Yesterday night was a whirlwind of emotion for me... within the span of just a couple of hours i was IMMERSED in korean culture.. one minute i was introduced to Korean hip hop the next korean teen drama which in turn caused me to look up korean history and customs. *sigh* korea. what a wonderful life.
For about 6 hours(i'm not proud ok, just saying) i was entranced with korean teen dram boys before flowers(boys over flowers)... It's like 100% korean so i was reading subtitles which makes it ok right? we'll just go with yes.
After the first couple of episodes, i was lost in the world of janDI and all the others names i won't even care to attempt to pronounce. I noticed that this "teen drama" is the same basic synopsis as American teen drama. pressure from EVERY avenue of life. never measuring up. love and loss. by the third episode... i almost didn't NEED to read the subtitles because the pain and struggle and joys and laughter was no foreign language to me.
Pain/addiction is irrespective of race/gender/culture. Everyone struggles and suffers the same. Thanks to God Everyone has the same freedom as well.
Freedom, Christ's love is irrespective to race/age/gender/culture.
So Claim what is rightfully yours. There is hope!
Today is day 4 of NAtion eating disorder awareness week.
Everybody knows somebody.
offer a smile. give hope.
freedom/recovery is possible.
<3 ∞,
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
SO here are some random Facts about eating disorders.
The more you know.
- People with eating disorders think about and use food in ways that are physically and emotionally destructive.
- In the U.S., eating disorders are more common than Alzheimer’s disease: five to ten million people have eating disorders compared to four million with Alzheimer’s disease.
- Treating eating disorders can be expensive. For example, a resident program for anorexia can cost upwards of $30,000 a month.
- Anorexia has the highest premature mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder. The majority of deaths are due to physiological complications.
- Although recovery from anorexia can often take up to a decade, the outcome of treatment is better than for obesity or breast cancer.
- 90% of people who have eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25.
- Male wrestlers are 7 to 10 times more likely to develop bulimia nervosa than the average male.
- Over one-half of teenage girls and nearly one-third of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting and taking laxatives.
- Americans spend over $40 billion on dieting and diet-related products each year.
- The average American woman is 5’4” tall and weighs 164 pounds. The average American model is 5’11” tall and weighs 117 pounds.
- People who have severe anorexia often grow a downy layer of hair, called lanugo, all over the body, including the face, in an effort to keep the body warm.
Be in formed. Everyone knows someone.
Monday, February 27, 2012
National Eating Disorder Awareness Week.
This week, FunfabSAVED will be participating in NEDAW.
just offing interesting facts about eating disorders... some harsh, possibly triggering, but very real pictures of people with extreme disorders....
We just want to raise awareness for those suffering. Silent suffering is probably the most painful thing i myself could possibly comprehend. And those suffering with ED's are suffering a teribble fate in silence...
So ffS has decided to be a voice to the silent.
Today we off one simple message to those who are suffering and those who know someone who is suffering.
If you have any questions about THAT freedom feel free to email us here.
There is hope for you, this doesn't have to be the end.
We at funfabSAVED love you, and want the absolute best for you.
just, SPEAK UP! :)
<3 ∞,
R.L. Cooper:)
just offing interesting facts about eating disorders... some harsh, possibly triggering, but very real pictures of people with extreme disorders....
We just want to raise awareness for those suffering. Silent suffering is probably the most painful thing i myself could possibly comprehend. And those suffering with ED's are suffering a teribble fate in silence...
So ffS has decided to be a voice to the silent.
Today we off one simple message to those who are suffering and those who know someone who is suffering.
If you have any questions about THAT freedom feel free to email us here.
There is hope for you, this doesn't have to be the end.
We at funfabSAVED love you, and want the absolute best for you.
just, SPEAK UP! :)
<3 ∞,
R.L. Cooper:)
Sunday, February 26, 2012
FunFabSAVED has (on our own merits) partnered with Becoming Girls to take a STAND against Human Trafficking!
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Hey you! click the link below! |
Becoming Girls: Freedom Sunday // We are NOT FOR SALE: It's Freedom Sunday this weekend and as a conference, we are partnering with Love 146 to raise awareness for this horrible injustice tha...
You must be boring!
Luke 15[ESV]
28But he was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and entreated him, 29 but he answered his father, ‘Look, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command, yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might celebrate with my friends.30 But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your property with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him!’ 31 And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. 32 It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brotherwas dead, and is alive; he was lost,
and is found.’”
and is found.’”
"You don't have to be tragic to be interesting"
These words sent daggers through my heart. I Spent my whole life practically Begging God for tragedy to occur in my life. Yesterday while i was in church and alot of the stories started with "ive been in the world, you name it i've done it..." and i'm all like: That's cool but i grew up in church and never strayed away(too far). I have always,until recently, felt like the prodigal son's brother. Us goodie goodies get NO LOVE! I never understood that everyone has a story. Tragedy isn't the only avenue for salvation.
My story: I had a good childhood. parents were married and involved in my life.
they got divorced. mom remarried an abusive(mostly verbal, sometimes physical) tyrant. no one listened to me when i told them he didn't sit well with me. mom later on divorced him. i graduated high school. never went to college. my dad died. oh yea, did i mention i have a sister. i just love her. she's great. now i live with my mom and even though we have financial struggles we get by. oh yea, the depression.anxiety- suicide thing, that happened. im ok now. Jesus rescued me.i am currently getting my funfabSAVED organization off the ground.... not sure where to start but you will soon see it...everywhere.
