn't mean they themselves think their pretty and until You yourself know you're beautiful, you never will be.
  • Comparing myself to others is stupid. i'll never measure up. everyone's standards of beauty are different.

I kind of had a rude awakening of cliche'd sorts: "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." not every human being walking the planet will think you are beautiful/pretty. however Your creator, the only opinion that matters, thinks you are a GEM! So walk with your head held high. people's opinions are usually reflections of their own insecurities, or they simply don't find you attractive.
Either way it goes, it shouldn't matter.(i know it's "human Nature", but still...) Embrace your face cuz it's the only face you've got.

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Have Fun! Be fab! Live Saved!
<3 ∞,

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