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Monday, June 17, 2013


I have a dream, a very big dream.
I am scared to admit what it is, Well I am scared to announce it.
I've mentioned it to a couple of my friends a few times but I have never declared with the conviction of the promise of God that this thing right here is my dream.


I am scared. Duh.

I am afraid it's a stupid dream. I am afraid it's a selfish dream. I am afraid of what people will think. I am afraid that it wont happen. I am afraid that maybe God didn't promise this thing to me. I am afraid I have no idea what I am getting myself into. I am afraid because I  KNOW that I can't do this dream without God and God and I don't have the best track record of follow through.

However, Jon Acuff, charged his readers with this question: "What brings you the most joy?" and this dream that I am scared to admit is my ultimate dream is the answer.

I have a lof of dreams and passion and things I want to accomplish however, this specific dream, this one ultimate things is every passion I have wrapped into one role.

I'm not sure If I am ready to declare to my Fun.fab.SAVED friends this dream yet, maybe I will start with telling my ultimate dream to my kite chasing sister Rae.

Admitting fear is the first step do defeating fear. (is it? idk, I think I just made that up.)

So, don't solo me guys.

What's a major fear you are facing today?
Leave a comment below so that together we can pray Power and love and a sound mind into your life.
Let's vanquish fear together(vanquish? oh boy.)


1 comment:

  1. Oh friend...I have much to say to you. It's been brewing. Like tea, getting richer by the minute. And all I want is for it to taste sweet, go down warm and soothe the fears you're facing.

    It's okay to have fear when it comes to a dream. But it's not okay to stop chasing because of that fear. The worst that could happen when you declare a dream and set forth to it, is failing. And even when we fail it's not the worst thing that could happen to us. Because failing at a dream isn't falling away from God. He will still cradle you and love you and trust you and call you.

    And what's the best that could happen? You might reach that dream. Or even better, on the way, you discover something far better to chase after.

    It's safe to share this dream of yours with your readers, as you've already shared it with God and me.

    Because yes, admitting fear is the first step of defeating it. But the second step? Admitting that which it is you dare venture out to try.

    Grace is waiting for you as you take this second step.

    And it will be waiting for you as you take the third, fourth, fifth...etc.

    I love you.

    And He's proud of you.

    Forget not, that when your dreams fail, your calling in Him will still be standing, unshaken.