To some my story may be boring, to others it may be tragic.
however, it is MY STORY and it's just as interesting as everybody else's!
God divinely ordained every moment in my life for the purposes to save my soul and instructed me to share it so i may, through the power of the holy spirit, save someone else's soul.
Were all in this together! Don't be afraid to share your story in fear that it isn't interesting enough! it Will touch who god ordains it to reach:)
*looks at comment box below, looks back at you*
We'd LOVE to hear it!
Have fun! BE fab! LIVE saved!
<3 ∞,
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Mashup Madness...
i am a big fan of musical mashups. I'm not too sure why but it absolutely astonishes me when someone mixes two or more completely different songs and weld them into one, so well blended that it sound like a completely original song. genius right? Jamie-Grace and VanJess are the QUEENS of mashups.
if i could fuse together the most relevant mashup right now it'd be " reflections of you" by Krystal Meyers & "i'm not who i was" by Brandon health.
it'd go something like this:
"i'm seeing for the first time changes on the out side that i'm not who i was"
hmm. i'm pretty good at this. (not really).
Tonight in particular, but alot of times recently, God has been showing me how MUCH i have changed... from last year to last month to last week to just yesterday.
He is jumping up and down flaring his arms so desperate to get my attention... trying to show me how much he is working. He is so eager to show much he is on my side.
How about you? are you missing his love advances? even the tiniest of things like ya know, personal growth are gifts.
God is a gentleman. he isn't gonna FORCE you to love him.
Be aware. don't [friend zone] God.
Say what? lol. seriously though.
<3 ∞,
if i could fuse together the most relevant mashup right now it'd be " reflections of you" by Krystal Meyers & "i'm not who i was" by Brandon health.
it'd go something like this:
"i'm seeing for the first time changes on the out side that i'm not who i was"
hmm. i'm pretty good at this. (not really).
Tonight in particular, but alot of times recently, God has been showing me how MUCH i have changed... from last year to last month to last week to just yesterday.
He is jumping up and down flaring his arms so desperate to get my attention... trying to show me how much he is working. He is so eager to show much he is on my side.
How about you? are you missing his love advances? even the tiniest of things like ya know, personal growth are gifts.
God is a gentleman. he isn't gonna FORCE you to love him.
Be aware. don't [friend zone] God.
Say what? lol. seriously though.
<3 ∞,
Don't leave just yet...
is it just me or do you guys hate leaving events early? like, i always feel like the moment i leave something crazy is gonna happen and it's gonna be one of those "you had to be there" type things. Sometimes i hate being away from my phone or computer because i'm afraid that call or that email that could potentially change my life will come in. Don't you just hate when you feel like your missing something?
That often happens when i pray. I will ask God for something, tangible or otherwise, and then i will Keep a watchful eye on every crevice of my life as to not miss the answer. like, seriously god just might send my blessing when i decide to blink and then i missed it, forcing me to go through the entire waiting period all over again.
you can stop looking at me like i'm crazy, it's not just me who feels that way is it?
That often happens when i pray. I will ask God for something, tangible or otherwise, and then i will Keep a watchful eye on every crevice of my life as to not miss the answer. like, seriously god just might send my blessing when i decide to blink and then i missed it, forcing me to go through the entire waiting period all over again.
you can stop looking at me like i'm crazy, it's not just me who feels that way is it?
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This is my poetic crying face. |
Good Thing God is better than we make him out to be, Great thing he is better than we can IMAGINE he is. Don't be so worried about "missing your blessing"... it's not gonna happen. What god designed for you will get to you. no if and or buts about it. So just enjoy the beauty of the moment.
Que sera, sera right?
<3 ∞,
R.L. Cooper
God's best kept secrets.
If Life wasn't based on material things, we'd be a much happier race.
Think about, "stuff" is the root of about 97% of our problems.
Mo money mo problems, that's what biggie said.
The existence of tangible has corrupted the simplistic human innocence.
Lucky for you, i exist. The sole purpose of my existence is to simplyfy your life.
Let's stop making everything so trivial. k? it really IS just B&W. no exceptions.
Secret to success:
-1st define what success is. 2nd aint nothin to it but to do it.
Secret to waiting:
-1st understand why you are waiting. 2nd never be idle. keep occupied.
Secret to Happiness:
-1st pinpoint what makes you happy(outside of what's tangible). 2nd want less give more.
There you have it folks.
The secret to life.
aren't you glad i exist?
you're welcome:)
<3 ∞,
Think about, "stuff" is the root of about 97% of our problems.
Mo money mo problems, that's what biggie said.
The existence of tangible has corrupted the simplistic human innocence.
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in completely unrelated news. how adorable is THIS? |
Lucky for you, i exist. The sole purpose of my existence is to simplyfy your life.
Let's stop making everything so trivial. k? it really IS just B&W. no exceptions.
Secret to success:
-1st define what success is. 2nd aint nothin to it but to do it.
Secret to waiting:
-1st understand why you are waiting. 2nd never be idle. keep occupied.
Secret to Happiness:
-1st pinpoint what makes you happy(outside of what's tangible). 2nd want less give more.
There you have it folks.
The secret to life.
aren't you glad i exist?
you're welcome:)
<3 ∞,
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
That's what she said...
Can i be honest with you guys?
