This morning I found myself asking
'Wth am I doing with this stupid blog?"
I asked because when push comes to shove everything everyone needs to know, every experience anyone needs to relate to, every question anyone needs an answer to is already given in the bible, in the written word of God.
I realized, how little I am needed in the world.To be completely honest I could be out there minding my own business making real money.
So, what then is my purpose for coming to this blog every day( well... maybe not every day) to share my heart? Why do I torture myself with what seems to be a consistently unfruitful endeavor?
There really isn't one answer.
Well there really is no answer at all, because the truth is, there is no real purpose.
I am a completely dispensable, not only as a blogger but also as a pawn in this game of life.
I realize this sounds bleak but the fact of the matter is I have no real and substantial purpose.
The only reason I am here, the only reason I do what I do is because God, the creator, the alpha, the omega, God wants me here. Just like I want to and desire to look like Jessica Rabbit.
Simple as that.
We have got to stop searching for purpose and reason and answers and explanations.
We just accept the fact that we are here because there is a desire for us to be here.
Not for need, not out of obligation, not for duty.
A pure, unadulterated want.
We are here because God wants us here.
Amen Sister!!!