Well, as crazy as this may sound i'm giving myself the silent treatment.
I'll explain more next week. However, i didn't want to leave you guys with nothing!
Pls enjoy this Blog My Morgan Harper Nichols. 1000 words to use in a sentence.
It's fairly new, but i absolutely LOVE it!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
After graduating High school. i found myself asking god "What do you want from me?" & "What am i supposed to be doing?" a lot. Every time i bent my knees to pray these words were coming out of my lips and out of my heart.
I couldn't understand why i was this AMAZING person who's life was only getting crappier. Once the depression set in, i was convinced this was either my destiny, or God was just an acquired taste, and my metaphorical taste buds did not acquire that taste. i mean, i KNEW in my head god loved me, but i often felt like he didn't like me very much. This love he seemed to have for me, this love that everyone talked about was contractional. he was obligated to love everyone, but no one said you had to like everyone. i mean that's what the bible says. or at least that's what were taught. right? i mean, cmon god! i'm asking what you want me to do which OBVIOUSLY means i wanna live for you! i was so sure that is what that meant that i had to completely suicidal before the right answer came.
It wasn't until the day that i ACCEPTED the cross. i always said to myself "there could've been another way", "it couldn't have been that bad they all knew it was coming" "if god was all knowing why did he even create lucifer. he knew this was coming". the cross meant nothing to me because i constantly blamed god for transgression and why bad things happen, ESP to good people. i just wasn't interested in taking the blame. However, once i stopped trying to blame someone and saw life for what it was, once i stopped making it ALL ABOUT ME i was then able to see exactly what the cross did for me! for ALL of us!
The cross is FREEDOM!
it's a freedom i can't explain, it's only something you have to experience for yourself. If you ever need a sign of the status of your heart, check the way you pray.
a heart of gratitude will Change your "What do you want FROM me?" to "What can i do FOR you?"
That is what it really means to be FunFabSAVED!
<3 ∞
I couldn't understand why i was this AMAZING person who's life was only getting crappier. Once the depression set in, i was convinced this was either my destiny, or God was just an acquired taste, and my metaphorical taste buds did not acquire that taste. i mean, i KNEW in my head god loved me, but i often felt like he didn't like me very much. This love he seemed to have for me, this love that everyone talked about was contractional. he was obligated to love everyone, but no one said you had to like everyone. i mean that's what the bible says. or at least that's what were taught. right? i mean, cmon god! i'm asking what you want me to do which OBVIOUSLY means i wanna live for you! i was so sure that is what that meant that i had to completely suicidal before the right answer came.
It wasn't until the day that i ACCEPTED the cross. i always said to myself "there could've been another way", "it couldn't have been that bad they all knew it was coming" "if god was all knowing why did he even create lucifer. he knew this was coming". the cross meant nothing to me because i constantly blamed god for transgression and why bad things happen, ESP to good people. i just wasn't interested in taking the blame. However, once i stopped trying to blame someone and saw life for what it was, once i stopped making it ALL ABOUT ME i was then able to see exactly what the cross did for me! for ALL of us!
The cross is FREEDOM!
it's a freedom i can't explain, it's only something you have to experience for yourself. If you ever need a sign of the status of your heart, check the way you pray.
a heart of gratitude will Change your "What do you want FROM me?" to "What can i do FOR you?"
That is what it really means to be FunFabSAVED!
<3 ∞
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Big picture people.
Hebrews 10:36-37
King James Version (KJV)
36For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
37For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.
in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives have we seriously forgotten something?
our purpose as human beings is to be restored Back to eden! This world is not our home. being successful(even "for jesus")is not the goal. Jesus is coming back. shouldn't THAT be our FIRST priority. to be ready for his return? isn't that the purpose of christianity. jesus didn't die to we could continue to live on a sin cursed earth. he died so we could take part in the NEW sin FREE earth. The entire plan of redemption was strictly for US! The ins and outs of our lives are all tools to prepare ourselves and to help prepare others for that moment in time when he comes back for us.
What is SOOOOOO important that you have to delay the work God has called you to? is life on earth that Good for you that you wanna stay forever? i mean guys, seriously do we NOT want to go to heaven?
I think as believers we loose sight of the goal. some of us are so fixated on the cross that we kind of forget WHY it was done.
Ask Jesus: What can I do to quicken your coming?
i'm ready for that eternal bliss! i know you are too!
<3 ∞
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Hasbro's Waiting Game.
i am no stranger to the waiting game. if you are a frequent reader of mine you will see a pattern of posts about statues of success and what to do while you wait.
Welp here we are again. i Have potentially GREAT news, and instead of over analyzing ever aspect of this possible opportunity and fantasizing myself into a psychotic break i have decide to utilize the thing i love using the platform i have to strengthen my Message/ministry. FunFabSAVED.
My biggest advice to fellow contestants in the waiting game is to HAVE FUN!
It's a game for Greg's Sake(pete was a little tired so greg offered his sake)!
Do what you love. BLOOM where you are planted.
Don't worry about "what's next?"!
Que Sera, sera. Right?
Have Fun! Be Fab! Live SAVED!
<3 ∞.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Don't believe the hype. God LOVEs when you brag!
1 Thessalonians 5:18
New Living Translation (NLT)
18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus
I spent most of my life Claiming i wasn't really "blessed". I never Got what i asked for(which was always something within reason, rarely tangible.) and so i assumed God just wasn't in the business of blessing me. He didn't favor me. The nice things that Did happen for me felt like a pacifier to shut me up, and being an all or nothing type of girl i don't take too kindly to being shut up.
Thanks be to God that this couldn't be further from the truth. He showers me with blessings and advances of Love everyday. all day. my heart just has to want to see it. i had to stop acting rotten for just a second and open my eye to God's shameless wooing.
I've decided to make a list of 30 things i am grateful for(in no particular order). To show off my god. HE has blessed me beyond measure and i just wanna brag a little. is that ok? Will you join me?
- sight
- my car
- carpeted floors
- my cell phone
- my bed.(it's SOOOO comfy)
- internet access
- clothes
- my teeth(A megga watt smile crafted by the creator himself. no braces)
- all my limbs are properly placed
- my face is structured properly(not missing anything)
- All the food in my house.
- mirrors.
- the fact that i enjoy looking in mirrors.
- my hearing
- my macbook
- indoor plumbing
- cable
- social networking
- Jesus(grace & mercy)
- my talents(speaking and writing)
- my love for books and reading
- cheetah/leopard print
- jeggings/leggins
- working internal organs
- my toes
- music(esp spotify and itunes)
- my family
- my church(& my pastor)
- my blog.
- my readers.
This is an inconclusive list of Gifts God has given me over the years. CLEARLY this just scathes the top. I am so grateful for his many blessings. even if they don't come how i want them. he still always come through. showering me with love.
How about you? can you share a list of 30(or more) gifts god has showered you with? Let me know. leave a comment below.
or you can tweet me 30 times. whatever boils your noodle.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Just Add water...
is it me or is every Food in America turning in to Fix it quick recipes. just add water. microwavable. drop it in the toaster. the way things are headed stoves and ovens may become obsolete. I mean who needs to actually COOK food when you can just Fix it to TASTE like food. right? Think about it. You have a full Gourmet dinner made with only 3 cups of water. Doesn't That sound nice? A delicious meal and you dint even have to sweat. Sweet deal right? Never mind the fact that what your eating isn't even Food, just a bunch of chemicals and mechanically separated slop. It tastes like the real thing and fills your stomach like the real thing and that's all that matters. Right?
(here lies a clever bridge that would transition to my next point)
Unlike you, i often try to add jesus to my life. You don't have that problem do you? i didn't think so. See, you seem to understand a concept i cannot seem to grasp. I can't just Add jesus. shake and go. because that isn't a real recipe.
i can't add him on top of my gunk an expect to produce fruit. Simply Adding jesus to my life is like adding water to powder mix. It may look like food and it may even taste like food but it isn't actually food. I have to allow Jesus to be ALL or nothing. not just a Fix it quick formula to my life. it doesn't work that way, that's how i ended up depressed and suicidal. attempting to use jesus like a formula. silly me. i can't be the Chef, Jesus has to be the chef. running the show. calling the shots. i believe the recipe he cooks up will be a sweet smelling savor to the Father's nostril(assuming God has a nose). Just Trust him to take the lead, all you have to do is follow. (oops, i mean all I have to do, i forgot, you don't have this problem.)
God really does think of everything. He's so legit!
Have Fun. Be Fab. Live Saved.
<3 ∞,
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Nostalgia. is there a cure?
Something i used to strongly believe and judging from my recent findings is actually a popular misconception is the idea that it would have been easier to follow christ if you were around when he was walking the earth.