I have been struggling with my dreams and the steps needed to take to get there. i also struggle with reality. i live in a fantasy world. I pretend i am already where i want to be. Standing in front of my clothes piled on my bed pretending it's an audience. It kind of concerns me.
how about you? can you relate?
Are you ready to move?
i know you don't want to hear what i'm about to say(i don't even want to say it).
Be still and know that he is God.
You saw that coming didn't you? It's easier said than done. But once you can recognize the voice of GodFrom my experience the time spent on my knees has been the most pleasurable even in the roughest of times. (i am genuinely fighting the urge to say "That's what she said"... oops.)
Don't be afraid to be real with God, if you are frustrated because you feel like he is taking too long, or you feel like he;s not listening. TELL HIM!
I should warn you though: he's right and your wrong.
If HE tells you that, you may feel kind of small.
so, take my word for it;)
<3 ∞,
R.L. Cooper
I have been struggling with my dreams and the steps needed to take to get there. i also struggle with reality. i live in a fantasy world. I pretend i am already where i want to be. Standing in front of my clothes piled on my bed pretending it's an audience. It kind of concerns me.
how about you? can you relate?
Are you ready to move?
i know you don't want to hear what i'm about to say(i don't even want to say it).
Be still and know that he is God.
You saw that coming didn't you? It's easier said than done. But once you can recognize the voice of GodFrom my experience the time spent on my knees has been the most pleasurable even in the roughest of times. (i am genuinely fighting the urge to say "That's what she said"... oops.)
Don't be afraid to be real with God, if you are frustrated because you feel like he is taking too long, or you feel like he;s not listening. TELL HIM!
I should warn you though: he's right and your wrong.
If HE tells you that, you may feel kind of small.
so, take my word for it;)
<3 ∞,
R.L. Cooper
Is God really enough?
What do you do when you think/feel you are living in God's will but your life is still empty? how do you break away from that desperation to get out of the pit your in? It's easy to say how to live when you have a life, right? no one understands. what do you when you don't have a life? can you still live in the will of god? how do you spread the gospel (as believers are called to do)when no one knows or cares you exist? How do you live a fulfilled life when god is the only person you talk to, who cares you exist?
is god enough? is a job necessary(the bible says "don't work don't eat")? is god enough? do you need friends(the bible says "it not good for man to be alone")? is god enough? do i REALLY need money? is god enough? How do you stand when you are struggling between what you believe and what you believe? Is the bible really life's manual for EVERYONE? where do you go when you need answers for the specifics? How can you tell where you are in your walk? how do you know when you should be waiting and when you should be moving? Have i deluded myself in thinking this walk, when connected to god, is easier than we think, or it as hard as we think?
Is God enough? do i really need the things i think i need?
The answer to all these questions(& any other question) is simple:
Yes, God is enough.
Message version puts it this way (2corinthians 12:9)
All we NEED is grace, everything else, i literally mean everything else is a want.
Luckily God is down with the cause and won't just leave us hanging with Grace Alone. *cues Judd nelson at the end of TBC fist pump*
He takes pleasures in spoiling us. When things are properly put into perspective... We as children of god are WELL, taken care of:)
Be grateful! He loves you!
<3 ∞,
R.L. Cooper
is god enough? is a job necessary(the bible says "don't work don't eat")? is god enough? do you need friends(the bible says "it not good for man to be alone")? is god enough? do i REALLY need money? is god enough? How do you stand when you are struggling between what you believe and what you believe? Is the bible really life's manual for EVERYONE? where do you go when you need answers for the specifics? How can you tell where you are in your walk? how do you know when you should be waiting and when you should be moving? Have i deluded myself in thinking this walk, when connected to god, is easier than we think, or it as hard as we think?
Is God enough? do i really need the things i think i need?
The answer to all these questions(& any other question) is simple:
Yes, God is enough.
Message version puts it this way (2corinthians 12:9)
My grace is enough; it's all you need.My strength comes into its own in your weakness.Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ's strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become.
All we NEED is grace, everything else, i literally mean everything else is a want.
Luckily God is down with the cause and won't just leave us hanging with Grace Alone. *cues Judd nelson at the end of TBC fist pump*
He takes pleasures in spoiling us. When things are properly put into perspective... We as children of god are WELL, taken care of:)
Be grateful! He loves you!
<3 ∞,
R.L. Cooper
Denomination is division...
"It could all be so simple, but we rather make it hard". we all know the song right?
the beautifully talented Lauryn Hill takes us on a journey of a relationship that just isn't quite working like it should be. however this X-factor is keeping it together. a back and forth type deal. quite unhealthy. i love the song. it speaks volumes to the state the body of christ is in.
SATAN has divided us into a million pieces. The body is Massacred. A relationship that should be simple is made complicated and frustrating. It's like every man for himself. Do we seriously think this is what christ had in mind for his bride?
Thanks be to God for that X-factor. Jesus. duh.
Christ's Love for US is what is keeping this thing together.
Simple as that.
in the end everything will fade, but God's Love remains.
So that and that alone should be priority one for all those who believe.
<3 ∞,
R.L. Cooper
the beautifully talented Lauryn Hill takes us on a journey of a relationship that just isn't quite working like it should be. however this X-factor is keeping it together. a back and forth type deal. quite unhealthy. i love the song. it speaks volumes to the state the body of christ is in.
SATAN has divided us into a million pieces. The body is Massacred. A relationship that should be simple is made complicated and frustrating. It's like every man for himself. Do we seriously think this is what christ had in mind for his bride?
