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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A page from my journal: Literally.

Why I stopped drinking. 11.27.12
Seriously, this is my journal.
Basically, it clouded my intuition & made me loose confidence in Christ.
My drinking habits aren't typical for most my age. I don't drink to get drunk... it's always like a celebratory cocktail/wine/Champagne every now and then(why am i flexin in my journal? it was more often than I'm letting on.) So I honestly didn't see it to be 'wrong'.  It was only a knowledge that it was wrong. I didn't even realize the problem until today. Me and Jesus were cool, website was done... so I had a drink. ONE DRINK to celebrate and also help me sleep cuz it was late and I was excited. I woke up, had my devo as usual & everything was cool, until I randomly started over thinking and questioning everything about everything i had been doing... the old me was back... like peter on the water(lol. yes i use analogies in my journal). To this day I still don't see the big deal in drinking socially and scarcely but as for me....Jesus is way better.

As you can see this is a new journey I am taking with Jesus, but I am certain I'll be ok. It's not an easy thing, but I haven't had a drink since i wrote this. So yea... Follow me on twitter to hear about my cocktail cravings;)

<3 ∞,


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