C'mon, raise your hand. was/is that you!? it's ok, you're in a safe place.
while there are many ways to dispute that claim i think i have come up with the simplest logic to tell you why that is false. Trust me Peeps you were born in the right era, at the right time, to the right people.
When jesus walked this earth; he was simply a man. like you. not me, i'm a woman.
as indicated in the picture below.
Wrap your head around that before i move on. Because we know the whole story, we loose sight of this simple fact. Jesus was simply a man.
That is basically my entire rebuttal to this nostalgia. when man sinned we traded sides and lived under the jurisdiction of satan... even jesus. All of that changed AFTER his resurrection(he reclaimed jurisdiction and satan lost all power. the poor sap, homeless and defeated).So you see, we got the fluffy side of the mop.
In Jesus' day people only had a HOPE of salvation, all thay had was the hope that jesus really was who he said he was and wasn't going to muck anything up.
Today, WE HAVE VICTORY! We don't have to wonder and hope like they did. We already know, it's already done! They didn't have a sure thing like we do. If you are brutally honest with yourself like i was you'll realize you've grown accustomed to indoor plumbing and are grateful that God chose you for such a time as this. (and my that i mean, running faucet water)
God really does think of everything. He's so legit.
<3 ∞
P.s. Just so i'm clear i do believe that Jesus WAS the messiah come to save the race, but as scriptures indicate he was a man with the same capacity to sin or not sin as we do. He didn't walk through life temptaion-less. So he had the capacity in him to fail.
C'mon, raise your hand. was/is that you!? it's ok, you're in a safe place.
while there are many ways to dispute that claim i think i have come up with the simplest logic to tell you why that is false. Trust me Peeps you were born in the right era, at the right time, to the right people.
When jesus walked this earth; he was simply a man. like you. not me, i'm a woman.
as indicated in the picture below.
![]() |
See, im a girl. i have hair. |
That is basically my entire rebuttal to this nostalgia. when man sinned we traded sides and lived under the jurisdiction of satan... even jesus. All of that changed AFTER his resurrection(he reclaimed jurisdiction and satan lost all power. the poor sap, homeless and defeated).So you see, we got the fluffy side of the mop.
In Jesus' day people only had a HOPE of salvation, all thay had was the hope that jesus really was who he said he was and wasn't going to muck anything up.
Today, WE HAVE VICTORY! We don't have to wonder and hope like they did. We already know, it's already done! They didn't have a sure thing like we do. If you are brutally honest with yourself like i was you'll realize you've grown accustomed to indoor plumbing and are grateful that God chose you for such a time as this. (and my that i mean, running faucet water)
God really does think of everything. He's so legit.
<3 ∞
P.s. Just so i'm clear i do believe that Jesus WAS the messiah come to save the race, but as scriptures indicate he was a man with the same capacity to sin or not sin as we do. He didn't walk through life temptaion-less. So he had the capacity in him to fail.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Brace Face!
So, call me crazy, but i thought MY measurements of my own beauty was a common thread among women everywhere. it's like this, If someone I personally think is pretty thinks i'm pretty then i consider myself pretty, and if someone thinks i'm pretty that i personally don't think is pretty then i think they think i'm pretty because i'm prettier than them. so i don't take it as a compliment and i second guess my beauty. Did you get all that!?
it wasn't until maybe a couple days ago that i realized two things:
I kind of had a rude awakening of cliche'd sorts: "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." not every human being walking the planet will think you are beautiful/pretty. however Your creator, the only opinion that matters, thinks you are a GEM! So walk with your head held high. people's opinions are usually reflections of their own insecurities, or they simply don't find you attractive.
Either way it goes, it shouldn't matter.(i know it's "human Nature", but still...) Embrace your face cuz it's the only face you've got.
Help FunFabSAVED spread a message of love. Join The movement. (<--- click this link)
Simply put together a slideshow of 10-15 of your favorite pictures of yourself and add a personal message of "loving yourself" also, share an insecurity about your face that you've overcome. Then share them across your social media platforms. (twitter/tumblr/Youtube tag = Funfabsaved, creatorsworth Loveyourface or embraceyourface].
Have Fun! Be fab! Live Saved!
<3 ∞,
it wasn't until maybe a couple days ago that i realized two things:
- Just because I personally think they're pretty doesn't mean they themselves think their pretty and until You yourself know you're beautiful, you never will be.
- Comparing myself to others is stupid. i'll never measure up. everyone's standards of beauty are different.
I kind of had a rude awakening of cliche'd sorts: "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." not every human being walking the planet will think you are beautiful/pretty. however Your creator, the only opinion that matters, thinks you are a GEM! So walk with your head held high. people's opinions are usually reflections of their own insecurities, or they simply don't find you attractive.
Either way it goes, it shouldn't matter.(i know it's "human Nature", but still...) Embrace your face cuz it's the only face you've got.
Help FunFabSAVED spread a message of love. Join The movement. (<--- click this link)
Simply put together a slideshow of 10-15 of your favorite pictures of yourself and add a personal message of "loving yourself" also, share an insecurity about your face that you've overcome. Then share them across your social media platforms. (twitter/tumblr/Youtube tag = Funfabsaved, creatorsworth Loveyourface or embraceyourface].
Have Fun! Be fab! Live Saved!
<3 ∞,
Monday, January 23, 2012
OH joy, another lesson in self love.
I once read a tweet that said "why do the ugliest girls have the most confidence".
"HOW RUDE! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" is what i wanted to say. however, i just tried to ignore it. Yet that statement plagued me. i've never been "the pretty one". so i didn't really know how to take it. all i knew was i didn't like it. i naturally assumed that if people told me i was "pretty/beautiful/sexy" then i was, and if they didn't i must not be. if people complimented me on my looks i was accepted into the beautiful people club and was then allowed to flood my social media platforms with photos of myself. HA! I'd always heard the message of self love and not caring what anyone thought about you, but i never really believed it. For the longest time i didn't understand the line between loving yourself and being vain. so i just avoided the matter all together. it's very simple though Loving yourself because God loves you is "self-love". anything outside of that is vanity. Once i wrapped my head around the fact that The creator of the universe(known and unknowN) loves me i learned to Love myself. I learned a lesson in Loving myself a couple of months ago from a Young Jamie Grace through a song she shared about her struggle with Tourette syndrome.
Help FunFabSAVED spread a message of love. Join The movement. (<-- CLICK THIS LINK!)
Simply put together a slideshow of 10-15 of your favorite pictures of yourself and add a personal message of "loving yourself" also, share an insecurity about your face that you've overcome. Then share them across your social media platforms. (twitter/tumblr/Youtube tag = Funfabsaved, creatorsworth or Loveyourface].
You are beautiful. YES EVEN YOU! don't ever be ashamed of your face!
i'm serious. it's legit!
Have fun! Be fab! Live saved!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
"HOW RUDE! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" is what i wanted to say. however, i just tried to ignore it. Yet that statement plagued me. i've never been "the pretty one". so i didn't really know how to take it. all i knew was i didn't like it. i naturally assumed that if people told me i was "pretty/beautiful/sexy" then i was, and if they didn't i must not be. if people complimented me on my looks i was accepted into the beautiful people club and was then allowed to flood my social media platforms with photos of myself. HA! I'd always heard the message of self love and not caring what anyone thought about you, but i never really believed it. For the longest time i didn't understand the line between loving yourself and being vain. so i just avoided the matter all together. it's very simple though Loving yourself because God loves you is "self-love". anything outside of that is vanity. Once i wrapped my head around the fact that The creator of the universe(known and unknowN) loves me i learned to Love myself. I learned a lesson in Loving myself a couple of months ago from a Young Jamie Grace through a song she shared about her struggle with Tourette syndrome.
Help FunFabSAVED spread a message of love. Join The movement. (<-- CLICK THIS LINK!)
Simply put together a slideshow of 10-15 of your favorite pictures of yourself and add a personal message of "loving yourself" also, share an insecurity about your face that you've overcome. Then share them across your social media platforms. (twitter/tumblr/Youtube tag = Funfabsaved, creatorsworth or Loveyourface].
You are beautiful. YES EVEN YOU! don't ever be ashamed of your face!
i'm serious. it's legit!
Have fun! Be fab! Live saved!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
OH god! do i have to?
You ever notice when you're in a funk and the PERFECT song comes on and ministers to your heart and all of sudden your world is right and your back on the God Choo-Choo!?
Yea, that's never happened to me either. i'm perfect. but since your not i guess you can relate.
Have you ever considered that that moment when YOU are ministered to in YOUR funk that is a long ripple of decisions on the part of EVERYONE who had a hand in getting the song to your ears. That is a lot of people to consider having a hand in that ONE moment. God is so legit! he had a handle in ever single part of That chain of decisions leading up to that moment when you click play and "in the light" by AnthemLights Ft jamiegrace comes blaring through your macbook and your heart is at ease and your mind is at peace.
