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Friday, August 9, 2013

When human abilities end...

The path is made clear for supernatural phenomenons.<
However, those super natural phenoms may not look so spectacular all the time.

This past week my heart has a desire and unlike ever before in my life, I have prayed in earnest consistent faith.

I have learned the difference between daily pouring my heart out to God and begging. I have learned the difference between holding faith in God's heart and what God can do. I have learned the difference between apathetic compliance when things dont go as I wished and resting in God's heart, wisdom and soveriegnce.

Where my human abilities ended, when I never thought i'd see the day when prayer makes sense and even brings me joy,  God has opened my eyes to supernatural phenomenons of growth.
And while, I am still in limbo as to if God will give me the desire of my heart in a miraculous surprise of rams in thickets, burn free fires,and what not, I rest easy in knowing  that, I dont need to see miracles because I am the miracle and I will forever be exactly where God wants me.


1 comment:

  1. Woman.


    This is a beautiful post. And I'm with you on it, %100. Word for word.

    There is growth in this. Humility. Trust. And surrender. Love this.

    Love you.
