Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Who Put wood in my chicken?
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Will you sign my yearbook?
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Krysten, YOU ROCK! |
As The Kite Project ends, and we continue on with our chase, I pray we keep in touch, and allow the buds of friendship planted to blossom and flourish into something of majestic beauty, but more so I pray that we take the lesson learned in this time and encapsulate them, so we may never forget what God has done through each and every chaser involved.
I pray that the closer we get to our dreams the closer we get to our God.
I pray the the more relentless we are in chasing Kite tails, the more relentless we become in our chase of the heart of God.
Thank you for the love, and friendship, and understanding!
(esp when I spammed you guys with every new idea that popped in my brain. LOL!)
Monday, February 25, 2013
This is happening today. Let's Party!
here's how it works:
follow these blogs first!
southern beauty guide
the literatorium
fun. fab. saved.
with love, jesika
fashion, love & lauren
follow these pages first!
southern beauty guide
the literatorium
fun. fab. saved.
with love, jesika
fashion, love & lauren
follow these accounts first!
southern beauty guide
the literatorium
fun. fab. saved.
with love, jesika
follow these accounts first!
southern beauty guide
the literatorium
fun. fab. saved.
fashion, love & lauren
follow these accounts first!
southern beauty guide
the literatorium
fun. fab. saved.
with love, jesika
fashion, love & lauren
Friday, February 22, 2013
Prayer 101.
It is vital that we (and my 'we' I do mean me) get back to the foundation of Prayer. It's time we (and my 'we' I do mean me) just shut up and have an encounter with God.
Jeida Has this to say about having intentional encounters with God.
To read more Hop on over to Jeida's blog: Destiny Collisions.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Ask and you shall receive, Maybe.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Bee & Jae.
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These two ladies are to awesome in so many ways. I really don't want to gush and I feel that is what is about to start happening so now I'm just gonna end this.
Be on the look out for what they are coming with this week on funfabsaved!
Friday, February 15, 2013
I Got Milk!
Because I really don't like them.
I prayed, I was obedient, I exercised my integrity and honored my values.
It's a really cool thing to feel like a winner; to feel like God is in control and smile on the righteous.
I am Going to chase this feeling.
I am going to continue to honor God with my life.
If your life is a giant suckfest and it doesn't make sense because you know you are living right.
Keep your head up. Keep pushing towards the mark.
It will be worth it, even but for a moment.
<3 ∞,
Jesi Rae
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
My Core.
I'm not a fan of being "cheered up" or "encouraged".
While, I am growing and evolving daily.
I, as a whole, am not really a popular opinion.
Stay true to my perspectives and opinions.
Be open to learning and listening but always stick to my guns.
I knew going into this world of writing and ministering that my voice and I would be black sheep; but to know something and live something out are extremely divergent.
Living outside the box.
We glamorize it.
We make it look fun.
We make it look popular.
"the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.[matt7.14ESV]"
maybe this life outside the box isn't so bad after all.
Maybe it's exactly where I am supposed to be.
Life outside the box is a bit cramped, and mostly difficult, and sometimes lonely.
however it leads to life.
Not simply being alive in a sin cursed world.
Life. Eternally.
It is why we were created.
It leads to absolute fulfillment.
In Jesus Christ.
I am a sour person living outside the box.
But all in all I am generally at peace with it all.
By it, I mean life.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way other people go about life,
but more importantly there is nothing wrong with the way I go about life.
We all just want to feel heard, loved and understood.
The only way for that to happen is to be yourself.
God will seriously do the rest.
It doesn't matter what your peace looks like,
as long as it keeps you connected to your lord, your savior and yourself.
I am a sour person.
I know that.
I hope that somehow I can make someone feel less alone.
Through Christ I am happy patiently waiting for him to come back.
Just like he promised.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Live blogging.
I shot this story in a video, but sadly I can't upload videos on this blogger app.
I'm sitting in my car at a gas station stranded. Since last night I ran out of gas three times trying to get to the gas station. I finally make it here only to realize I have no money.
So here I sit. Sharing my experianced with my readers.
This morning the Lord places this on my heart: "Faith is believing God is who he says he is, despire the facts percieved through your senses".
I have my life predicted down to a T. I knew I would run out of gas on my way to get gas(however, I did not see the lack of funds part), I just hoped God would prove me wrong and Work a miracle.
Thats the thing. I'm always hoping God would prove me wrong. God proving me wrong isn't strengthening my faith, its coddling the tamtrums of a brat.
And so here I sit.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Friends, curses, and other annoyances.
The only person who questioned and challenged.
The only person who constantly thought about life on a bigger scale that what I was taught.
Most of my life, I felt crazy. Still do sometimes.
It wasn't until recently, that God sent me a companion so profoundly architectured for me, I can't even explain with mortal words. I was sent a friend, a personification of what I have with jesus. It's insane.
I care so deeply for this friendship that God has so perfectly timed. I sat down to right this with the intent of sharing a piece of my heart, but there are no words to describe how perfect God's orchestration is. Just take my word for it. It's legit, for it has rendered me speechless.
Sometimes God will send precious little reminders, that not only does he love us, but he deeply cares for us. He did that for me tonight. He opened my eyes to how precious a gift my friendship is, I am grateful. I hope everyday, my friend know just how massively grateful i am for the friendship and for the heart/mind placed inside you.
I love Jesus. He really does think of everything.
**yea lil pookierayray, I'm talking about you.
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Two posts in one. SURPRISE! |
Friday, February 8, 2013
.With God, Eventually.
(romans 8.18/1corinthians 2.9)
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
.Return of the pep.
Monday, February 4, 2013
I don't know how else to be, but real.
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Friday, February 1, 2013
Certified Fabulous Monthly Challenge.
Certified Fabulous is a gallery of inspiration, where we showcase conscious decisions of learning to love ourselves, just the way we are. Sometimes we can't wait to simply evolve, we must make a choice to love who we were created to be.
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The First of every month I have dedicated to ME!A shameless celebration of who God created me to be.I know from the outside looking in this may seem like a vanity project, but for someone who lives in a perpetual state of self loathing this is a healing process. Trust me;)Each month I will list 3 different thing about myself that I like, 3 different thing about life that I am grateful for, and 3 insecurities that I have reconciled.