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Monday, August 4, 2014

How to be Kind (in 5 easy steps, With Pictures)

Always be kind...
Because you never know what battle someone is fighting.
because it's your basic human duty to not be a total a**hole.
because it's how you want to be treated.


Always be Kind... Period.

PhoCred: @thafourth || || duh;)

it's quite easy to rationalize or talk about being kind, especially when there is clear self benefit, however how do we, when there is no inkling of self pursuit, practically put kindness in our hearts and actively live it out?

<Rant> Before I continue, why do we feel we need a REASON to be kind? Do we even realize how ludicrous that sounds. a human being should give you a reason to be treated like a human being??? C'mon now! Kindness should NOT BE EARNED! </Rant>

Being genuinely kind starts from within. in my opinion it is the truest sign of maturity for it is not governed by emotion/mood/feeling it is a solid commitment to self, to your neighbor and to your universe to be decent and better.

 Rules are as follows:

1.) Wholly Grasp that there are human persons that exist and THRIVE who are living/have lived experiences that look NOTHING like yours. and will never look anything like yours.

2.) Understand and truly believe that no one is beneath you and you are beneath no one. we are all connected, sons and daughters of the universe. in other words: We. are. equal. in every regard.(except Beyonce. for obvious reasons *cue laugh track*)

3.) Everyone deserves love, understanding and forgiveness. no matter WHAT they have done. including you.

4.) Master the ability to put yourself in other people shoes. fully allow yourself to understand why they do what they do. this is not to be confused with excuse/justification or compliance. Side note: Everyone is Capable of anything.

5.) FULLY UNDERSTAND NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE SAID. Not everything Needs to be said. Not everything needs to be said. Criticize sparingly. edify, uplift, & encourage liberally.

Be kind. always. to your neighbor. to your world. to yourself.

Give peace a chance my fun and fabulous friends!

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