Opps. guess, i'm not so perfect after all, unless the exact same thing happened to you. Then i'm talking about you, not me and i'm still perfect.
All in all You never know the ripple effect of each decision, however if you are walking in the will of God moment by moment you can be sure your decisions will be used to showcase the matchless love of God.
he doesn't need any of us, but how cool is it that he chooses to use us. he trusts us with the very word that created everything, to give our measly lives meaning.
god really does think of everything. He's so legit!
❤ ∞
Yea, that's never happened to me either. i'm perfect. but since your not i guess you can relate.
Have you ever considered that that moment when YOU are ministered to in YOUR funk that is a long ripple of decisions on the part of EVERYONE who had a hand in getting the song to your ears. That is a lot of people to consider having a hand in that ONE moment. God is so legit! he had a handle in ever single part of That chain of decisions leading up to that moment when you click play and "in the light" by AnthemLights Ft jamiegrace comes blaring through your macbook and your heart is at ease and your mind is at peace.
Opps. guess, i'm not so perfect after all, unless the exact same thing happened to you. Then i'm talking about you, not me and i'm still perfect.
All in all You never know the ripple effect of each decision, however if you are walking in the will of God moment by moment you can be sure your decisions will be used to showcase the matchless love of God.
he doesn't need any of us, but how cool is it that he chooses to use us. he trusts us with the very word that created everything, to give our measly lives meaning.
god really does think of everything. He's so legit!
❤ ∞
K.i.s.S part 2!
God is SO legit! he is the chillest, coolest, bestest(Yes, bestest)there ever was. Somewhere along the line Satan has contorted our perception of god and either we make him to be much deeper than he is, or WAY too shallow. We often don't have a proper perception of the one we call lord, and so strikes calamity to our sanity, leading to doubt and unbelief. it's only natural for it to appear like satan is winning all the time. Satan and God don't play by the same rules. God is bound to truth, justice and love. Satan is the master of deceit. While truth prevails in the end, deceit gets more attention. We as believers don't like to admit it, or maybe we are too afraid to, but even though we have the victory satan has the upper hand on the playing field. Satan can do things god cannot, like pretend to be something he is not. Hence the appearance of satan constantly winning. Think about it, how many lies on a day to day basis does satan feed you? how many do you believe? God has ONE truth, it's so simple. yet, it is so often overlooked. We have to be force fed the truth while satan sugarcoats everything and we inhale it by the Gobs. Luckily, God thinks of EVERYTHING and has secured the ultimate Win for all who believe. Even though satan has more tactics, God has more power. i mean, he is the great (I AM). what does that even mean?(haha. see!? he's so legit). God Wins, period.
Let's take in the simplicity of God's love. today and everyday. it bodes for a very peaceful life.
It's simple. he's simple. Don't complicate what's already set in stone.
<3 ∞.
Let's take in the simplicity of God's love. today and everyday. it bodes for a very peaceful life.
- God Loves You because he created you. nothing more, nothing less.
- This life is not easy, but it's WAY easier than we think/make it.
- You are forgiven/Free because christ died for sin. nothing more, nothing less.
- God is ALWAYS there. period. point blank. the end.
- God wants ONE thing from/for you. That's it.
These truths that are often twisted into complicated lies are irregardless of feeling, thoughts or beliefs. whether you believe them or not. it's the gospel truth. so, you might as well accept these terms god has presented before us and walk in the fullness of joy.
It's simple. he's simple. Don't complicate what's already set in stone.
<3 ∞.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
To turkey or NOT to turkey...
Is it me or are most believers almost ASHAMED to say they heard the voice of God? it's like we mask it by saying "i was impressed upon my heart", or "Something told me"? are we seriously THAT afraid of looking crazy to simply say "GOD TOLD ME!"?
My biggest struggle in my christian walk was knowing if it was God talking to me.
I spent so much time angry at god because i felt he wasn't talking to me. this was my ultimate reasoning for believing agnostic. it was down right infuriating.
I used to think i could recognize his voice in church during an alter call or something,but alas, twas simply emotional alchemy. which obviously justfied my belief that he wasn't talking to me. However, god in his "god has a sick sense of humor way" rectified that. So, i will be doggoned if i am ashamed to say God talks to me. He Delivered me from one of my BIGGEST struggles. So call me crazy if you want, i'll Still scream it from the mountaintops: GOD TALKS TO ME!
(even though it's not in an audible voice,i understand his direction just the same)
To see/hear how god transformed my struggle with discernment to confidence in him using a 10lb turkey enjoy this Silent Movie by the oneKproduction Studio:)
God is the best God i've even gotten to know.
He's So legit!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper!
My biggest struggle in my christian walk was knowing if it was God talking to me.
I spent so much time angry at god because i felt he wasn't talking to me. this was my ultimate reasoning for believing agnostic. it was down right infuriating.
I used to think i could recognize his voice in church during an alter call or something,but alas, twas simply emotional alchemy. which obviously justfied my belief that he wasn't talking to me. However, god in his "god has a sick sense of humor way" rectified that. So, i will be doggoned if i am ashamed to say God talks to me. He Delivered me from one of my BIGGEST struggles. So call me crazy if you want, i'll Still scream it from the mountaintops: GOD TALKS TO ME!
(even though it's not in an audible voice,i understand his direction just the same)
To see/hear how god transformed my struggle with discernment to confidence in him using a 10lb turkey enjoy this Silent Movie by the oneKproduction Studio:)
God is the best God i've even gotten to know.
He's So legit!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Hallelujah cover - Kari Jobe, Jamie Grace, Dara Maclean, Blanca and Nirva
Hey guys!
Just wanted to share this video of epic amazeball ness with you!
It's a cover of a song that i like along by some of my fav ladies in the CCM industry.
this is my first time hearing Dara Mclean sing, but i can tell you know i am more than likely going to be obsessed with her for the next upcoming weeks.
I am even more excited about WinterJamNashville2012, bceause these ladies are on the lineup. can you say EPiK!?
<3 ∞,
Friday, January 20, 2012
Sharing is caring.
Instead of blabbing today. i have decided to share some blogs that i myself enjoy reading:)
that you might enjoy them as well.
that you might enjoy them as well.
- Stuff Christians like
- The Serious Jon Acuff
- The Daily Retort
- Live and laugh with jesus
- My Friend Matt:)
- The Vlog that started it all.
Have a GREAT weekend!
Be fun!
Be Fabulous!
Be saved!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
The waiting Game. We've all played it. some of us are playing it right now. i know i am. I'm at a point in my life where i'm waiting on God, i don't wanna take a step without him, and since making that decision i realized i haven't taken a step at all. It's bad enough as is, When it's just you, and your ready to move, but to see what seems like EVERYONE else moving. it's down right infuriating. you get small blessing here and there but it's never what you really want. you feel pacified, not helped.
is this just me? should i shut up!?
One thing I keep learning, over and over and over again is that god see's everything. i've heard it my entire life. but i'm not talking about god seeing everything at once. i'm talking about god seeing everyONE at once.
If you have already prayed. just chill. he's got it.
Life is like a mahjong board. in order to clear the board you have to pair the pieces. but in order to make the pair BOTH pieces have to be available.
You could be in the process of being prepared to bless someone, or someone is in the process of being prepared to bless you.
It's hard. but when you find yourself in a funk. go to your happy place.
turn up the tunes and do a risky business montage.
Let your hair down.
No one said the waiting game couldn't be fun.
Trust God, he's got your back!
is this just me? should i shut up!?
One thing I keep learning, over and over and over again is that god see's everything. i've heard it my entire life. but i'm not talking about god seeing everything at once. i'm talking about god seeing everyONE at once.
If you have already prayed. just chill. he's got it.
Life is like a mahjong board. in order to clear the board you have to pair the pieces. but in order to make the pair BOTH pieces have to be available.
You could be in the process of being prepared to bless someone, or someone is in the process of being prepared to bless you.
It's hard. but when you find yourself in a funk. go to your happy place.
turn up the tunes and do a risky business montage.
Let your hair down.
No one said the waiting game couldn't be fun.
Trust God, he's got your back!
Girl Talk - Grace talk.
Who knew Judy Blume was onto something MAJOR when she wrote "are you there god? It's me, margaret". Young Girls praying about getting there period and wanting bigger boobs. that's girl talk, not prayer talk, right? Judy Blume doesn't think so and after today neither do i. (i realize AYTGIMM wasn't a 'christian' book, just bear with me. also i'm officially a 21st century social media guru. check out THAT abbreviation)
i started at the very late age of 14. i didn't know that wasn't "normal". i prided myself with a 3 day cramp free, every few months type of cycle. i'd throw on a pad and go about my life, while my sister would suffer the full 5-7 day cycle in bed drugged up. Even though she got to miss school, i considered myself the lucky one. as i got older my cycle got more irregular and a little more painful. when i was about 16 or 17 i got a heavy dose of PMS, and thats when the devil snuck in.
