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Monday, May 6, 2013

May showers.

It is may 6.
It is cold.
it is raining.
my heats' been running for about a week.
It's so unseasonable. is that even a word?

The season is out of character.

There is no vivid spiritual implications here, Im just saying.
it's too cold to be may .
OK, im kidding. There is a spiritual implication.

When I was 19 years old, I had a conversation with my older sister that didn't makes much sense to me until a couple of weeks ago. I am 22 btw.

The conversation with my sister did not fit the character of Jesi Rae: Season 19.
(been watching too much tv.)
 I didn't understand the importance and impact of the conversation because it wasn't meant for me to understand.
However in God's perfect timing, things soon became clear.

If things  in your life aren't making much sense to you right now, hold on. don't uproot. Bloom where you are planted and when it's time you will be ripe for the picking.

Can you tell I don't know much about gardening!

p.s.: I haven't forgotten the Certified Fab Challenge we will resume in June! 


  1. Thank you for this right now!
    I'm 29 and trying not to question.

  2. This, right here? "If things in your life aren't making much sense to you right now, hold on. don't uproot. Bloom where you are planted and when it's time you will be ripe for the picking." GOOD GRAVY! YES to this!!! You've got the joy joy joy joy down in your heart. And it just bubbles up outta you somethin' fierce. And I love it!
