and no, this isn't a Jesus Juke, or a hippie feelings session.
I don't know what your excuse is and I'm not gonna guess by listing possible scenarios. I will, however, tell you what mine are were: No money. And not the "eating healthy is expensive" excuse or the "once I can afford workout apparel and a Gym membership I'll do it" excuse.
No, I am actually living on a pack -of- ramen-a-day budget due to having a literal income of zero dollars, and it seems like a legit excuse but it's really just a crutch. Just like the fact that I have bad knees and I need better shoes & because my boobs are so big (how big are they? lol. I had to.) I need to get better bras. blah. blah. blah.
Just so many reason and excuses I thought were legit & I know you guys can relate.
but no. - Just. get. it. done. - You deserve more. Your body deserves more.
Over the past few years I have developed a few tricks and habits that I can always put into practice no matter what! They aren't really groundbreaking but They require zero money and are completely hassle free.
No more excuse, eh? - You deserve more. Your body deserves more.
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idk whose photo this is. not property of funfabsaved. found it on tumblr. |
Here are a few small but effective $0 - hassle free tips to kickstart your spiritual, mental & physical wellness:
Drink Water: I know. I know. cliche. but seriously, Drink water AND NOTHING ELSE! Water is the richest, freest resource you have. and I get it. This is America. Land of the free.Home of the water needs to be filtered and mineralized and purified and sparkling. smh. No. Shut it down. - I also understand that the WV situation doesn't instill confidence in the tap, but honey.... say a pray. Drink some water. - There are ways to naturally enhance your water but that is for another time. Remember we are on a $0 budget.
Poop: *sigh* smelliest taboo. but seriously - DO YOU POOP? and what is the consistency of your stool? Pls don't answer these in the comments section (or do, idc) - No one EVER wants to talk about bowel movement but it is so very important, your poop tells a lot about the state of your body. unless you are passing movement frequently- like you gotta at least get the urge after every meal(not the post taco bell Bubble gut urge) - you might be constipated and that's just never good. - I know every body and every situation is different but what I realized, for myself, was no matter what I ate as long as I am consistent with drinking water and staying active - my poop is pretty regular.(no this is not a free pass to eat whatever you want. What you eat matters - if you CAN clean it up, CLEAN IT UP!) - Moral of the story: KNOW YOUR POOP!
Breath: I get it, this list just officially got stupid - obviously you are breathing because duh. but are you taking deep breaths? are you allowing your air to flow sufficiently through your body? are your breaths intentional? are your muscles open? are your nerves relaxed?
Take a moment. or three. When you wake up. in the middle of your day and before bed to sit still and breath. - Deep. fill your lungs. in through your nose. slowly. out through your mouth. slowly.
If you feel sleepy and lightheaded your doing it right.
SIT UP: Stop slouching. not only does better posture INSTANTLY slim and elongate you..... errmm... idk what else it does. I'm sure something good. - chin up. chest out. shoulders back. back straight. BOOM. your 3in slimmer & 2in taller. You look a little more confident and will begin to feel a little more confident.
Sing: Yes, Sing. any song. any time. anywhere. - idk the science behind it - but singing and I mean really belting out those "notes" causes you to use some tummy muscles I personally never knew existed. not only do you get a mild workout. it's fun and you always, even if your singing a sad song, feel better after wards.
Dance: let loose. foot loose. kick of your sunday shoes. uninhibited. let your body go. let it all hang out and just release. move where your body takes you. let your body lead the moment. - this is a TOTAL body workout that requires nothing but your.... body. & like singing there is something therapeutic and freeing in movement like this. It's unstructured. its messy. it's chaotic. but it's the beautiful kind. The kind that lets you know that right know in this moment. everything is OK!
Utilize your resources: After discovering that I wouldn't be able to buy a sports bra for a very long time. I decided to workout without a bra at all - because seriously who even LIKEs wearing regular bras - why am i tripping about a contraption that is going to SMAH my DDD into my chin - I knew I could not traditionally exercise. I had to find other ways to stay active. for instance: Park far away at the grocery store. Take the stairs as often as possible. look into Yoga poses. Do wall sits every day - You know your life, get creative, or just research ways to home remedy workouts - even if its as little as five minutes of your day. get your heart rate up and your blood flowing.
Say Nice things: [Yea- it Got cheesy! Deal.] Honestly, be nice: To yourself and to others. In a world were a healthy body is a prominent goal. our souls and our hearts often get left behind. Speak words of kindness. only allow words of kindness to be spoken to your heart. There are numerous tumblr blogs. Facebook pages & Pinterest boards that are full of kind, heartfelt messages. it may seem cheesy but honestly it helps. - This may be the most important $0 health tip because no matter how well you take care of yourself physically unless you are also nurturing your mental everything else will be for naught.
Go Forth and prosper my Fun Fabulous Friends!
Great post. Informative and entertaining of course.