After talking to God this morning, i realized satan uses my menstrual cycle against me, (i'm not really sure how it could be used in my favor), he would throw "traps" at me while i have PMS brain. i don't need to break down PMS brain, do i?
over thinking, over emotional, over sensitive, over eating. over irrational. you know what i mean. the devil does NOT play fair, at all. preying in on us in our most fragile state. or is that just me? as women we have made this one of those "thats just the way it is" type deals, But do you know giving in to your PMS-ism separates you from God? Throwing your hands up and saying "it is what it is" Prevents you from experiencing the fullness of joy he promised and wants to give you.
It doesn't have to be that way though! Lucky for us Jesus covered this on the cross! YES jesus died so you could think clearly, stay even tempered and not overeat on your period. God doesn't take a break every 28days so we can menstruate alone. He'll fight the devils attacks even then.
All you have to do is ask him. Talk to him. he loves hearing from us, even about our cycles:)
God really Does think of EVERYTHING! He's so legit!
<3 ∞,
i started at the very late age of 14. i didn't know that wasn't "normal". i prided myself with a 3 day cramp free, every few months type of cycle. i'd throw on a pad and go about my life, while my sister would suffer the full 5-7 day cycle in bed drugged up. Even though she got to miss school, i considered myself the lucky one. as i got older my cycle got more irregular and a little more painful. when i was about 16 or 17 i got a heavy dose of PMS, and thats when the devil snuck in.
After talking to God this morning, i realized satan uses my menstrual cycle against me, (i'm not really sure how it could be used in my favor), he would throw "traps" at me while i have PMS brain. i don't need to break down PMS brain, do i?
over thinking, over emotional, over sensitive, over eating. over irrational. you know what i mean. the devil does NOT play fair, at all. preying in on us in our most fragile state. or is that just me? as women we have made this one of those "thats just the way it is" type deals, But do you know giving in to your PMS-ism separates you from God? Throwing your hands up and saying "it is what it is" Prevents you from experiencing the fullness of joy he promised and wants to give you.
It doesn't have to be that way though! Lucky for us Jesus covered this on the cross! YES jesus died so you could think clearly, stay even tempered and not overeat on your period. God doesn't take a break every 28days so we can menstruate alone. He'll fight the devils attacks even then.
All you have to do is ask him. Talk to him. he loves hearing from us, even about our cycles:)
God really Does think of EVERYTHING! He's so legit!
<3 ∞,
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Invasion of the body snatchers.
we've all seen them, right? The freaky friday type of deals that happen on t.v and in movies.
Who knew that was a biblical concept? i certainly didn't until like ten seconds ago.
if you are completely lost as to what i'm talking about let me break it down for you.
A t.v show i used to watch relentlessly as a young warrior was a little ditty called "lizzie McGuire" and of all the episodes my fav was "Those freaking Mcguires".
In this episode Matt and lizzie, typical sibling rivals [lizzie a delcate 14 year old and matt a rough and rowdy 10 year old] some how switched bodies! they had to spend a day walking in the lives of each other. Ultimately getting to know each other and gaining more respect for each other as a person. blah blah blah.
The coolest part about this episode, and all other types of similar content, is the fact that only their spirits switch! on the OUTSIde they look like themselves but on the inside they are a completely different person. Cool right. it's like a spirit swap.
Who knew the bible was as cool as t.v and movies!?
Here, check out what god as to say about body swapping.
It's really the coolest thing ever, God is inviting us to swap spirits. he's already walked in our shoes, now he's giving us an opportunity to walk in his.
on the outside it'll look like us, but on the inside it's jesus. Cool right.
it's like were walking Jesus', he's doing all the work, just in OUR bodies!
It's just like "invasion of the body snatchers" except less alien-y and more abundant life, fullness of joy-y.
What a switch right!
God really does think of everything! he's so legit!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
Who knew that was a biblical concept? i certainly didn't until like ten seconds ago.
if you are completely lost as to what i'm talking about let me break it down for you.
A t.v show i used to watch relentlessly as a young warrior was a little ditty called "lizzie McGuire" and of all the episodes my fav was "Those freaking Mcguires".
In this episode Matt and lizzie, typical sibling rivals [lizzie a delcate 14 year old and matt a rough and rowdy 10 year old] some how switched bodies! they had to spend a day walking in the lives of each other. Ultimately getting to know each other and gaining more respect for each other as a person. blah blah blah.
The coolest part about this episode, and all other types of similar content, is the fact that only their spirits switch! on the OUTSIde they look like themselves but on the inside they are a completely different person. Cool right. it's like a spirit swap.
Who knew the bible was as cool as t.v and movies!?
Here, check out what god as to say about body swapping.
It's really the coolest thing ever, God is inviting us to swap spirits. he's already walked in our shoes, now he's giving us an opportunity to walk in his.
on the outside it'll look like us, but on the inside it's jesus. Cool right.
it's like were walking Jesus', he's doing all the work, just in OUR bodies!
It's just like "invasion of the body snatchers" except less alien-y and more abundant life, fullness of joy-y.
What a switch right!
God really does think of everything! he's so legit!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
speak up.
Before i sit down every morning to write a post, i pray.
I find that ideas flow easier when there not mine. Yay for plagiarism.
I have always been that one annoying friend, always talking always asking. I feel like people befriended me because i was quiet, but SURPRISE i'm just shy, and so over the years i have shrunk down to size as to not pester anyone, so when it came to my spiritual life i tried my hardest to be self sufficient as to not bother god with tedious issues as i had done everyone else in my life. i am still struggling even to this day to go to god about ANY and every thing. i just hate being THAT person, ya know. even parents raise us to not go to them for any and everything just the "important stuff" right? so you see my delimma. trying to erase 21years of habit can be a challenge. like geesh guys! what do you want from me?
Lucky for us God actually WANTS us to come to him about any and everything. he is simply excited to hear our voice! imagine that! the creator of Everything know and unknown wants to hear from you. (oh gosh, i'm turning into a cheesy christian). no matter what your saying he is just happy to hear your voice, and even more thrilled when you ASK for things. he actually WANTS to shower you with blessings. it seems hard to believe sometimes, but God is a jolly old God who loves with EVERYTHING he has. literally. that a lot of love. so ya know, TALK TO HIM!
seriously, he loves you.
Trust in Who he is, not what he can do and you will be a much happier skier.
he's legit. i promise:)
<3 ∞,
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Everyone's general purpose is the same. To get back to the basics. God wants us to belong to him again. because the first humans broke god's law. we left God's side and joined satan's team. because of jesus christ(God's son) and his sacrifice on the cross(he died for sin in it's entirety) God gave US the opportunity to switch sides again. it is now up to US to make the choice. On jesus side we have VICTORY that things will get good and STAY good. forever. and ever. it's a done deal. on satan's side we have... well, nothing. literally he has nothing. so what can he offer us? nothing.
That is the gospel in a nutshell.
If you had 60seconds to explain the gospel of jesus christ, could you?
We as humans, we as believers, we as ex-satan puppets tend to over complicate things with too many words, and it's perfectly normal that we do that since our ex-gepetto is KING of making things complicated. shrouding things in mystery making deceit all to easy. for believers and non believers alike. The truth is God's transparency makes everything... well, simple. it is what it is.
Don't make it harder than it has to be. Satan will come in annoying everybody, trying to complicate stuff. USING even the bible as leverage. he plays dirty. however, simplicity is key to a clear mind, so we have the upper hand. HA!
it's simple. really it is.
Talk to your creator. listen to your creator.
Boom! the end.
Through this, everything, step by step, day by day, will begin to change for the better. (Gosh, i'm like on a 10 with the cliche's lately, we must change that),with each passing day we will fulfill his promise to us to live an abundant life, in love, doing what he called us to do Hastening his coming.
we do want jesus to come back right!?
<3 ∞,
That is the gospel in a nutshell.
If you had 60seconds to explain the gospel of jesus christ, could you?
We as humans, we as believers, we as ex-satan puppets tend to over complicate things with too many words, and it's perfectly normal that we do that since our ex-gepetto is KING of making things complicated. shrouding things in mystery making deceit all to easy. for believers and non believers alike. The truth is God's transparency makes everything... well, simple. it is what it is.
Don't make it harder than it has to be. Satan will come in annoying everybody, trying to complicate stuff. USING even the bible as leverage. he plays dirty. however, simplicity is key to a clear mind, so we have the upper hand. HA!
it's simple. really it is.
