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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Doing Life Better

Maybe this is immature theology, maybe these are ramblings of a young adult who hasn't lived even half the life that most humans have. I don't know. I was maybe 14 when i began to cultivate this idea, so it is well marinated in that i am 22, actually i am 23. - Maybe this will be a new blog series - i Think it's time to address the SAVED in funfabSAVED!

Dear Christian Human beings, If you approach any other human being with intentions OTHER than connecting with them as humans, you my friend are doing life wrong. you are doing "witnessing" wrong. you are doing "ministry" all wrong.

and i understand that we are called to be fishers of men and things of that nature. I understand that we have a life and a light that cannot be contained that we just GOTTA share with "the least of these". - however, "leading someone to a relationship with christ" is not a thing.

maybe what people, what these least, need more than "a relationship with jesus" is a relationship with you. Maybe instead of "a word from the lord" they just really need a smile or a kind word.

Maybe people don't want to be looked at as a number or a church statistic or a mere prize to be won.

I think it's noble that we as a group of believers desire to do the work of the lord, but what if the work of the lord is just living your life as a less horrible person everyday. What if all it took to please God was to be nicer? what if all you need to hear #welldone is to be a little more social? What if we did life completely different, and I don't mean reinventing the wheel of church services or ministry or any of those things. what if we took it back to the basics. to simple human decency. And I'm not talking tolerance or political correction. I'm not talking social cues and understandings. I mean where we as human beings, unite it mind, body and soul and just individually commit to being less of a dick. to our selves. to our friends. to our community. Where we stop acting like we have some secret that everyone else needs. like we are somehow above them and we are doing them a favor. where we as humans can learn to be unabashedly ourselves and give everyone else that same right/respect. where we as human beings connect with other humans for the sake of mutual interaction and not the desire to fix something we perceive as wrong. Where we connect on deep intimate levels because we are all the same. just trying to muddle through life on this treacherous blue marble. -

My whole life I was taught that "my life needed to be a witness" but maybe my life just needs to be lived. and maybe thats all you need to do. is be. - be unabashedly and fearlessly you not looking for purpose. just be. and give everyone else that same right/respect/Freedom.

That's just whats been on my mind.

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