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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Eventually... Chicken Bacon

This is what I would title the memoir of my life.

This stunning photo belongs to Rae @ - Go Spam her with Love for she is awesome!

Because waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and then receiving something as confusing and infuriating as chicken bacon seems to be the common theme in my life. and yes, if you are wondering. Chicken Bacon is as nasty as Chicken Bacon sounds. and if you like chicken bacon - pls leave a comment below. So i can pray blessing over your poor, lost, broken soul.

Yet, I always accept the chicken bacon. disgruntled and insulted. dazed and confused. my ego and confidence bruised. and that translates into a tantrum usually in the form of binge drinking and then that translates into a realization of my principles which translates into the realization that the good God I serve would never serve me Chicken bacon. but yet I always accept it. - Because Saying No Thanks to chicken Bacon makes me feel like I am giving up something of potential value. Like I am turing away a blessing in disguise, boy how we love to say that - because  there is comfort in what is tangible, accessible to the senses. but that is not faith. That is not hope and that is not what this jesus thing is all about. #FunFabSAVED. Saying No Thanks to chicken bacon in all actuality is freeing. Freeing my conscience from desperation. Freeing my hands, freeing my life, these experiences. leaving them open for the real deal Bacon. The Bacon that I asked for. The Bacon I was Promised. - Just because you are served chicken bacon, my fun and fabulous friend, doesn't mean you have to eat chicken bacon.

Letting go of the broken, the tattered and torn the compromise, saying no to desperately grasping at opportunity and begin to desperately hold on to the promise, to all of the promises. but more importantly to the giver of the promise. To stop allowing the brokenness of life swallow you up - These are the things growth is all about. These are the qualities of women with character, the kind of woman I desire To be. These are the people who Get it. These are the people who don't eat chicken bacon. because seriously, if you eat chicken bacon I H A V E assume you are a communist.

Eventually, My time Will come. Just like Joseph. Just like Daniel. Just Like You. beautifully patient You.

Until then I, and i hope you will join me, will continue to patiently wait - Because while I'm not content with being home. in this experience. in this season. - I want to always be content being with Him. Because all I ever wanna do is love Him for who He is to me…not what He does for me. Because loving him for who he is gives me the courage to stand in Who I am, what i am, why I am - without apologies or compromise.

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