Talk to your creator. listen to your creator.
Boom! the end.
Through this, everything, step by step, day by day, will begin to change for the better. (Gosh, i'm like on a 10 with the cliche's lately, we must change that),with each passing day we will fulfill his promise to us to live an abundant life, in love, doing what he called us to do Hastening his coming.
we do want jesus to come back right!?
<3 ∞,
Sunday, January 15, 2012
We are family!
This weekend my family and i surprised my uncle for his 40th birthday. as much as i love my family, i just don't feel like i fit in. i always have a good time lots of laughs and all that jazz, but i just feel like an adopted stranger.
i've been debating on todays topic mainly because all of my wonderful ideas of posts are lost somewhere along interstate 65N and none are actually relevant to my life at the moment. in leu of all these feelings i managed to get an idea for a post. see, i told you guys i'm a professional.
as different i am from my family, this is my family and i only get one.
every family has differences and with each difference there is a similarity, if the similarities are not as apparent be intentional about finding them. make the absolute Best of the time spent with your family. (here comes the cliche)... you never know how long they will be around.
Be a good christian; get along with your family. it's the biblical thing to do.
<3 ∞,
i've been debating on todays topic mainly because all of my wonderful ideas of posts are lost somewhere along interstate 65N and none are actually relevant to my life at the moment. in leu of all these feelings i managed to get an idea for a post. see, i told you guys i'm a professional.
as different i am from my family, this is my family and i only get one.
every family has differences and with each difference there is a similarity, if the similarities are not as apparent be intentional about finding them. make the absolute Best of the time spent with your family. (here comes the cliche)... you never know how long they will be around.
Be a good christian; get along with your family. it's the biblical thing to do.
<3 ∞,
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Bounce back, bounce ba bounce back.
elasticity has got to be one of my favorite words to say. it takes tongue skill, cunning edge wit, and sheer dumb luck to properly pronounce it. if you say it too slow you you sound mentally challenged, if you say it too fast you get tongue tied. makes you feel special, eh? to say it right. if you are a fellow five percenter, i welcome you, brethren. Like the pronunciation of the word, the action is also something that takes a special kind of person to do.
(i should've worked on that segway... sorry.)
my favorite person on the planet is the woman i hate spending time with the most. Are you hearing me? this is cutting edge stuff. i Love this woman with everything i have, but i absolutely hate seeing her. My nana. she is the epitome of pee in your lemonade. after last night's conversation, i was left frustrated and impatient,she gave me a hard time about my future and my right now plans, things i am already insecure about/struggling with. I used to take her advice but ended up depressed and suicidal, so now i politely sweep her advice under the rug, but last night i let it get to me. "God, THiS is why you need to hurry up... i can't deal with another one of THESE...dude! are you listening? are you there?" within minutes i got on the internet and started to attempt to make contacts with people of influence that would help me kick start my life. Trying to make moves, because god was taking too long and something needed to happen. asapually!
as soon as i got a moment to myself God was all like: "chill out dude... nothings changed, what are you doing? i got this", and within moments i had bounced back to my position. exactly where i belonged. patiently waiting on my creator.
in that moment i realized my spiritual elasticity was getting keener and sharper.
in other words, the time it takes me to bounce back from frustrated with god to at peace with his will has gotten shorter and shorter. After battling depression/anxiety this is a MAJOR accomplishment to realize, because all depression/anxiety was for me was a lack of elasticity, i just couldn't bounce back. Everyone has bad days, some more than others. Contrary to popular belief you CANNOT control EVERYthing that happens to you. it's ok to be sad, it's just how quickly you bounce back is what matters. don't linger.
How tight is your spiritual elasticity? do you wallow in your misery? do you find yourself frustrated more than you are happy?
check you elasticity.
It's what is separating you from the peace that god so desperately desires to give you.
please! don't miss a moments peace because your flabby.
i've been there, trust me, it's not pretty.
i know your probably tired of hearing these words (God knows i am) but i don't care. here they come again:
Just be patient, and trust god.
That is how your elasticity gets more elastic-y and you can stay in place on this vast waistline called life.
i think i like typing elasticity as much as i like saying elasticity.
elasticity yours,
(i should've worked on that segway... sorry.)
my favorite person on the planet is the woman i hate spending time with the most. Are you hearing me? this is cutting edge stuff. i Love this woman with everything i have, but i absolutely hate seeing her. My nana. she is the epitome of pee in your lemonade. after last night's conversation, i was left frustrated and impatient,she gave me a hard time about my future and my right now plans, things i am already insecure about/struggling with. I used to take her advice but ended up depressed and suicidal, so now i politely sweep her advice under the rug, but last night i let it get to me. "God, THiS is why you need to hurry up... i can't deal with another one of THESE...dude! are you listening? are you there?" within minutes i got on the internet and started to attempt to make contacts with people of influence that would help me kick start my life. Trying to make moves, because god was taking too long and something needed to happen. asapually!
as soon as i got a moment to myself God was all like: "chill out dude... nothings changed, what are you doing? i got this", and within moments i had bounced back to my position. exactly where i belonged. patiently waiting on my creator.
in that moment i realized my spiritual elasticity was getting keener and sharper.
in other words, the time it takes me to bounce back from frustrated with god to at peace with his will has gotten shorter and shorter. After battling depression/anxiety this is a MAJOR accomplishment to realize, because all depression/anxiety was for me was a lack of elasticity, i just couldn't bounce back. Everyone has bad days, some more than others. Contrary to popular belief you CANNOT control EVERYthing that happens to you. it's ok to be sad, it's just how quickly you bounce back is what matters. don't linger.
How tight is your spiritual elasticity? do you wallow in your misery? do you find yourself frustrated more than you are happy?
check you elasticity.
It's what is separating you from the peace that god so desperately desires to give you.
please! don't miss a moments peace because your flabby.
i've been there, trust me, it's not pretty.
i know your probably tired of hearing these words (God knows i am) but i don't care. here they come again:
Just be patient, and trust god.
That is how your elasticity gets more elastic-y and you can stay in place on this vast waistline called life.
i think i like typing elasticity as much as i like saying elasticity.
elasticity yours,
Friday, January 13, 2012
Those Human Things.
Faith v. Presumption.
It took me a very long time to learn the difference.
it's an extremely fine line that we believers seem to miss. Faith is Trusting WHO god is. Presumption is expecting things he can do FOR you. see the distinction?
We get tripped up because we build these expectations of how and/or what we want to happen, we believe god for them and when they don't happen how we envisioned our faith is shaken and we struggle to believe.
please don't make the same mistake i did. Trust Who God is, this ultimately means understanding that his wisdom/will/way is superior to our and he knows best.
Hold on to his HEART with all of Your heart, and you will be ok.
Frustration and Disappointment will be a thing of the past, because he never fails(even though it sometimes seems that way).
He's Got your back, Trust me. He's Legit.
<3 ∞,
It took me a very long time to learn the difference.
it's an extremely fine line that we believers seem to miss. Faith is Trusting WHO god is. Presumption is expecting things he can do FOR you. see the distinction?
We get tripped up because we build these expectations of how and/or what we want to happen, we believe god for them and when they don't happen how we envisioned our faith is shaken and we struggle to believe.
please don't make the same mistake i did. Trust Who God is, this ultimately means understanding that his wisdom/will/way is superior to our and he knows best.
Hold on to his HEART with all of Your heart, and you will be ok.
Frustration and Disappointment will be a thing of the past, because he never fails(even though it sometimes seems that way).
He's Got your back, Trust me. He's Legit.
<3 ∞,
Thursday, January 12, 2012
What's the point?
You ever just NOT feel like it?
Ever have not a single fiber of your being see a point in it?
since starting this blog, i've had a lot of those days. i'd wake up and know i need to post, then think to myself "what's the point, it's not like anybody reads it"... i have to remind myself WHY i'm doing it so i say a quick prayer, and sit before my computer. i usually struggle with what's on my heart to say and what i think people want to read. i can't seem to shake this thing about being noticed. so, I struggle with showing the true condition of my heart and being that "cool christian". when honesty wins i take that as the ok from god to shower all my social media platforms with my posts. (God gave me the ok, that'll get me noticed... right?) the way i see it, i can be aware that i have good content without being proud, so when my theory slaps me in the face [- if they read it, and like it they will share it.-] i start to second guess my talents and natural abilities and see little purpose in being consistent.
However, as embarrassing as it is to admit, this is a poor school of thinking, and i have a hunch i'm not alone in this. (i'm sorry to drag you into this).
