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Friday, May 10, 2013

.Rescue is Coming.

My sweet broski, Eryam, was so gracious to share his heart on fun.fab.SAVED today and I couldn't be happier. Check his stuff out over at


I remember one of my numerous visits to the hospital. My mum left me in the care of this man (who I suppose was the doc’s secretary) as she rushed to grab the results of some tests I had ran earlier. He involved me in pep talk, and before long got around to asking me what I wanted to become in the future. After I answered, he smiled and said, “We all had dreams.” I was pretty young at the time but I noticed the use of had  instead of have.
It took me some time, but I got to know why that man opted to use had  instead of have. It’s so easy to get disillusioned in life, particularly when you are chasing hard after your dreams. I bet until the kite was made to fly, it wasn’t aware of the winds of opposition that were blowing all along. It happens to a lot of us; with great zeal and enthusiasm, you chase after a dream. When we come up against wave after wave of opposition to the dream, we give up. Usually the last bit that causes us to resign ourselves to whatever fate life brings, is when we experience the pain of watching our dreams crumble right before our eyes, even after we’ve given our all.
With all the hurt and pain and disappointments and loss and in today’s world, don’t you also long for that time when we’d be in a place where there shall be no more pain and hurt (Rev 21.4)?

Do you love fairy tales? I do. In every fairy tale, there is a Prince Charming who rides in on a horse to rescue Princess Beauty from the enchanted castle. In as much as ours is not a fairy tale, our King will one day ride on the clouds to rescue us from the “enchanted castle” of life. The disappointment of broken promises, hurt of loss and the pain of shattered dreams are the “wicked witch’s” attempt to prevent us from keeping hope and looking out for our Prince Charming. Throw in the recent major news headlines, and a picture of gloom wouldn’t be far away from the truth.
In Luke 21:28, Jesus says “so when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation draws near.” I don’t think Rapunzel would have been seen by the Prince if she hadn’t been sitting by the window when her Prince Charming came passing. Here’s the moral; in as much as life keeps getting tougher, we need to keep our fingers crossed. For every setback, let’s “look up” – redemption is coming. Rescue will soon be here. In yet a little while, we shall be changed. We will be off to that place where disappointment and hurt and pain and tears and loss will be things of the past (Rev. 21:4).
Princes only rescue those who are deemed worthy of rescue. For our King, only those whose garments remain white are deemed worthy of rescue (Eccl. 9:8). So even as we chase our dreams in life and encounter pain and hurt and loss in the process, let’s not forget about that soon coming rescue. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the middle of this post. You know why. :)