Thanks be to God for that X-factor. Jesus. duh.
Christ's Love for US is what is keeping this thing together.
Simple as that.
in the end everything will fade, but God's Love remains.
So that and that alone should be priority one for all those who believe.
Colossians 2:16-19
English Standard Version (ESV)
16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. 18 Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions,[a] puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, 19 and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.
<3 ∞,
R.L. Cooper
When prayer doesn't work...
If you ask any given person what prayer is they are more than likely going to say "communication with god"... That's the little lamb interpretation of prayer. As we get older our answers may vary and we start spewing yoda type profundities, But when all is said and done we can all agree that prayer is simply Talking(and listening) to god.
Am i right? can we all agree?
If you don't agree you can leave.
iKid, stay! there is more to be said.
If we all agree that prayer is simply Communication with God, then how have we figured in our mind that "prayer doesn't work"... would you say "communication doesn't work"? ha! of course you wouldn't.
i mean, how in the world did we turn this verb into a noun?
"Prayer changes things"
That's the culprit!
We've Grown to believe that prayer is the noun that will make things better. when in reality. It's GOD that changes thing.
Now pls! don't get me wrong. PRAYER DOES CHANGE THINGS!
it changes PEOPLE not circumstances.
When we pray we die to fleshly things and become one with christ and in that union we change, becoming more and more like him.
Prayer isn't something that works or doesn't work, it's an activity that Strengthens our relationship with our redeemer. It's a talk and listen type of deal.(insert communication/relationship analogy here).
I think it's safe to conclude that if your one that feels "prayer doesn't work"
you are either:
A: talking way too much & listening way too little.
B: using prayer as a noun, instead of a verb.
Either way it goes. the problem lies with you, not God.
Have no fear! he died just for this, so you could properly attribute prayer to your daily life/relationship! He won't leave you hanging!
He's So legit!
<3 ∞,
R.L. Cooper
ha! Keep Dreaming bud!
I have often wondered why everyone in the world doesn't live their dreams. i mean, i wouldn't want a bacon destroyer living out his dreams to obliterate bacon, but it would be nice if everyone who desired to be a dancer danced. seriously, What is stopping us from just doing it? i think i might have figured out some people's problems. (by some people i mean this was a personal problem less than 6 mnths ago, so this actually has nothing to do with you.)
honeyBee, it might be time to re evaluate some things.
embrace the gift YOU have been given.
Start with writing down your dreams and aspirations.
call it your "bucket list of dreams"
then for each item on the list ask yourself -- WHY? Why is this item on my list? do i want this because it will make me look good or do i want this because it will Glorify God? Do i really want this or do i want this because bon qui qui has it?
weed out what belongs on the list and what doesn't. God will take care of the minor details like opportunities, money, an audience, etc.
When your dreams and aspiration line up with WHO YOU ARE in CHRIST, only then will you be complete.
Have fun ladies! Be fab! & remember LIVE SAVED!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper
It dawned on me, a lot of people aren't chasing their own dreams, they are chasing the results of someone else's dream. We are so caught up in the gift that we completely ignore the giver. when the giver is actually more important than the gift. Make sense?
honeyBee, it might be time to re evaluate some things.
embrace the gift YOU have been given.
Start with writing down your dreams and aspirations.
call it your "bucket list of dreams"
then for each item on the list ask yourself -- WHY? Why is this item on my list? do i want this because it will make me look good or do i want this because it will Glorify God? Do i really want this or do i want this because bon qui qui has it?
weed out what belongs on the list and what doesn't. God will take care of the minor details like opportunities, money, an audience, etc.
When your dreams and aspiration line up with WHO YOU ARE in CHRIST, only then will you be complete.
Have fun ladies! Be fab! & remember LIVE SAVED!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper
Sunday, February 19, 2012
When God overestimates your strength...
How many times has it been said to you or out of your mouth to someone else?
when hard times come, we are always quick to say:
"he'll never put more on you than you can bear".
it's even a song right? While it's a very encouraging idea, it's not really a biblical one. it's actually the complete opposite. 1corinthians right? This verse is almost ALWAYS taken COMPLETELY out of context... i certainly am guilty of it. this verse isn't talking about hard times, it's referring to temptation. God will ALWAYS leave a way of escape from temptation. That is the context and the truth of this verse.
1 Corinthians 10:13(NKJV)
No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God isfaithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.
If you read throughout the bible God is ALWAYS putting more on people than they can bear. That is the whole point... to get us to a point where we realize we are NOTHING without god...
paul said it best:
2 Corinthians 12:9
New International Version (NIV)
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
Be encouraged, but do not be deceived!
It is VERY VERY VERY important that we assign the PROPER attributes to God and our faith.
He Loves us, and he wants the ABSOLUTE best for us.
All he wants to do is take us home, but we gotta be ready!
<3 ∞
Friday, February 17, 2012
Satire at it's finest; Take That Jon Acuff!
Obviously since i'm 21, i am a pretentious little nugget who feels the need to bring up the fact that i'm vegan in EVERY single conversation i'm invited into, or not invited into. it makes me no difference. Upon discovering that TOMS made vegan shoes(whatever that means) no topic is ever off limits. beware to anyone who talks to me, they are sure to hear about my 7 month journey from carnivore to vegan...hood. I can't help it. i love being vegan.
my favorite part about being a Vegan is eating bacon."
