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Monday, December 17, 2012

The Author, The Mother and The Bible.

One day last week, I was reading my bible. I love Jesus. I decided to read the sermon on the mount, because what else is better than hearing a sermon from Jesus himself... nothing. As I was reading, this happened.

Matthew 7:6(MSG) 
 “Don’t be flip with the sacred. Banter and silliness give no honor to God. Don’t reduce holy mysteries to slogans. In trying to be relevant, you’re only being cute and inviting sacrilege.

ok. I hear ya Jesus. 
but wait.... oh, the monumental bouts of irony.
So. Much. Irony.
'Don't be flip with the sacred'... 
Is that a thing? 
Do people say that? 
What does that even mean? 
Eugene, we need answers sir!

At first I thought, I was lame and simply didn't get it. Like the time my mom called her car "souped up" and had the audacity to look at me out the side of her eye because I didn't understand what she was talking about. Then I realized 'TheMessgae' was translated in 2002 and Eugene H. Patterson the author of 'TheMessage' is no spring chicken himself. So maybe, just maybe, I really am too lame to get it.

I found the phrase itself and the fact that I was baffled by the phrase to be very ironic as well as  amusing. I love the bible and I love the different versions/paraphrases of the bible, they are very reflective of the God I serve.

What are some verses you've read(in the MSG or any other translation) that caused you to giggle and raise an eyebrow at the same time? 

<3 ∞,



  1. That is too funny lol ! I love my message bible and when i was reading through Romans the other day, a verse in chapter 14 stoppede me and i just had to laugh! Romans 14 6 and 7 ? (i think; haha the message labels scriptures in sections not individuals). It says "Whats important in all this is that you keep a holy day, keep it for God; if you eat meat, eat it to the glory of God and thank God for the prime rib. If you're a vegetarian, eat vegetables to the glory of God and thank God for the broccoli." ! Definately made me giggle , but also made me think; but the Bible just has a way of doing that :)

      "Thank God for the prime rib, Thank God for the broccoli"
      So much LOLing!

      Thanks for sharing!
