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Monday, December 3, 2012

Don't Call it a comeback, Call it something else.

Hey ya'll, welcome to funfabSAVED! 
It is my absolute honor that I am able to finally properly relaunch my blog and share a part of my heart with the world. It's been a long time coming, but here we are:) [Can we give props to Jena! how AMAZING is my logo?] Coming from a world were dreaming isn't really a popular opinion, choosing to be a dreamer, breaking away from what is considered normal and walking in my own path wasn't easy, but let me tell you, it was well worth it. Knowing that the launch of this site is a small portion of my dreams coming true was definitely worth the [proverbial] risk. When I say I am excited out this stratosphere? ya'll... I just... I can't even… *sigh* Thanks Jesus. If you are a first time reader or you've been around since 'lunch is on me' I just want to say… Thank you!

Now that all the sappy stuff is out the way let's get to the good stuff! 

Can I be completely honest right quick? 
I have a problem. 

What happens is this, I find very little gumption to do things I see no purpose in. If I don't see how any given thing is going to play out then I will not do it. This is why I stopped blogging. I have a dream to be a full time blogger/writer and the first time around blogging was just stupid to me. I was pouring my heart out into my writing and all it got me was jeers from those around me about not having a "real job". I was over it, I honestly never saw how anything would transpire before I began and I proved myself right.(yet again, but thats a story for another time.) I didn't realized this way of thinking, this level of fear, this depth of doubt was a problem. I didn't see it as me defying christ in any way I just saw it as "it is what it is". I only realized this was a problem because as I looked around my shattered dreams and humdrum life my heart grew more desperate for Christ, and as I began to truly abide in Christ I began to adapt to his qualities and characteristics. I learned the mildly arduous way that God requires blind trust sometimes. Sometimes you just gotta stop, flush the flesh and trust. Walking towards God's guidance with a mind set to fail,(most call it a "plan B") as I did, is still a lack of trust even if your simply "doing what your told". God had to do something about that! So from June to Dec. I began to walk with my eyes closed, i didn't see, i didn't know, i just looked at him and took it one step at a time. I did bump into things, like, it wasn't 100% smooth sailing, However, when I opened my eyes funfabSAVED was a REAL THING!, not some mediocre attempt to become an overnight sensation, as my blog was the first time around. It was the Real deal! My dreams manifesting right before my eyes! Even when I didn't have a clear understanding as to where God was leading, I learned that when I am actively walking in the will of Christ and pursuing his heart things will indeed work together for my good. 

I said I was being honest right? With all that I have seen and with all that I know I still sometimes struggle with obeying God simply because I see no purpose in certain things. The problem is still there. kinda. I don't get me.(rom7.) I know one thing though, as I continue to walk in grace I will stop being so doggone hard headed. It isn't difficult, there is no long process before I can break free. I am just stubborn, and that's just the God honest truth. 

So you see, Contrary to popular belief JesiRae really doesn't have it all together!(no one has ever thought that…. ever). 
One major thing I learned through this experience that has changed me to my core is that fearlessly and bodily acknowledging my problem(s) to God and to myself ushered me into a deeper connection with God, and set me on a journey to healing and being completely free in him[1john1.9 God already knew this;p], when I got real, things got real. So today, I dare YOU to do the same thing I did, fearlessly and boldly admit to yourself and to God something you want to be set free from. (you can even go a step further and share in the comments below if you so choose.) The beauty of the cross is the fact that christ died for that very problem. Don't believe the lie, we don't have to live with it, it doesn't always have to be a long process, we don't even have to deal with it. Give it to God. Freedom is possible. No more excuses. Just start walking! Together we can!

<3 ∞,



  1. Congrats on your awesome blog launch. I look forward to reading more from you!

  2. Oh Dang...the last comment didn't show who I was...that was me, Sarah! :)