Let me explain to you the exact purpose of my blog:
If we are constantly second guessing the road were on because we don't Feel like we're doing anything worth while, if we fall victim to the "what's the point" syndrome because we aren't getting noticed. we need to check our humility level. You may be riding shotgun in my beamer of oblivion. (just kidding i don't drive a beamer, but this an analogy right? can i drive a beamer in an analogy? well go with yes.)
I Talk a lot about statutes of success because i am currently having a hard time wrapping my head around it. i know i'm not alone. Everything you read on this blog is a past or present experience of my own. I simply hope that MY gunk will connect with someone else's gunk and we can grow to be gunk free together.
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper
Ever have not a single fiber of your being see a point in it?
since starting this blog, i've had a lot of those days. i'd wake up and know i need to post, then think to myself "what's the point, it's not like anybody reads it"... i have to remind myself WHY i'm doing it so i say a quick prayer, and sit before my computer. i usually struggle with what's on my heart to say and what i think people want to read. i can't seem to shake this thing about being noticed. so, I struggle with showing the true condition of my heart and being that "cool christian". when honesty wins i take that as the ok from god to shower all my social media platforms with my posts. (God gave me the ok, that'll get me noticed... right?) the way i see it, i can be aware that i have good content without being proud, so when my theory slaps me in the face [- if they read it, and like it they will share it.-] i start to second guess my talents and natural abilities and see little purpose in being consistent.
However, as embarrassing as it is to admit, this is a poor school of thinking, and i have a hunch i'm not alone in this. (i'm sorry to drag you into this).
Let me explain to you the exact purpose of my blog:
- sharing thing i WISH i heard during my "early years" of walking with christ.(prevention)
- tracking my progress in my walk, and sharing my experiences .
- launch my speaking career. (it's the truth, id be lying if i didn't say so)
If we are constantly second guessing the road were on because we don't Feel like we're doing anything worth while, if we fall victim to the "what's the point" syndrome because we aren't getting noticed. we need to check our humility level. You may be riding shotgun in my beamer of oblivion. (just kidding i don't drive a beamer, but this an analogy right? can i drive a beamer in an analogy? well go with yes.)
I Talk a lot about statutes of success because i am currently having a hard time wrapping my head around it. i know i'm not alone. Everything you read on this blog is a past or present experience of my own. I simply hope that MY gunk will connect with someone else's gunk and we can grow to be gunk free together.
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
twitter checks and success.
I just recently, like a couple hours ago, discovered Jon Acuff's "serious blog". it's no secret how much i LOVE Stuff Christians like , so naturally i was excited to dive in. however, it wasn't what i expected at all, it was great writing and great advice, but i walked away, (well, clicked away) with an erie feeling. Here is this Well renowned blogger, author, and the basic epitome of awesomeness pouring into me and i feel icky. i am doing "everything right", why aren't i as famous as him? he has a verified twitter account for goodness sake, he's arrived. why haven't i arrived? do i have to blog for four years before i get consistent traffic? i have a 5year plan and spending four of those years trying to build a name for myself is NOT part of the plan.
Instead of going to my own twitter account to complain about my life, i was directed to blog about what was going on in my head and what God was trying to tell me.
the bible says in Isaiah that every word of God will produce fruit, it will accomplish everything it is intended to accomplish and prosper everywhere it goes. it's cool, how god works. we have to realize if god told us to do/say anything, and we do it. we have succeeded. we have arrived. simple as that. the very fact that god is trusting us with his word, (the same word the created THE UNIVERSE) is SO MAJOR! we have to redefine our measure of success. blue twitter checks and heavy blog traffic doesn't mean we have arrived. those things are nice but they do not define our success as believers. Obedience is success.
God is all about simplicity. he's so legit.
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
Instead of going to my own twitter account to complain about my life, i was directed to blog about what was going on in my head and what God was trying to tell me.
the bible says in Isaiah that every word of God will produce fruit, it will accomplish everything it is intended to accomplish and prosper everywhere it goes. it's cool, how god works. we have to realize if god told us to do/say anything, and we do it. we have succeeded. we have arrived. simple as that. the very fact that god is trusting us with his word, (the same word the created THE UNIVERSE) is SO MAJOR! we have to redefine our measure of success. blue twitter checks and heavy blog traffic doesn't mean we have arrived. those things are nice but they do not define our success as believers. Obedience is success.
God is all about simplicity. he's so legit.
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
mirror mirror...
If God had an advice column, i'm sure this particular question would outweigh any other, and although i am no stranger to the question, i find it to be an extremely silly one.
"What is my purpose?"
yea, you saw that coming.
People, believers and non believers alike struggle with this question. "why was am i here? why was i created? what am i supposed to do with my life?"
It doesn't help that the pressure to reach success falls younger and younger with each passing generation. Lord Beiber certainly set the bar ridiculously high & now children in sandboxes and playpens everywhere are struggling with this question, pre-maturely.
It's Funny, because in the moment it is probably the hardest question to ask, and the most disappointing when you don't get a specific applicable answer.
well here is the answer weather you think he's real or not.
God's purpose for YOUR life is to restore YOU back to HIM!
He just want to get YOU back to eden.
(heaven, eternal bliss, everlasting joy, streets of gold, any of this ring a bell)
Ask any of the angels,(or a christian who's doing it right) a life dedicated to god is the BEST thing that could ever happen to you. simple question. simple answer.
"What is my purpose?"
yea, you saw that coming.
People, believers and non believers alike struggle with this question. "why was am i here? why was i created? what am i supposed to do with my life?"
It doesn't help that the pressure to reach success falls younger and younger with each passing generation. Lord Beiber certainly set the bar ridiculously high & now children in sandboxes and playpens everywhere are struggling with this question, pre-maturely.
It's Funny, because in the moment it is probably the hardest question to ask, and the most disappointing when you don't get a specific applicable answer.
well here is the answer weather you think he's real or not.
God's purpose for YOUR life is to restore YOU back to HIM!
He just want to get YOU back to eden.
(heaven, eternal bliss, everlasting joy, streets of gold, any of this ring a bell)
Ask any of the angels,(or a christian who's doing it right) a life dedicated to god is the BEST thing that could ever happen to you. simple question. simple answer.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Are you there God? it's me. no, not margaret.
How many blogs/books have you read about "when God's not near"?
How many of them said "because he's working on your behalf"?
at least it's something along the lines of those Questions, right?
Well, FunFabSAVED is joining the cloth of cliche'd bloggers.
*throws confetti, were conforming*
This morning i woke up and did my morning "duties"... before i had devotion. per usual, but it just wasn't "feeling" it.
(if you are not aware, i'm not in school. nor do i work. i battled depression/anxiety for about a year(because of these things)... i started recovery in october and i'm only getting better..(thanks jesus).. however, some days are better than others... so when my keys went missing and my car started having problems about a weak ago, that darkness TRIED to return... but god is Greater. even so, i haven't been in any rush to get out of bed)
For devotion, I usually say a quick prayer, Read a few things, then pray again(in more detail). i;m not really sure why but During my [FIRST] prayer i began to ask for things i never ask for, (i don't ask mainly out of fear of being rejected), and admit things i don't like to admit... i had a very real and transparent moment with God, so when i cracked open my reading material you would find to my dismay that NOTHING i read this morning "applied to me"... has that ever happened to you? you just KNOW god is gonna speak to you through devotions, but doesn't.... it gets frustrating.... so i tried a different piece of literature and to no avail...
However, much to my surprise i was frustrated for a FLASH, is a flash less than a second? let's just say it is. For a milisecond, Satan tired to throw the "where is God?" question in my face, to his dismay THIS came to the forefront of my mind, and instead i said "wow god, that was fast" and my soul was at peace.
normie to normie, the stuff we read in "famous" blogs/books IS REAL!
Yay! the losers are winning! (jk. you're not a loser.... he might be, but not you.)
i'm saying this to you because it literally JUST HAPPENED!!!
most stories we, well I, hear about "god moving in the silence" is after everything is All said and done. But THIS JUST HAPPENED.... so i know and can tell you from 30minutes experience. IT IS POSSIBLE to trust and believe God even when he doesn't feel near, even when your still "waiting".
Jon Acuff, my favorite blogger(aside from myself of course), said "wrestling with god is a sign of intimacy". BOY! was he right! i wrestled with god for a while. i felt like he needed to tell me something i'd never heard before, so i know it's real.
By beholding we become changed, so if you feel you keep reading/hearing the same thing OVER AND OVER again... GOOD! [i learned this lesson TODAY!]
It's changing you! from the inside out, and since we have heard all the weight-loss analogies in relation to spiritual well being. i'll spare you the torture.
it's so cool How God moves.
Just keep wrestling... once he pins you and makes you tap out.
you'll thank me... erm Him!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
p.s. Check out this ultra cool video blog from an ultra cool person.