Did you just raise your eyebrow? stop that.
just keep reading.
"My diet is 97% vegan. so even though i religiously eat bacon. i'm still considered a vegan. The best part is no one knows i eat bacon. Which only allows me to eat more bacon.
Veganism is just great that way. As long as it looks like i'm eating right i don't actually have to eat right all the time. So i can enjoy my tofu and bean sprouts as well as my bacon and no one is the wiser.
Except of course my body. but she won't turn on me. Will she?
The love handles say other wise, but i can blame that on a thyroid problem and keep my secret safe.
i can't help that i'm addicted to bacon(although addicted is a strong word). It's in my genes. i mean, if you saw my family around bacon, you'd understand. it's who i am. So as long as no one knows i eat bacon but claim to be a vegan. i can still do both:)"
i mean what else am gonna do? Stick to my diet uncompromised and trust that is is gonna do what it promised? Psh! no! that's just crazy!
[the title is a joke and in no means an attack. lighten up]
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The showdown: Fresh v. Stale
We all do it, and it's so STUPID of us, we make things harder than they have to be. We go day in and day out on Stale Jesus. We get a good, satisfying word and we take it from day to day without regenerating our power.
Yesterday i was SO BEYOND content with EVERYTHING that i probably walked passed my bible at least 6 times before i realized i hadn't picked it up all week. Cut to me a week ago, in my room heart aching empty and frustrated, NEEDING to fill up on jesus.
Why do i ALWAYS wait till i'm empty to get fresh jesus?
we have fresh Jesus available at anytime, yet we live off of stale jesus and wonder why things are so tough?
well, things are tough because our jesus is stale.
(hahaha. wordplay. get it? ok. sorry.)
The bible says in 1thess5:17 -- pray without ceasing.
Every moment of every day you should be connected to your power source...
Jesus doen't want us to get dried up before we come to him. he doesn't take pleasure in our pain.
The choice is our.
fresh or stale?
kind of seems like a no brainer, huh?
Yesterday i was SO BEYOND content with EVERYTHING that i probably walked passed my bible at least 6 times before i realized i hadn't picked it up all week. Cut to me a week ago, in my room heart aching empty and frustrated, NEEDING to fill up on jesus.
Why do i ALWAYS wait till i'm empty to get fresh jesus?
we have fresh Jesus available at anytime, yet we live off of stale jesus and wonder why things are so tough?
well, things are tough because our jesus is stale.
(hahaha. wordplay. get it? ok. sorry.)
The bible says in 1thess5:17 -- pray without ceasing.
Every moment of every day you should be connected to your power source...
Jesus doen't want us to get dried up before we come to him. he doesn't take pleasure in our pain.
The choice is our.
fresh or stale?
kind of seems like a no brainer, huh?
Have fun! be Fab! Live SAVED!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Testify to love!
It was less than six months ago when my daily prayer was "God, if you care anything about me do not wake me up tomorrow".... morning after morning i would wake up with more hate and discontent in my heart than the day before... i simply couldn't understand why my life was complete crap. I always did the right things, i always gave my money AND time for service, i always prayed and had devotion, i mean you name it, i was doing it yet i was more miserable than i had every been, like was even MORE unbearable than when i was living with my mother's abusive husband.
life was backwards and god was torturing me, on night at the beginning of october i literally had enough, i said to God "When you wake me up tomorrow i'll be sure to undo what you did. i am done. i never wanted to be here and it's cruel that you are keeping me around".... i was done, i had given up....
DUN DUN DUN.... what will happen next? STay tuned after this commercial break! *did you know that feb. 15 is the OFFICIAL single awareness day? Yes, there is seriously a SAD, it's official. so find lOVE today and wallow in your singleness tomorrow. :) back to the program!
When i woke up the next morning, everything was different.... i literally cannot explain it. i wish i could, as to make for a more interesting story, but i literally cannot! It was if While i was sleeping, God Gave me the heart transplant that i needed to experience his love. The verses in 1corinth.13 meant more to me than than every before.... IF you do ALLLL THESE things but don't have love you have nothing... I was a Good person, who had nice intentions for others, but until i was able to receive GOD'S love i was empty and broken.
Only the power of the cross can change you, fill your heart with love, peace, joy!
I am not completely restored, but he is working on me everyday! i have more Good days than i do bad, and i have more peace than i do questions!
OH! how he loves us!
For as long as i shall live i will testify to love!
He saved my life, literally.
He saved my mother and sister unbearable heartache.
He saved my friends shock and disappointment.
He literally turned my world right side up and saved everyone from the enemy.
I no longer ask" "what do you want from me God?
My heart sings a new song: "God, what can i do For you?"
I am eternally grateful!
So this is an ode to my first love!
he loves me and for that i love him.
and we LOVE YOU!
Have Fun! Be Fab! Live SAVED!
<3 ∞,
Miss Ryen Lynette Cooper
Monday, February 13, 2012
What's so important?
1 Corinthians 2:9
New International Version (NIV)
However, as it is written:
“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”
the things God has prepared for those who love him
Daily, i ask myself, and today i ask you:
What is SO IMPORTANT that you just HAVE to do it BEFORE jesus comes?
WE live life with so many other priorities that we tend to forget about the main point! HE wants to take us home, but he can't if we aren't ready!!
our FIRST(but not only) priorities as believers is Getting ready!
