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Monday, January 23, 2012

OH god! do i have to?

You ever notice when you're in a funk and the PERFECT song comes on and ministers to your heart and all of sudden your world is right and your back on the God Choo-Choo!?
Yea, that's never happened to me either. i'm perfect. but since your not i guess you can relate.

Have you ever considered that that moment when YOU are ministered to in YOUR funk that is a long ripple of decisions on the part of EVERYONE who had a hand in getting the song to your ears. That is a lot of people to consider having a hand in that ONE moment. God is so legit! he had a handle in ever single part of That chain of decisions leading up to that moment when you click play and "in the light" by AnthemLights Ft jamiegrace comes blaring through your macbook and your heart is at ease and your mind is at peace.

Opps. guess, i'm not so perfect after all, unless the exact same thing happened to you. Then i'm talking about you, not me and i'm still perfect.

All in all You never know the ripple effect of each decision, however if you are walking in the will of God moment by moment you can be sure your decisions will be used to showcase the matchless love of God.

he doesn't need any of us, but how cool is it that he chooses to use us. he trusts us with the very word that created everything, to give our measly lives meaning.

god really does think of everything. He's so legit!

❤ ∞

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