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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Power In Silence

E.IV || @thafourth

Yes, I'm back to say,

funfabsaved is still [relatively] quiet.

but she is getting a little louder because HE is getting a little louder.

and as He speaks, I grow, and evolve and continue  to grow and evolve.

and I am feeling every moment of it, and every moment is good.

and in these very good moments - in this quiet, in this ever growing season of stillness and rest, I've uncovered the single most powerful tool that one could ever possess.


In this quiet I listen: to my heart, to my soul, to the universe, and to The One who created.
In this quiet I listen: to my dreams, to my fears, to my excitement and to my doubts.

In this quiet I meet myself, my ever growing truest self for the first time. every time.
the good, the bad, the mature and the petty.

I hear the confirmation of what I am doing right and the warm chastisement of where I need to grow.

In this quiet I meet The One who is [truly] in control of all for the first time. every time.

I hear his still and quiet heart, whispering in my anxious soul, that wrapped tightly in his hand is my heart.
safe and sound.
protected from the evils of life and I need not worry.


because [me being in] control is an illusion and in him [Grace] I am ok, life is ok. and everything will always be ok.

Stay Kind my fun and fabulous friends.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Morning Meditation.

FunFabSaved has been quiet. 

because my heart has been quiet.


and i know i said, that i was ready to make this comeback with a vengeance, i think i spoke too soon.

I think i spoke more than i should have.

and so while i continue to sit in the quiet, in the rest. in the stillness.

while i continue to wait (not fully sure on what.... but ya know.... probably this.)

I wish to leave you, with the prayer/meditation that's been on my heart.

"What will it look like? 
what will it be like?
when my world turns out like you planned?
when will i get there?
seems like I'm nowhere, Dreams are like dust in my hands.
but i know.... 
this is the waiting i anxiously wait as i hold on to love that won't ever let go.
and in these times when my patience is tested won't you remind me that I'm not alone...
here in the waiting."

Always trust. always preserver. always grow my fun, fabulous friends.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

How to keep your sanity. (in 3 easy steps) || @thafourth

**This post has been sitting in the Queue because i told myself i was "waiting to write the perfect intro" -cue MEGA eye roll- but in all honesty i was subconsciously breaking all the rules and was just too tired and burnt out to just sit down Freaking write the thing. || In my shower this morning the realization of how much so much suffers when I am not at my full best hit me... like cold cold cold cold cold water( happened)

and the same can be said for all of you, when you are not at your absolute best everything, and everyone, everywhere suffers(a little dramatic, but ya know. we are all kind of a big deal.)

If you are burnt out.... frequently burn out or feel the burn sneaking up on you here are 3 easy steps to ensure you stay Fun, Fabulous and Cool!

1.) Silence that voice that convinces you that "I Don't have time".  or 'There isn't enough time in the day.' It is not an acceptable nor is it rational line of thinking. I use to excuse this rule for parents and spouses but NO MORE - Everyone. always. has time. The fact of the matter is, even if you DO indeed have [tiny] human lives to cultivate and take care of, you and I, and everyone makes time for what they want to make time for. period. i know, it's cliche but oh how it's true. so i'll say it one more time.

You make time. for what you want to make time for. Period. Everyone gets 24 hrs. 

2.) Manage activities, not time. Manage activities, not time. Manage activities, not time. "Time management" is flawed in that when you attempt to not "waste time" you may fill it with empty activities. Time is a fluid an intangible concept which cannot me controlled or..."managed". Managing your activities holds you accountable for everything you do and thus breeding productivity.Your activities can be grasped, controlled and organized.  I am not suggesting you go scheduling crazy, however be extremely mindful of the things that take up too much of your time and too little of your time.

It's not That you need more time, it's how you spend your time.

3.) Saying No is hard. I get it. we don't want to hear it. we don't like to say it.  un. der. stood! 
so instead of "learning to say no" as we are often taught - Only say yes to things that make sense... to your heart. to your dreams and to your overall well being. Don't rationalize WHY you are saying yes when your heart and dreams and over all wellbeing is screaming a resounding N O! - over scheduling and by extension burning out happens when you begin to say yes to any old thing.... or out of obligation or loyalty or whatever reason. [you know why you say yes to everything]
-- I cannot speak for all, but i can say as a chronic ex-oversceduler, i can say putting that filter on my time and my services weeded out a lot of empty projects. and before my emails blows up(none emails me), no I am not saying don't help your friend move even though you are tired and much rather be cuddled in bed with Pino Grigio and Netflix, sacrifices and comprises can, should and will be made on this key because we are human and humanity is fluid and messy and unpredictable. All I am suggesting it that you stop swiftly saying yes. take a pause. breath. T H I N K!

say yes only if it makes sense.... to your heart. to your dreams. to your overall well being.

P.s. this is also[and especially] true to yourself, say yes to yourself only when it makes sense and yes taking a day off with that Netflix and Pino Grigio makes sense.... everyone needs a little R&R.

Go forth and prosper my fun and fabulous friends!