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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

mirror mirror...

If God had an advice column, i'm sure this particular question would outweigh any other, and although i am no stranger to the question, i find it to be an extremely silly one.

"What is my purpose?"

yea, you saw that coming.

People, believers and non believers alike struggle with this question. "why was am i here? why was i created? what am i supposed to do with my life?"

It doesn't help that the pressure to reach success falls younger and younger with each passing generation. Lord Beiber certainly set the bar ridiculously high & now children in sandboxes and playpens everywhere are struggling with this question, pre-maturely.

It's Funny, because in the moment it is probably the hardest question to ask, and the most disappointing when you don't get a specific applicable answer.

well here is the answer weather you think he's real or not.
God's purpose for YOUR life is to restore YOU back to HIM!
He just want to get YOU back to eden.
(heaven, eternal bliss, everlasting joy, streets of gold, any of this ring a bell)
Ask any of the angels,(or a christian who's doing it right) a life dedicated to god is the BEST thing that could ever happen to you. simple question. simple answer.

i know i know, i didn't answer your question exactly how you want it. you need specifics right? you don't want to "make a decision without consulting god", am i right? you need god to tell you EXACTLY why he created YOU, not some general bible answer, has funfabsaved just peered into your soul?

of course we did.

my sweet angel face, if your waiting on God to give you your life plan with specifics on who your gonna marry, what school your gonna go to, what jobs to apply for, you ain't getting it. God created you with ideas, thought, opinions and feelings. he wants you to utilize them. he didn't give them to you for no reason. letting them go to waste is just setting yourself up for failure. you will not be fulfilled or happy (he thinks of everything). "just tell me what to do God and i'll do it" This is grounds for a business deal. a contract. he doesn't want a transaction.
he wants you to trust him. he wants to grow WITH you. he wants you to fall in love.
somewhere along the road we got the idea that as long as what were doing is for god we will be happy, complete, But that's not entirely true. God gave labor to man as a gift. YES! working is a gift from god(even BEFORE the curse). however, labor does not supersede resting in god's presence. so, while working for god IS a GREAT thing. it's not the BEST thing.

so instead of asking God, "what do you want FROM me?" ask him "what do you want FOR me?" and then the "what am i supposed to do?" will be turned into (a grateful) "how may i serve you?" circle of life.

God wants the absolute BEST for us, and he knows that HE is IT.
so trust him, he's Got your back. seriously.

No longer do you have to struggle with your purpose. he created you because he loves you, and wants you to bask in his presence, thats the greatest place to be. as far as what your life's work is (like career wise and such)...i can't answer that. you know what you wanna do. just dig deep and trust what's inside:)

and if you SERIOUSLY have not a single clue ask yourself these questions(and take time answering them, be sure you answer them accurately and not how you WANT the answers to be) also, talk to someone you trust to help with the answers:

- What are YOU passionate about? -What are YOUR natural abilities? -What are YOUR [Spititual Markers]? -What are YOUR Spiritual gifts? -[What is your personality type]? -[What do OTHERS see in YOU]?

yea,That is That. time to live up to your potential!
no longer do you need to ask trivial questions, you are about to plunge into a crazy amazing relationship with a crazy amazing God!

trust me. he's legit.

<3 ∞,

Ryen Lynette Cooper.

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