If You are an avid reader of mine, you will know that i have practically STOLEN Tiffany (her middle name is so awesome) Thurston's message of Blooming where you are planted. God's a simple dude. I Believe That god has you where you are for one reason and one reason only!
salvation, yours and those around you. So make THAT priority ONE.
obviously, i'm not telling you to be all up in the business via prayer requests, nor am i saying shove theology through a feeding tube. You know what you need to do.
Guys, He's waiting on us. I'm ready to see what Jesus has prepared! how about you? ha! of course you are!
Have fun! be fab! live saved!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper
Friday, February 10, 2012
The waiting Game. (tip 7)
'How to play The Waiting Game'
It is VERY important that you do not let it consume you!
Everyone becomes a contestant for one reason and one reason only!
God's Ultimate Goal for our lives is to get us out of this sin filled world.
Let him do his thing!
Tip 7: Isolation
hmmm. Don't like that words too much huh? It's reminds you of a big white room and a backwards jacket doesn't it? i mean really, what is so scary about ALONE TIME? We are always so desperate for it when we get "too busy". We desire it when people are getting on our nerves. what's so different about it when it means stopping and waiting on God? Nothing, we just have a mild case of phycosis. have no fear, it will be cured today:)
Isolation, if but for a day, can open your ears, eyes and heart to the beauty of god's love.
Turn OFF your cell phone, separate yourself from social media, Don't turn off the t.v/radio, Put down that book, for but a MOMENT and see what you are really missing! I promise that text message that you THINK you'll miss if you detach your hand from your phone is NOTHING compared to the beauty in Gods love.
Isolation also helps you to filter all the voices in your heard. It clears up the advice that your wrestling with. Good advice is not always God's advice. Keep that in mind. Just because someone has your best interest at heart doesn't mean their advice is what God wants you to do.
isolation, from THE WORLD in it's ENTIRETY, will help unclog the tunnels, it fine tunes your God ear and allow his love to flow freely through you.
It's not always the funnest of times(wow, there was no red squiggly line... is funnest now a word? oh geez. i'll try this sentence again)
It may not be the most fun of times however, it is the most beneficial.
happy waiting!
<3 ∞,
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The waiting game. (tip 6)
'How to play The Waiting Game'
It is VERY important that you do not let it consume you!
Everyone becomes a contestant for one reason and one reason only!
God's Ultimate Goal for our lives is to get us out of this sin filled world.
Let him do his thing!
Tip 6: L A U G H!
Tip 6 is probably the easiest tip right? like omg, who doesn't laugh? You'd be surprise how HARD it is to laugh when everything about everything is in no way shape of form funny. However, you MUST laugh every single day. it must be a general gut wrenching side hurting omg i just might die laugh.
The bible says laughter does the body good, like medicine. well, actually it says a cheery heart, but i like to think a cheery heart laughs.(prov17:22). The body knows when your laughter is real or fake, so you can't really psych yourself out.
The best way to genuinely laugh is self induced laughter.
huh? say whaaat? Basically, to REALLY get a good laugh in don't rely on T.V or books or Youtube to make it happen. You can make yourself laugh. All dorks can. Trust me, it's the most satisfying feeling ever.
I have a fascinated interest in Laughter Yoga/Therapy. You can engage in groups or do it all alone. The key is to release those tickle bots in your brain. It reduces the pressures of life and just allows you to be free. It gives a SLITHER of a GLIMPSE on what it could POSSIBLY be like on the other side. We are fearfully and wonderfully made! we have it IN US!
God really Does think of everything!
Happy waiting!
Love Always,
Ryen Lynette Cooper!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
the waiting game. (tip 5)
'How to play The Waiting Game'
It is VERY important that you do not let it consume you!
Everyone becomes a contestant for one reason and one reason only!
God's Ultimate Goal for our lives is to get us out of this sin filled world.
Let him do his thing!
Tip 5: Pick up a BOOK!
I am not too sure when reading became a lost art. This tip kind of goes hand in hand with tip 4. If your spot in the waiting game has opened up a lot of your time. LeARN SOMETHING! Pick up a book(that is NOT the bible) and Dive into a new world. Now i do not recommend Fiction romance novels and things of that nature... those types of books will not help your situation. Dive into a christian novel or in a non fiction book of interest. The Key is to grow. Your in a preparation period for a reason. The Very Best thing for you to do is LEARN SOMETHING! I specifically excluded the bible from this tip because of my own personal experience. Sometimes your so desperate to get out of your situation that you spend so much time in your word piling information on top of junk. Your not really getting the heart transplant you need, your just learning biblical facts, instead of allowing god to work on you. You end up created dissonance and complicating the matter. Am i the only one this has every happened to? Geesh, i guess i am the only one whose head knows the bible truths but the heart is still hard. oops.
Here's the thing. Let's Get a PRACTICAL hand on the thing that God is teaching us in his word. The bible is our foundation. We can never truly appreciate the Heavens and the earth that god created as said in Gen1 until we GO outside.
That's all i'm saying. If you know in your heart that you need to be reading your word By no means follow this tip, but for those out there like me.
Let's Go outside.
Pick up a book. Learn Something. DO better. BE better.
<3 ∞
the waiting game. (tip 4)
'How to play The Waiting Game'
It is VERY important that you do not let it consume you!
Everyone becomes a contestant for one reason and one reason only!
God's Ultimate Goal for our lives is to get us out of this sin filled world.
Let him do his thing!
