Sometimes life is the worst.
I've said it in almost every single blog post for the last few posts.
I haven't shared cliche'd encouragement about hope, Faith, and Romans 8.28.
Because I really don't like them.
Because I really don't like them.
Sometimes, all of those "encouraging words" are nothing more than words that are overdone and need to be thrown out.
Sometimes life is just the worst. Period. We just have to deal.
On the flip side, sometimes life is the best!
Sometimes God will surprise you with some major wins, and vast amounts of comfort and reassurance.
Sometimes God will Just be God and make everything right in your world!
I wish I could say that we have to go through bad to appreciate the good, but I simply don't believe that is the case for everyone. Sometimes our life is a giant suckfest simply because we live in a sin cursed world; and sometimes God will show out to remind us that he won!
I have learned there isn't always a rhyme or reason as to how God works.
He just does what he does with his sovereignty and we just have to trust him.
Today, I am more than at peace with being out of control of my life.
Today, I am happy. Today, I feel spoiled and tended to. Today, I feel like a winner.
I Got Milk!
Through a series of extra fortunate events, God let me have my way and I got milk(among other things)!
I prayed, I was obedient, I exercised my integrity and honored my values.
It's a really cool thing to feel like a winner; to feel like God is in control and smile on the righteous.
I am Going to chase this feeling.
I am going to continue to honor God with my life.
I prayed, I was obedient, I exercised my integrity and honored my values.
It's a really cool thing to feel like a winner; to feel like God is in control and smile on the righteous.
I am Going to chase this feeling.
I am going to continue to honor God with my life.
If your life is a giant suckfest and it doesn't make sense because you know you are living right.
Keep your head up. Keep pushing towards the mark.
It will be worth it, even but for a moment.
Sometimes life is just the worst.
But sometimes Life is the best thing ever!
<3 ∞,
Jesi Rae
<3 ∞,
Jesi Rae
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