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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Everyone's general purpose is the same. To get back to the basics. God wants us to belong to him again. because the first humans broke god's law. we left God's side and joined satan's team. because of jesus christ(God's son) and his sacrifice on the cross(he died for sin in it's entirety) God gave US the opportunity to switch sides again. it is now up to US to make the choice. On jesus side we have VICTORY that things will get good and STAY good. forever. and ever. it's a done deal. on satan's side we have... well, nothing. literally he has nothing. so what can he offer us? nothing.
That is the gospel in a nutshell.

If you had 60seconds to explain the gospel of jesus christ, could you?

We as humans, we as believers, we as ex-satan puppets tend to over complicate things with too many words, and it's perfectly normal that we do that since our ex-gepetto is KING of making things complicated. shrouding things in mystery making deceit all to easy. for believers and non believers alike. The truth is God's transparency makes everything... well, simple. it is what it is.

Don't make it harder than it has to be. Satan will come in annoying everybody, trying to complicate stuff. USING even the bible as leverage.  he plays dirty. however, simplicity is key to a clear mind, so we have the upper hand. HA!

it's simple. really it is.
Talk to your creator. listen to your creator.
Boom! the end.

Through this, everything, step by step, day by day, will begin to change for the better. (Gosh, i'm like on a 10 with the cliche's lately, we must change that),with each passing day we will fulfill his promise to us to live an abundant life, in love, doing what he called us to do Hastening his coming.

we do want jesus to come back right!?

<3 ∞,

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