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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cliche post about boys. *shrugs*

So, there's this guy.

this is my "why am i telling this embarrassing story" face.
no matter what i did he just wasn't interested. we were friends once upon a time. however through a series of unfortunate events (basically i lied about being a virgin(i am), then sleeping with him(i didn't)) that friendship quickly died. i know i know, your thinking isn't that stuff GUYS lie about? that was stupid. i don't know what i was thinking ya'll. I just wanted him to like me. However lying about ANYTHING IS NOT THE WAY TO DO THAT. always be honest with yourself and others.
We,to this day, remain cordial but our friendship will never be the same again.
What does this embarrassing revelation have to do with anything ?

DUN DUN DUN!!!! Stay tuned after this commercial break:)
Deuteronomy 7:9
Understand, therefore, that the LORD your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.

As young women of the 21st century(this is the 21st century isn't it?) Relationships are one of the most important things we use to define us. if we aren't in one or never have been in one we often wonder: "whats wrong with me?". Your mind and prayers are filled with questions: "why haven't i had my first kiss?" "everyone has a boy friend, why don't i?" "everyone is getting married, what about me?" "when is it my turn?" "will i ever find love?" "the bible says man is not meant to be alone, what gives?" "he that finds a wife finds a good thing? am i not a good thing?"
All the while God is like "why am i not enough?"

When God isn't enough you may, like me, do crazy things as mentioned in the story above. When God is not enough you will ALWAYS be waiting and never be satisfied. When God isn't enough you are doing yourself a GREAT disservice.

We like to think that someday our price will come,we just have to wait.(darn you disney). Here's something we don't often think/talk about. Our Prince has ALREADY come. The prince of Peace whose love is sufficient throughout all of time and space. Our prince is here lavishing love on us. There is no point in 'waiting' because all the love we will ever need is already ours.

So, take a lesson from me. Make God enough. Bask in his love FIRST, and allow all other things be added unto you. Through God, you already have all the love you will ever need anyway:)

<3 ∞,
Miss Cooper.

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