I wish I could say "ya'll", I mean I do say "y'all" and every time I do my father turns in his grave, but In this particular case I wish I could say "ya'll" and point the finger to everyone else.
It's so sucky when there is something you know you are doing is wrong, and you know you should do it, and you have heard countless times the damage things can do. Yet, you find yourself in the same situations. I mean it sucks because you know better, you are better.
Vices comes in many different shapes and forms.
Mine: Comparison.
There are so many talents out there and I have been blessed to befriend some of the best of the best. I try to trick myself, by saying "I'm not comparing, I am admiring". I tell my brain so many lies that by the end of the thought process, I am convinced that this big dream I have been chasing isn't the dream I should be chasing after all.
Forgetting the utter joy and inexpressible peace I get from chasing my dreams, and following my own path in this life, the moment, I look in someone else's lane, is the moment I trip over my own feet and land face first into the floor.
Duh Jes, you knew that comparison drained all the blood from your veins and leaves you skeletal. Duh!
That's what makes it so frustrating because I KNOW, how wrong/bad it is. I don't need to be told.
but then again maybe I do need to be reminded, because maybe I don't know. Maybe I haven't learned the lesson, because here i am still comparing my life to others...
bleh, I am not a fan of being told thing I already know, and God ia fan of telling me things I already know.
I think I better get used to the reminders, cuz once i hear them, everything is my world is just... ok.
For I AM his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.[Eph2.10ESV]
My path is already laid out, so need to look around comparing, it's tailored to me, Iv'e already won, and so is yours and so have you;)
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