Slow and steady win the race.
I've said it time and time again.
and I believe it, I just hate that it's true.
I mean think about it, who doesn't want to be an overnight sensation?
Our robot overlords didn't.
Did I just loose you?
I was thinking, in 2000, and the dawn of all these major technological advances, every one was screaming Y2k, the worlds gonna end soon, america is doomed, robots are taking over.
That was 13 years ago.
13 years ago.
13. years. ago.
13 years is a long time.
(13+ because 2000 wasn't where it all started)
I hear all the time, how technology is getting more and more advanced, I think it's safe to assume that the general consensus is it's moving at a surreally rapid pace.
The thing is, It hasn't been rapid at all.
Tupac died in 1996. There was a hologram of him in 2012.
16 years.
That's a long time.
You catching my drift?
The point is this.
13+ years ago, technology was just a wee little baby starting to blossom.
13+ years later, it runs the world, it runs our lives.
It is overlord of all human kind.
Slow and steady really does win the race.
Do you have a dream?
Be patient. Do the work. It will come.
Slow and steady wins the race.
It's really that simple.
Just look what happened for our Robot overlords.