How many of them said "because he's working on your behalf"?
at least it's something along the lines of those Questions, right?
Well, FunFabSAVED is joining the cloth of cliche'd bloggers.
*throws confetti, were conforming*
This morning i woke up and did my morning "duties"... before i had devotion. per usual, but it just wasn't "feeling" it.
(if you are not aware, i'm not in school. nor do i work. i battled depression/anxiety for about a year(because of these things)... i started recovery in october and i'm only getting better..(thanks jesus).. however, some days are better than others... so when my keys went missing and my car started having problems about a weak ago, that darkness TRIED to return... but god is Greater. even so, i haven't been in any rush to get out of bed)
For devotion, I usually say a quick prayer, Read a few things, then pray again(in more detail). i;m not really sure why but During my [FIRST] prayer i began to ask for things i never ask for, (i don't ask mainly out of fear of being rejected), and admit things i don't like to admit... i had a very real and transparent moment with God, so when i cracked open my reading material you would find to my dismay that NOTHING i read this morning "applied to me"... has that ever happened to you? you just KNOW god is gonna speak to you through devotions, but doesn't.... it gets frustrating.... so i tried a different piece of literature and to no avail...
However, much to my surprise i was frustrated for a FLASH, is a flash less than a second? let's just say it is. For a milisecond, Satan tired to throw the "where is God?" question in my face, to his dismay THIS came to the forefront of my mind, and instead i said "wow god, that was fast" and my soul was at peace.
normie to normie, the stuff we read in "famous" blogs/books IS REAL!
Yay! the losers are winning! (jk. you're not a loser.... he might be, but not you.)
i'm saying this to you because it literally JUST HAPPENED!!!
most stories we, well I, hear about "god moving in the silence" is after everything is All said and done. But THIS JUST HAPPENED.... so i know and can tell you from 30minutes experience. IT IS POSSIBLE to trust and believe God even when he doesn't feel near, even when your still "waiting".
Jon Acuff, my favorite blogger(aside from myself of course), said "wrestling with god is a sign of intimacy". BOY! was he right! i wrestled with god for a while. i felt like he needed to tell me something i'd never heard before, so i know it's real.
By beholding we become changed, so if you feel you keep reading/hearing the same thing OVER AND OVER again... GOOD! [i learned this lesson TODAY!]
It's changing you! from the inside out, and since we have heard all the weight-loss analogies in relation to spiritual well being. i'll spare you the torture.
it's so cool How God moves.
Just keep wrestling... once he pins you and makes you tap out.
you'll thank me... erm Him!
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
p.s. Check out this ultra cool video blog from an ultra cool person.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Is MOST enough?
Today's Message is the most important thing i have EVER learned about the character of God. It may seem obvious and simple, but it's profundity may Cause you to fully submit to God today and everyday. beware. you might fall in love.
Ya see, If ALL believers submitted their will to God and went 100% living for him, i'm sure jesus would be back by now, but because we hold on to our own way we aren't ready for him, and in his grace and love he waits.
Are you, My FunFabSAVED readers, ready for the hot fire of truth i'm about to drop on you?
brace yourselves.
i know right? has your world stopped spinning?
ok, i'll give you a second.
i don't know about you, but when i give something to someone -- i rarely get it back. it's like a law of nature. or science. or something.
we've heard it a million times. "give god your all" (and that's usually in relation to things like your time and money and relationships... blah blah blah), But seriously, He wants your EVERYTHING. literally. not just the cliche'd examples people use. i'm talking: your car, your cell phone, your wardrobe, you hair/make-up, your food, your computer. ect.) he wants EVERYTHING!
Not giving God EVERYTHING, is what separates you from where you are now and sublime, unspeakable peace/joy!
i know your wondering: but if i give God EVERYTHING, what's left for me?
hmmmm. Good question[NOT!]
Here's the answer to your question: EVERYTHING! and i mean that beyond the realms of mortal comprehension. giving everything grants you accesses to things OUT OF THIS WORLD! literally.
the way i see it god wants you to give it to him, so he can fine tune it to be the very best for you so he can give it back...(to be clear: JUST because you give it to god, does NOT mean he's gonna give it back.... you have to trust he knows whats best)
At the end of the day God wants the VERY BEST for us, and he wants to GIVE us the very best, but we have got to trust him over our own judgement.
(it's a christian cliche - but it still holds high merits of truth).
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
Click here. k thanks:)
Ya see, If ALL believers submitted their will to God and went 100% living for him, i'm sure jesus would be back by now, but because we hold on to our own way we aren't ready for him, and in his grace and love he waits.
Are you, My FunFabSAVED readers, ready for the hot fire of truth i'm about to drop on you?
brace yourselves.
"Just Because God wants you to Give it to him, doesn't mean he wants to keep it from you"
i know right? has your world stopped spinning?
ok, i'll give you a second.
i don't know about you, but when i give something to someone -- i rarely get it back. it's like a law of nature. or science. or something.
we've heard it a million times. "give god your all" (and that's usually in relation to things like your time and money and relationships... blah blah blah), But seriously, He wants your EVERYTHING. literally. not just the cliche'd examples people use. i'm talking: your car, your cell phone, your wardrobe, you hair/make-up, your food, your computer. ect.) he wants EVERYTHING!
Not giving God EVERYTHING, is what separates you from where you are now and sublime, unspeakable peace/joy!
i know your wondering: but if i give God EVERYTHING, what's left for me?
hmmmm. Good question[NOT!]
Here's the answer to your question: EVERYTHING! and i mean that beyond the realms of mortal comprehension. giving everything grants you accesses to things OUT OF THIS WORLD! literally.
the way i see it god wants you to give it to him, so he can fine tune it to be the very best for you so he can give it back...(to be clear: JUST because you give it to god, does NOT mean he's gonna give it back.... you have to trust he knows whats best)
"In almost everything that touches our everyday life on earth, God is pleased when we're pleased. He wills that we be as free as birds to soar and sing our maker's praise without anxiety." - Aiden Wilson Tozer
At the end of the day God wants the VERY BEST for us, and he wants to GIVE us the very best, but we have got to trust him over our own judgement.
(it's a christian cliche - but it still holds high merits of truth).
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
Click here. k thanks:)
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Kirk Cameron and Christian Films...
i just watched the movie "COURAGEOUS". Needless to say i was only 5% disappointed. 95% pleased:)
is it me or are "christian" movies synonymous with "it's ok, that you can't act as long as your doing it for god"? i mean c'mon! There are PLENTY of TALENTED actors/actresses that are CHRISTIANS and can properly showcase what the writers are trying to say, without sounding like...well BAD ACTORS/ACTRESSES. However, that is neither here nor there. Thankfully 'Courageous' didn't fully live up to that Stereotype.(with the exception of a few crew members passing themselves off as cast) it was well written, the characters were believable and the dynamics of the relationships were very well thought out, and although the acting was sub-par, everything else made up for it. Thank you Kendricks Brothers and the rest of the staff for actually taking pride in your work. it shows. it genuinely surprised me, because as i said earlier most "christian films" are a disappointment to... well, everything and everyone.
so we are THRILLED to give the movie 4 out of 5 coconuts! (starts are so cliche, we are too hipster for that)
It was Overall a good movie. i recommend it. to EVERYONE!
(ha. like our opinion matters)
Because i am not a husband, a father, or... a man. i received the message in a VERY different light. It was nice to see a movie about men of God raising up and being well, men. but what STOOD out to me was how God moved in their lives BECAUSE they lived for him. in THAT aspect i can relate since it doesn't matter that i'm a girl.
My absolute FAVORITE scene(s) in the movie(which is the source of this post) was how God set javier and Adam up... if you don't know what i'm talking about... GO WATCH THE MOVIE! i promise it is worth it for this ONE SCENE!.
It BLEW my mind! God is ALWAYS working! on your behalf! he loves you! and wants the very BEST for you! all he wants you to do is LIVE for him.
it's not easy, but it's WAAAAAYYYY easier than we think.
God is calling YOU BY NAME! just like adam called javier by name. he wants to love you and provide for you and give to you.
i'm rambling. let's make this really simply. k?
God wants YOUR all, in exchange for HIS all.
as believers , lets make a choice today and everyday to live for GOD!
is it me or are "christian" movies synonymous with "it's ok, that you can't act as long as your doing it for god"? i mean c'mon! There are PLENTY of TALENTED actors/actresses that are CHRISTIANS and can properly showcase what the writers are trying to say, without sounding like...well BAD ACTORS/ACTRESSES. However, that is neither here nor there. Thankfully 'Courageous' didn't fully live up to that Stereotype.(with the exception of a few crew members passing themselves off as cast) it was well written, the characters were believable and the dynamics of the relationships were very well thought out, and although the acting was sub-par, everything else made up for it. Thank you Kendricks Brothers and the rest of the staff for actually taking pride in your work. it shows. it genuinely surprised me, because as i said earlier most "christian films" are a disappointment to... well, everything and everyone.
so we are THRILLED to give the movie 4 out of 5 coconuts! (starts are so cliche, we are too hipster for that)
It was Overall a good movie. i recommend it. to EVERYONE!