When the waiting game opens up your schedule and suddenly you have more time on your hands then your used to, DO not wallow in self pity wishing things were different, clinging to the activities of your past. Get your hands moving. Get a hobby. learn a new skill. When you wait make the absolute best of your time and grow as an individual. You NEVER know what can transpire from a small hobby. God is in the business of changing lives, and it all starts with you. Better yourself in EVERY WAY possible. Something as simple as Learning to knit and make hats for new babies. Will make you a tool for the kingdom. Don't be idle. Keep your hands busy so your mind doesn't wander.
Have Fun! Be Fab! Live Saved!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The Waiting Game. (Bonus tip)
for the last couple days we have been sharing tips on what to do while you are playing "the waiting game"... aside from the most obvious; [pray. study your word, give more..] We've kind of addressed some practical things that ANYONE can do with or without a lot of time or money.
Here is a bonus tip that really should supersede all others.
Remind yourself all day everyday that this world is not your home. there is something BETTER waiting for you!
God wants you there and so he is preparing you. simple as that.
Write it on a note card and put it in plain view on every surface possible.
Every place that you come in contact with multiple times a day.
place it there.
"This world is not my home."
It seriously puts everything else in perspective.
When all else fails, this reminder will hold your sanity in tact.
Love Always:)
Here is a bonus tip that really should supersede all others.
Remind yourself all day everyday that this world is not your home. there is something BETTER waiting for you!
God wants you there and so he is preparing you. simple as that.
Write it on a note card and put it in plain view on every surface possible.
- mirrors.
- refrigerator.
- t.v.
- bedposts.
- doors.
- car dashboard.
- mailbox.
- microwave.
- etc.
Every place that you come in contact with multiple times a day.
place it there.
"This world is not my home."
It seriously puts everything else in perspective.
When all else fails, this reminder will hold your sanity in tact.
Love Always:)
the waiting game. (tip 3)
'How to play The Waiting Game'
It is VERY important that you do not let it consume you!
Everyone becomes a contestant for one reason and one reason only!
God's Ultimate Goal for our lives is to get us out of this sin filled world.
Let him do his thing!
I'm not sure if this is a scientific fact, but in girl world it's as tried and true as the gospel of Jesus Christ. WHEN YOU LOOK GOOD, YOU FEEL GOOD! Waiting on God is never easy and often takes a toll on us in ways we don't realize. the stress and frustration we sometimes feel DEFINITELY come out on our faces, in our weight. sometimes we're just too beat down to even care that our hair has become a giant knot. remember: Don't let it consume you! Celebrate your beauty! you were fearfully and wonderfully made. That's no accident! thats grounds for REJOICING! Makeovers can go from having a girl's night when you guys sit up and laugh all night playing with hair and makeup, or simply taking a nice long bath and making yourself up even if you aren't going anywhere. a makeover could be a long term decision to take better care of your health. or simply getting a manicure. There are many ways to have Makeovers. do whats best for your life, but be sure to not skip this tip. the key to this tip is to Celebrate your beauty! When THAT THING you're waiting for begins to unnerve you. Stop. pray.and powder! hahaha. that was so corny! be fabulous! See the beauty in everyday and inside yourself. God created both in love! Don't allow your frustrations to forget that!
OH! how he loves us:)
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper
Monday, February 6, 2012
The waiting game. (tip 2)
'How to play The Waiting Game'
It is VERY important that you do not let it consume you!
Everyone becomes a contestant for one reason and one reason only!
God's Ultimate Goal for our lives is to get us out of this sin filled world.
Tip 2: Dance
When in doubt get moving. Often times when we are waiting on God we get frustrated because we have no clue what is going on. sometimes his words are just NOT enough. at least thats the case for me. The best cure to frustration with God is to clear your head and get moving. When that THING your waiting on start to burden and worry you... get moving. Not only is dancing probably the most fun thing ever, irregardless of your rhythmic abilities, it's very healthy it gets endorphins in your brain released that simply make you feel good. besides who doesn't LOVE music? You can do a Full out Risky business montage or simply do a little jig while you are cooking. If the waiting game is getting you down, celebrate your blessings and get your feet moving!
Have fun! Be fab! live saved!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper
Sunday, February 5, 2012
The waiting Game. (tip 1)
'How to play The Waiting Game'
It is VERY important that you do not let it consume you!
Everyone becomes a contestant for one reason and one reason only!
whether it be for the next season or simply the master plan(back to Eden)
Writing is a major tool in the waiting game. Waiting Goes against human nature. Especially for something that cannot be defined by our senses. it's too easy for us to begin to question/doubt when god makes us play.
For some reason as believers were only taught that these feelings are lies of the enemy but we are never taught HOW to deal with them. Ignoring them won't make them go away. i repeat, DO NOT IGNORE THESE FEELINGS!
Write everything down, on paper, all the negatives. don't worry about how it sounds. no one is going to read it. just write down what's going on in your head. Then, IDENTIFY and combat each lie with scripture. however many negatives you have don't let a single on go unpenned. is that a word? it will be today. SPEAK ALOUD anything positive you are feeling. Practice Makes permanent. If you allow yourself to ONLY speak positive you won't complain. and that is very pleasing to god:) we wanna please god, right?
You'll be FunFabSAVED before you know it!
Happy Waiting!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
This post is so somber, i couldn't even come up with a catchy title.
