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Friday, May 17, 2013

.Life's Theories.

I have this theory.
it's kind of hard to explain, but not really.
It's this Give and take theory.
We can't have everything.
If we get something, from big things to the tiniest of things, we have to give something.
I have tried to talk myself out of this way of thinking, my peer and mentors have tried to talk me out of this mentality, but guys I just can't shake it.
Everything, everything comes with a price. No one has everything.

Silly, random edits. just for fun.
before you Jesus Juke me. I got you covered.
"Jesus paid it all" Jesus is all you need" "Jesus is everything"
I think I may have figured out why this theory rings so much truth that I can't shake it. 
For a group of people who base all the merit of their beliefs on the gospel of Jesus Christ we sure do forget it.

There has to be room for wanting in our lives, because there needs to be a reminder that this life is not all that is being offered to us, there needs to be a dissatisfaction because we need not get comfortable on this sin cursed earth.

Jesus has a plan for us, to cleanse the earth, and restore it and us back to his original design. If we had everything we want and need and could ask for and dream of, what then would create the urgency needed to saturate our lives in Christ.

I have found that no matter how GREAT my life is, there is always a wanting for something. Not necessarily tangible and i think that wanting and that fact that no one gets everything is placed inside of us to keep our minds and hearts in hope for something more.

Rev 21 <---- go read it.


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