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Friday, March 21, 2014

Tragedy Sells.

You don't have to be tragic to be interesting.

e4photo || @thafourth

That's what I tell myself everyday. these are the words I would whisper into the heart of my sweet and innocent 14 year old self. these are the words I will often speak into the life of my Super-Adorable-I-Cant-Even-Stand-It niece. and these are the words I wish to pour into you.

Because you don't have to force a story worth redemption and admiration.
you don't have to sin certain way and be delivered a certain way to be a worthy and recognizable recipient of grace.

Just be you. existing, living, being.
because that alone, my fun and fabulous friends, is enough.
enough for redemption, enough for grace, enough of a story to tell.

You are enough. and your story is enough, just the way it is.
and if your story is "tragic" that is ok too.

You are every bit of lovely all because you exist, all because you live, all because you are.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I was telling the girls at small group this the other night---they were jealous of another person's testimony. And I had to tell them that their story matters and that it doesn't have to be full of twists and turns (i.e. full of drug addiction or prostitution) in order to be important.

    You go girl!
