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Friday, September 26, 2014

How to Have A Good Day! (in 5[ish] Easy Steps)

[Photo Cred: Beautiful Epiphany - Demia Doggette, Founder of BE and AUTHOR, yes hunny, of The Audacity of Beauty]

I am a firm believer in the Wheel Of Fortune.

Not, like the game show..... Truth be told I still don't fully understand that game.... is it like hangman with money orrr.... like....

Without delving too much into it, it's the idea that fortune is cyclical, aside from direct consequences of action, the happenings of life, Good and Bad fall out of our control for they are arbitrary.

sometimes good things happen. sometimes bad things happen.
No matter how you perceive it.
i.e possibility v. Uncertainly.
Self fulfilling prophecy v. intuition
(more on that later)
the bottom line is.
sometimes good things happen. sometimes bad things happen.

and while I do not believe that we have the power to dictate what can/will/might happen, I am growing and learning and understand that we can contribute to the energy passing through our day. and our lives overall.

We can make strides towards Having a Good day everyday.

How you ask?

Just 5-ish easy steps.

1.) Shower. brush your Teeth. wash your face. 
first of the day. every day. even the weekend.
Now I may be just blasting my own personal grossness but I find my mindset better when I feel like I am fresh out of an herbal essence commercial. and that is not always the case for me.
Lets be honest tho. Between battling Depression for the past 3 yrs and the woes of life and just general Laziness and grossness, I sometimes don't shower everyday. and there have been times when I had to do the mouthwash-bakingsoda-water bottle teeth cleaning regimen in the car on the way to work and well..... most days I just slap lotion on my face as I walk on the door.

so maybe this is one is just for me since I am basically the grossest human alive.

Like, no need to further explain. just.... be sure you do it Jes. Geez.

2.) Breath. stretch. breath:
between the time you wake up and the time you take your shower allow yourself a very literal 2 minutes - that is 120 seconds - to just breath and stretch and breath again. you don't even have to get out of bed to do this... I mean you can but.... you don't h a v e to.
breath deep. stretch wide. not only will it help you wake up and take away the morning grogginess. it clears your mind so you can start your day Fresh.

3.) Make your Bed. Every morning.
it goes without saying that I don't make up my bed (see #1). it takes up too much time. I'm not good at it. there is RARELY a person besides myself in my bedroom. like.... I see no purpose. However, there is something to be said about accomplishing something at the start of every day. it. just. feels. good. there are probably some phsycological studies that prove this point to be wholly beneficial to having a good day but like.... thats not super necessary.
JUST MAKE UP YOUR BED. EVERYDAY. it's good for the soul. - also on the flip side. you absolutely feel like an adult who has there stuff together when, at the end of the day you fold the blanket back and get into an already made bed(as opposed to ruffling thought the sheet heap on your bed trying to get covers straightened so you can get comfy) 

4.) MAKE and EAT Breakfast:
its very important that you MAKE your own breakfast, a lot like making your bed, it adds to the accomplishments of your day at the beginning of your day B E F O R E you go to work and deal with idiots other people. it's also more time efficient, physically healthy and financially sound. I strongly suggest hot cereal [oatmeal. grits. cream of wheat. etc.] because its quick and filling and versatile and healthy. Just an overall treat. In addition to all of that, a warm meal in your belly just puts you in a better mood. satisfied without being stuffed. also I'm sure they have vitamin properties that aide in energy. I could be wrong. don't quote me. just eat breakfast. Also fresh fruit. eat that too.

Bonus: This is a bonus tip only because it might take a whole lifestyle readjustment, but I tell you this much - it will change your life. 
*Wake up WITHOUT an alarm clock, allow the universe and your body do what it naturally does. Your first breath of the day will just be a more joyful and peaceful one.

we cannot control the happenings of life. 
We can contribute to the energy flowing though our day!

Go Forth and have a good day my Fun and Fabulous Friends!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My Beautiful Epiphany.

[Photo Cred: @TheVicStyles & @concreterosecj. Fab, RIGHT!?]

I do not too much believe in a plan B's.
Everything I have ever put effort into, has been my plan A.
my one and only focus.
every project I work on, I put my all into.

Yet, here I sit. working part time for minimum wage. not traveling the world. Not living my ultimate.

it seems to me to [and to others] that I don't complete things, That I  have no follow through. That I am just flighty.

and while my reality gives these accusations some merit,

My truth on the matter is simple:

I am a failure.
it's not a character defect to be failure.
it's a fact of life.
a failure is someone who fails.
and as a failure, I have failed. a lot.
every thing that hasn't brought me to my ultimate has been a fail.

and I think, maybe after all this time. through all the screams. through all the quiet. I can finally admit that I have failed and be okay with the fact that I have failed.

[I am no longer afraid of the word Fail: thats why I've used it so many times in this post.]

and the stunning reality of this truth.
the shell shocking un-shattering hope inducing truth.
The most Beautiful of Epiphanies is this:

I have failed a lot & I will fail forever.

because that is what life is.
a series of hits and misses.
and while fails hurt, we need not be afraid because
as long as we are failing, we are trying.

and so I press on.
head held high. (alliteration FTW.)
plan A, after plan A, after plan A.
until I reach my mark.

and then I will start again.
With another Plan A.

because, while I have an ultimate,
true success to me is never to arrive but to ever grow and ever learn.

Don't be afraid to fail... it only means you are living.
to the fullest. 
