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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Food for thought: Scatterbrain addition.

This is an extremely impromptu post, and on so many levels the randomness of this post is representative of every spiritual lesson I am currently learning. Well, not really learning, but growing in.


As, I sit in my onesie listening to hannah montana, as any normal adult does, I began to think about my life and the year and this extremely heavy dose of ennui I've swallowed. I began to think about Rae's blog post this morning. I began to think about how much I was dreading to write articles that I agreed to write for a couple of magazines. I began to think about all the L's I've been taking in life. I began to think about How I was set up to read about Joshua and his constant winning. I began to think about How excited I was about my dreams just two weeks ago. I began to think how ready I am to quit all this chasing of dreams and go back to chasing money.  I began to think about the cloud looming over my head telling me I was wrong about this "taste and see the lord is good" pish posh.

How has my life changed,  so drastically so many times, yet nothing, and I do mean nothing externally, has changed. How am I a constant recipient of nothing?

Rae said:

My pain is rooted in the God honest truth about how I feel with where I am.I feel angry about where I am, because of where I am not and how I want to be where I see and deeply feel my life advancing... in my mind I’m seriously wondering What would have happened if Noah never built that crazy ark God told him to?

My Journal Said:
What do you do when the only person that is holding you back is God? What if the only thing seperating you from the life you know you should be living is God? Is he on some power trip? Why couldn't he just shut it down when the initial regret arose. Nothing makes sense.

That's when I realized something, something that no one ever talks about. When people are frustrated or discouraged we make futile, attempts to give hope to look ahead, because God will "never leave us or forsake us" blah. blah. blah.
That's stupid, and annoying.

I realized, through suffering and frustrations, We are connecting to each other. We are growing closer together which by default grows us closer to Him. We naturally assume that waiting and frustration is apart of life necessary to build our own characters but how often do we consider the need we as humans have for personable connections. A sad person doesn't want to hear about how happy someone is, no matter how christian they are. Maybe, just maybe, we go through times of waiting and frustrations to encourage each other. To connect with each other. To actually experience not being alone. Maybe God allows us to be frustrated and fed up to personify the promise of Deut31.6/heb13.5.

Because Seriously, God is legit. He really does think of everything.


  1. Hi JesiRae, this is such a powerful post! I've never looked at suffering in that light!

    I just wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for the Liebster award. I haven't been following your blog for long but I've really enjoyed it thus far. I'm really getting forward to getting to know you better as I follow along! You can see my post and the details about the Liebster Award here:

    Shaina Renae'

    1. Wow! Thank you so much!
      It's funny that you bring such great news to such a somber post!
      You rock ShainaSunshine!

      Thanks for reading!
      <3 ∞

  2. I love how you communicate in both a silly, light hearted way but at the same time hit on really deep emotions. It's really easy to feel connected to you personally even though I don't know you at all! Thanks for posting.

    Love & grace

    1. Nicole. Thank you so much for commenting!
      I am So glad you said that, because THAT is my goal. To be personable and share my heart and also laughs.
      Glad I'm doing something right.

      Thanks for reading!

      <3 ∞

  3. If I owned a onesie, I'd rock it. No doubt! And I'm SURE you rock yours. Let the aggravation out. Job did. So did David. Naomi, too. I like the parallel you drew between bonding together in our (suffering) waiting and how that draws us closer to God, too. Waiting can really rot. Keep writing about it and the hope will emerge. Just like it did here! :)
