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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

22 years of cumulative wisdom.

It can be summed up in one statement. 
Don't speak unless He tells me to.

Property of: e IV - @thafourth

It's a lesson I've learned time and time again on this life journey, it is one that bears repeating as year 23 rapidly approaches. It's one that the good Lord keeps whispering to me at every turn at every bent knee at every heart cry.

He tells me every time I sit to attempt to start a book, or a writing project. or a blog post. or a Facebook status. or a tweet. or an email. or reply to a comment or begin to post a comment.

He tells me every time a slick or petty thought creeps in my head and my fingers itch to text and gossip with my hen sisters. He tells me when my very pregnant very hormonal older sister pushes those buttons the way only a sibling can, and it's only natural that I push those buttons right back. He tells me when life tells me I have to have it all figured out and that I am running out of time, and my heart years to complain.

Don't Speak unless I tell you to he gently whispers when my phone breaks, or my car stops working or my computer gets temperamental.  He gently reminds me because he knows that I want and need to love him for who he is not what he does. no matter how hard I throw those pesky little temper tantrums.

He gently reminds me, because he needs me to know how to listen. to not only know how to listen but to actually listen.because listening, after all, I mean really listening, with my ears and heart and eyes and mind, to the one who loves me and knows me and created me, is the most important thing.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Happy Thursday From STACEY DASH!

The picture is the words - this is property of e.IV||@thafourth

Well, from Stacey Dash's Blog: Stay Dashing. Woke up this morning to these beautiful words, to this beautiful picture painted by this beautiful soul. it only felt right that I share, since we seem to share such a Big Dream


 Standing in the deepest moors. Feeling the mist upon my face.
I yearn for loves deep penetrating gifts as I look upon the slippery cliffs.
To know the pounding of the great ocean waves upon the shore as it seeps into every grain of sand and taste the sweet salt as the tide washes down into the debts of the infinite sea.
To know a love of this mighty roar. The love that goes on forever…
Ah, endure
This is the love that I wait.
. Wait.
So I stand…

Peace and love,
JesiRae (but actually Stacey Dash)

Friday, October 11, 2013

#Renovatum is a cool word.

It's also a really cool story.
About a boy who too soon becomes a man.
about a search. 
about a journey. 
about a chase.

There are a lot of things that could be said of this 'ex-homosexual' and his chase, as a matter of fact, there are are a lot of things that could be said about this hot button topic in general. But when I read the story and hear his heart it goes so much deeper than love and lust and sensuality and sexuality and sexual identity and labels.
His story is my story and your story and our story.
our story is dripping with pain and loss and broken hearts that desperately cry out for a savior and a resting place and a hiding place.
His heart, my heart, our heart yearns to be held and chases after the one who can hold it safely.
His life, my life, our life reflects the beauty of our saviour and the power of the Gospel of jesus christ.

Renovatum is more than a book of poety. it is an open heart: bold, brave and free.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Just say thank you.... all the time.

He was Born on a wednesday, but not today wednesday.
He's my brother from another mother.... and father....
The only male voice to ever be heard across this pretty blog space...
Hailing all the way from a continent most americans STILL think is a country...
You know him.
You Love him.

Have you ever wanted something so bad, you didn’t even realize it when you finally had it? Have you ever chased so hard after a dream, you were too exhausted to celebrate when you finally reached it? Is that even possible?

I have thought about the Israelites and their conquest of the Promised Land, and I can’t help but wonder exactly when they realized they had made it. Was it when the manna ceased? Did they only realize it when some kids came home with bee stings (I’m sure something like that happened)? And if it took some time to realize this, does it mean they actually lived in the Promised Land without acknowledging that God had brought them into that good land, thereby “depriving” God of his well deserved praise? That is a big deal right; not giving God the praise that is due him. Or?? “If I do get there, I’d praise God. And even if I don’t, I’d thank God.” After watching “Facing the Giants,” I coined that phrase. 

So there I sat in my lecture, after a hectic past week of admissions and other related stuff, and I just watched, somewhat numbly, as the lecturer went about his work and students enthusiastically answered questions posed to the class by the lecturer. Then I was reminded in my spirit of the many times I thought, When I finally get to the Promised Land, would I even realize that I have made the transition from wilderness to Promised Land?”  I had walked the wilderness lands for too long, I failed to notice the change in scenery when I entered the Promised Land.

My point is, if we only choose to thank God after a big break, what happens in the moments when we fail to recognize the break? What happens if, for long periods of time, only a series of small breaks come our way? Do we hold back our praise and gratitude to God?
God pulled another master stroke of his perfect wisdom when He instructed us in His word to “give thanks in all things.” 

Because you see, if we waited until something good happened before giving God thanks, we would forfeit more than a half of our thanksgiving, because it does take some getting used to, when you’ve been in the wilderness for so long, and enter the Promised Land at last. So make thanksgiving a lifestyle. That way, even when you fail to notice you are living a miracle, you’d still have been in thanksgiving mode anyways. And if you do realize it, you could never give God enough thanks, could you?

Get to know Eyram a little more, 
soak in all his musings, wisdom, and 
what I can only assume is chatter about sports. Click here.

Monday, October 7, 2013

I'm feeling 22.

I have found, that being in my 20s, I produce these weird blends of juxtaposed emotions, feelings, and expectations. Equal parts pleasure and displeasure. excitement and fear. hope and defeat. Pride and inadequacy. confidence and doubt. The perfect storm. except it's my life. not a darn Robert Frost poem.

and while being in my 20s is a weird time because it's so fun and terrifying, I'm ok with what this age/season is and means and represents. Whatever that may be.

I just wish someone would have told me. or you. fun, fabulous you. With your head in the clouds, guzzling down that caffeine, fingers intertwined tugging at your roots. While smiling really big.

No one told us, because no one told them, and no one told them because no one told them. We all are really out here just bumping around trying to figure it out. Just like they did.

and that is ok.
but maybe someone should break the cycle or at the very least send out a warning.

maybe someone should tell someone that It's gonna be ok.
that you don't have to figure it all out. because you won't figure it all out. and in that moment you think you figure it all out, life will remind you that you can't figure it all out. and that contrary to everything inside of you, time is not, after all, running out, that you are precisely where you need to be, who you need to be and why you need to be right now. and that dichotomy of everything that makes you who you are, what you are and why you are, that perfect storm brewing deep within your heart, well that will indeed manifest into something far more beautiful that you could  ever think or imagine.

Just relax: always grow, always learn, always be present.

because what no one told us, because no one told them, because no one told them is that the only cure to these crazy 20s is turning 30.

We will be just fine.

always the best,

22 year old Jesi Rae