Guys, Today i'm just putting my feelings down. i know i promised you "how to play the waiting game" but First i think it's best we have an honest moment together. blogger to reader.
it's no secret that i am in a quicksand season of life. I am always talking/writing about "Blooming where you are planted" and "The waiting game". my content isn't very versatile. just those two. with a little sprinkle here and there about other things. Well, that because "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks". That's biblical right? My heart is obsessed with my future. i have been out of school for 4 years, and i have nothing to show for it. i am unemployed nor am i in any kind of secondary school. It seems everyone around me has... SOMETHING!
like seriously, even the prom mommies have their children. I stopped comparing myself to other a bit ago when our h.s class president Miss pristine herself was dating a FB player at her college. but even still, i look at me then and i look at me now. and i'm still a loser. with nothing to offer. not beating myself up. these are just facts. So, among all these negatives i Reach and grab hold to a positive.
While i believe the things i write to be true, i sometimes feel as though i missed the train.
Your 4 years of undergrad are equivalent to my 4year struggle with God. and while you have graduation to look foreword to, i don't know where i stand.
I have dreams(a compact list, there's more but these are the BIG ones.):
it's no secret that i am in a quicksand season of life. I am always talking/writing about "Blooming where you are planted" and "The waiting game". my content isn't very versatile. just those two. with a little sprinkle here and there about other things. Well, that because "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks". That's biblical right? My heart is obsessed with my future. i have been out of school for 4 years, and i have nothing to show for it. i am unemployed nor am i in any kind of secondary school. It seems everyone around me has... SOMETHING!
like seriously, even the prom mommies have their children. I stopped comparing myself to other a bit ago when our h.s class president Miss pristine herself was dating a FB player at her college. but even still, i look at me then and i look at me now. and i'm still a loser. with nothing to offer. not beating myself up. these are just facts. So, among all these negatives i Reach and grab hold to a positive.
While i believe the things i write to be true, i sometimes feel as though i missed the train.
Your 4 years of undergrad are equivalent to my 4year struggle with God. and while you have graduation to look foreword to, i don't know where i stand.
I have dreams(a compact list, there's more but these are the BIG ones.):
- to get paid for blogging/Vlogging.(which is so common these days, i bet your like... why is this even on the list) i want to travel the WORLD, and blog/vlog about my experiences. the things i see. immerse myself in different culture. raise awareness to the needs of the people.
- FunFabSAVED: take the message on tour with some of the hottest jesus freaked out christian artists/dancers/thespians around.(i wanna emcee it because i also want to be a speaker)
- have the recourses to sponsor 50-100 children by age 25.
I don't know where i am or where i'm going. but by beholding we become changed.
and so what i blog about is a message to myself. I wish i had enough readers to create a forum so that we could grow together. but as for now, i am just documenting where i am in the season of my life. hoping to encourage someone who is in this season with me.
It always seems like when people are playing The Waiting Game everything gets quiet, and THEN they talk about how god had their hand on them the whole time.
Well, i'm Currently playing The waiting Game. and while it mostly frustrating i KNOW god has his hand on me and you as well.
I ask you this one favor.
If you are a reader, and you have something to say.
if my post(not just this one but any of them) make you laugh, raise an eyebrow, click off the page. Don't hold your tongue. Let me know.
I thrive off of feedback. i would LOVE to hear what you guys have to say.
remember: Have Fun! Be Fab! LIVE SAVED!
<3 ∞,
Miss Ryen Lynette Cooper.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Hasbro should really patent this idea!
So, For the Next Week( starting sunday). i'm going to share some of my tips on "how to play the waiting game". It's no secret that i am currently the top contestant. Now if you are a Breathing Believer you WIll have to play sometime in your future. Or you could be playing now. Ya know, i thought i saw you in the lunch room. How's the chili?
one thing i have learned in the WHOLE experience is not to let it consume you.
Allow God to do what he's doing. if you quit fidgeting, he can get finished. Like when you were a young girl and your mom tried to do your hair. what would've taken about 20minutes took 2 hours. Am i the only nightmare daughter out there?
yup! so, that's that. We all gotta play. all i can do is help you make it fun!
It's a GAME for pete's sake! BRING. IT. ON.
Have fun! Be Fab! Lived SAVED!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper
one thing i have learned in the WHOLE experience is not to let it consume you.
Allow God to do what he's doing. if you quit fidgeting, he can get finished. Like when you were a young girl and your mom tried to do your hair. what would've taken about 20minutes took 2 hours. Am i the only nightmare daughter out there?
1peter 5:6 says: Humble yourselves, therefore under the mighty hand of god so that at the proper time he may exalt you.
yup! so, that's that. We all gotta play. all i can do is help you make it fun!
It's a GAME for pete's sake! BRING. IT. ON.
Have fun! Be Fab! Lived SAVED!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Hush it up. (day 3)
okk, so carzy as it sounds i am giving myself the silent treatment.
no worries, it has nothing to do with you. However while i'm on this silence retreat i didn't want to leave you guys with nothing. See, i care:)
Enjoy today's post by GUNGOR. a Husband-wife duo who make INCREDIBLE music and amazing blog posts.
ENjoy this post about what the husband had to say about The Grammys:)
<3 ∞
no worries, it has nothing to do with you. However while i'm on this silence retreat i didn't want to leave you guys with nothing. See, i care:)
Enjoy today's post by GUNGOR. a Husband-wife duo who make INCREDIBLE music and amazing blog posts.
ENjoy this post about what the husband had to say about The Grammys:)
<3 ∞
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