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Thursday, May 16, 2013

I have this theory.
I only call it a theory because it is not biblically verbatim.
It's a kind of bleak and unpopular and to be honest I am a little nervous to share it; However after having a conversation with a friend last night and realizing how large a crapfest her life is and has been, my theory rings large bouts of truth.

Life is a bad place where good things happen;  Not the other way around.

We treat life on earth as a happy place where bad things occasionally happen and we cling to positivity and good vibes and that sort of thing to keep us afloat in dealing with all the mess yet we're are going crazy because it always seems like the more we try the less it's working.

I'm just saying we so you guys don't solo me;)

Life on planet earth since everything began up until 2013 has been an unrelenting series of poop tornados, and that is because life here on earth has been sin cursed. cursed by sin.  So bad things take precedent over good things.

Does that make sense?

Positivity and Good vibes and "putting it in the universe" or whatever will only get us only so far.
The reason it is fruitless is because it's not the antidote to the poison.
Hope is.

Positivity and good vibes v. Hope.

Hope is linked to faith which is linked to peace which is linked to joy which is linked to contentment.
positivity and good vibes are linked to weakness of the spirit which is linked to selfishness(blatant or dormant) which is linked to immaturity.

See the distinction?
Does that make sense?

Today I choose to hold on to the hope that Jesus has given.
Nothing more. Nothing less.


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