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Monday, December 24, 2012

Don't Buy the Domain.

It's a common mistake christians make.more so now, than before the internet hit it's prime. Too often, we proclaim our personal convictions as God's unchanging law, which confuses people and makes christians look like lunatics. Here's the thing, sometimes God relveals something in the bible JUST FOR YOU!

For example:  a couple weeks ago I was reading in the corinthians, and I came across a verse that said that women shouln't shave their head... now if you know ANYTHING about ME, it's that I LOVE to shave my head, mainly because I hate with the deepest of passions the follicles I've been given.(i am learning to love it, ok guys!) I have been completely bald most of my late teens/20s. So this particular verse really hit me in my conviction bone. It's a big deal to me, for deeply rooted reasons. For someone else, it may be a minuscule aspect of their life, so small in fact, that God may not even reveal it them. You see what I'm saying?

see, it's real. 19yo. no hair. tiny eyebrows.
oh dignity, where'd you go?

Just because it is in the bible, doesn't nessicarily mean it is a universial Jesus deal breaker, So while it is ok to share the things God has revealed to you, Here are somethings you just shouldn't do with your personal convictions:

Do not condescend: "It bothers me when girls cut their hair. look at my long hair. I follow the bible."

Do not Judge: "hmmm... you cut your hair. What are you hiding? Let me pray for you because obviously you aren't praying for yourelf.

Do not buy the domain:

Again, I'm NOT saying don't share. It's ok to share.
Just watch yourself. Let God Lead.
Together we can.

Have any strange convictions? has anyone shared their strange convictions with you? let's chat. leave a comment.

<3 ∞,


p.s. it's Christmas eve. so here is a cover of one of my favorite christmas songs.

enjoy & you are welcome.

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