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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Numbers Lie...

"Why are we so convinced bigger audience  is simply common sense to have? maybe success is measured less by nothing less than our obedience?"

I love this album. I love this song. I love this artist.
I struggle with this line.

As a artist(of any form) your compensation for all your hard work comes for your audience. your fans. your supporters. Right? It's only logical.
As a blogger, the only way I [foresee] will ever turn this "hobby" into my dream career is to up my readership, right?That's what I keep being told. It's only logical.

So then, why does this single line trouble me so deeply? Why is it that every time I chase numbers: fans, readers, viewers, dollars... I brew more and more discontent with my life?

Numbers Lie.
and when has chasing a lie ever blossomed creativity?

You create because you want to be heard, understood, and appreciated.
You create because you want to express, share, and showcase.
You create because you have a story, a vision, a dream.

So, then why  are we so convinced a bigger audience is simple common sense to have? It's not logical.

Fo we know not how far the ripples of our decisions go.
Create, Live, Breath for an audience of one. The One.
Nothing more. Nothing less.

Numbers Lie, Jesus doesn't.
Numbers can't fulfill you, Jesus Can.
And contrary to popular belief
Numbers aren't the source of your provision, Jesus is.

together we can.

<3 ∞,


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