(ha. like our opinion matters)
Because i am not a husband, a father, or... a man. i received the message in a VERY different light. It was nice to see a movie about men of God raising up and being well, men. but what STOOD out to me was how God moved in their lives BECAUSE they lived for him. in THAT aspect i can relate since it doesn't matter that i'm a girl.
My absolute FAVORITE scene(s) in the movie(which is the source of this post) was how God set javier and Adam up... if you don't know what i'm talking about... GO WATCH THE MOVIE! i promise it is worth it for this ONE SCENE!.
It BLEW my mind! God is ALWAYS working! on your behalf! he loves you! and wants the very BEST for you! all he wants you to do is LIVE for him.
it's not easy, but it's WAAAAAYYYY easier than we think.
God is calling YOU BY NAME! just like adam called javier by name. he wants to love you and provide for you and give to you.
i'm rambling. let's make this really simply. k?
God wants YOUR all, in exchange for HIS all.
as believers , lets make a choice today and everyday to live for GOD!
*insert Cliche'd title about self-love here*
as young people, Girls especially, it is crammed in our head from birth to death -- BE YOURSELF!
am i right?
your parents, your teachers, your youth leaders, all of tween t.v. tells us that no one can be us as good as us.
Doesn't it seem like every person who says these types of things has it "all together"? i mean, OBVIOUSLY, Justin Bieber would tell us to be ourselves and all this stuff cuz he's GOT it all. WHO WOULDN'T wanna be bieber? except every girl in the world.(because of course they want to be WITH bieber. oh Gomez, you lucky girl)
my point is this:
it's hard for us "normies"(normal people who SEEMINGLY have nothing extraordinary going for them) to embrace and love ourselves because there aren't many "normies" ACTUALLY doing that, or promoting that message. the message we want to believe is coming from people we want to be. so it's hard for us to believe we are special.
or maybe it's just me? am i THAT big of a looser? PLS tell me you identify with what i'm saying?
YOU DO! whew! okk, let's me finish:)
i dont even remember what i was.... oh yea. Justin Bieber. lol. that's not right , it is?
Let me ask you a question?
Why don't you feel special?
Could it be that you feel like you're coming up short because your audience is wrong? (ok, that was 3)
Here is my secret to a standing ovation:
Choose your audience wisely!
When i write these blogs, or record vlogs,(that no one reads or watches... i promise i'm a normie) my audience consists of ONE person, and IF i please Him... i get a standing ovation. raving reviews. a unanimous two thumbs up! the best best form of success anyone can reach.(wait, does God have thumbs?)
Aim to please God and God alone.
That's the ONLY WAY to be happy with Yourself and the things you do.
and once you do Justin Bieber's(or whoever else) life won't look so appealing.
You will be comfy in your own skin.
after all, that's where you are meant to be.
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
P.s. Click Here.
am i right?
your parents, your teachers, your youth leaders, all of tween t.v. tells us that no one can be us as good as us.
Doesn't it seem like every person who says these types of things has it "all together"? i mean, OBVIOUSLY, Justin Bieber would tell us to be ourselves and all this stuff cuz he's GOT it all. WHO WOULDN'T wanna be bieber? except every girl in the world.(because of course they want to be WITH bieber. oh Gomez, you lucky girl)
my point is this:
it's hard for us "normies"(normal people who SEEMINGLY have nothing extraordinary going for them) to embrace and love ourselves because there aren't many "normies" ACTUALLY doing that, or promoting that message. the message we want to believe is coming from people we want to be. so it's hard for us to believe we are special.
or maybe it's just me? am i THAT big of a looser? PLS tell me you identify with what i'm saying?
YOU DO! whew! okk, let's me finish:)
i dont even remember what i was.... oh yea. Justin Bieber. lol. that's not right , it is?
Let me ask you a question?
Why don't you feel special?
Could it be that you feel like you're coming up short because your audience is wrong? (ok, that was 3)
Here is my secret to a standing ovation:
Choose your audience wisely!
When i write these blogs, or record vlogs,(that no one reads or watches... i promise i'm a normie) my audience consists of ONE person, and IF i please Him... i get a standing ovation. raving reviews. a unanimous two thumbs up! the best best form of success anyone can reach.(wait, does God have thumbs?)
Aim to please God and God alone.
That's the ONLY WAY to be happy with Yourself and the things you do.
and once you do Justin Bieber's(or whoever else) life won't look so appealing.
You will be comfy in your own skin.
after all, that's where you are meant to be.
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
P.s. Click Here.
Friday, January 6, 2012
talk that talk.
As an aspiring 'motivational/inspiration' speaker i faced on MAJOR problem.
no, not stage fright. as crazy as it sounds i can stand in front of a massive cathedral and not be nervous, but heart to hearts with my mom, well that's another story.
im not afraid of language barriers or even rejection(yes, i plan on traveling EVERYWHERE and learning the language, and people NOT LIKE ME... psh. that's crazy talk)
my biggest fear is content. crazy right? i want to be a SPEAKER, how can i be afraid of what i'm gonna say? that's like the CORE of my future profession. i should really get it together
well, let me break down my line of thinking for you:
at the tender age of 21 i'm not looking to "settle down"... ever. i'm not ruling out marriage, after all some unlucky guy may get hit on the head and believe he's fallen in love with me. who knows? as far as children. that is something i have never wanted and honestly don't think i ever will.
so at 21, i figure i'll get started between now and age 25.... i wanna do this literally for the rest f my life, so that's basically FOURTY YEARS of content i have to come up with.
i just got scared thinking about it... like what in BLUBLAZIN could i talk about for FOURTY YEARS!
well, God being the ever so cool guy he is, knocked some sense into me.
He spoke earth shattering divine wisdom.
he said:
"shut up, chill"
WHOA! groundbreaking right!?
we know as believers were called to "witness" and "win souls" and all kinds of complicated stuff, we know that our general purpose as christians...is to make more christians, were like mad scientists. right? WRONG!
All God wants US to do is share OUR OWN PERSONAL experience.
that's it!
(He will do everything else)
he does the work and you get to brag about it, and really how hard is That since it's basically HUMAN NATURE to want to talk about ourselves.
God really does think of everything.
so if your worried about "finding your purpose" just start with sharing your experience.
Sharing your experience is an ENDLESS amount of content.... that can go on forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever....
you will never NOT have the tools to live for christ.
so get to work, Dr. Jekyll
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
p.s. check out this Funky fresh VLog. it's got some AMAZING STUFF:)
no, not stage fright. as crazy as it sounds i can stand in front of a massive cathedral and not be nervous, but heart to hearts with my mom, well that's another story.
im not afraid of language barriers or even rejection(yes, i plan on traveling EVERYWHERE and learning the language, and people NOT LIKE ME... psh. that's crazy talk)
my biggest fear is content. crazy right? i want to be a SPEAKER, how can i be afraid of what i'm gonna say? that's like the CORE of my future profession. i should really get it together
well, let me break down my line of thinking for you:
at the tender age of 21 i'm not looking to "settle down"... ever. i'm not ruling out marriage, after all some unlucky guy may get hit on the head and believe he's fallen in love with me. who knows? as far as children. that is something i have never wanted and honestly don't think i ever will.
so at 21, i figure i'll get started between now and age 25.... i wanna do this literally for the rest f my life, so that's basically FOURTY YEARS of content i have to come up with.
i just got scared thinking about it... like what in BLUBLAZIN could i talk about for FOURTY YEARS!
well, God being the ever so cool guy he is, knocked some sense into me.
He spoke earth shattering divine wisdom.
he said:
"shut up, chill"
WHOA! groundbreaking right!?
we know as believers were called to "witness" and "win souls" and all kinds of complicated stuff, we know that our general purpose as christians...is to make more christians, were like mad scientists. right? WRONG!
All God wants US to do is share OUR OWN PERSONAL experience.
that's it!
(He will do everything else)
he does the work and you get to brag about it, and really how hard is That since it's basically HUMAN NATURE to want to talk about ourselves.
God really does think of everything.
so if your worried about "finding your purpose" just start with sharing your experience.
Sharing your experience is an ENDLESS amount of content.... that can go on forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever....
you will never NOT have the tools to live for christ.
so get to work, Dr. Jekyll
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
p.s. check out this Funky fresh VLog. it's got some AMAZING STUFF:)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Is NOW a good time?
So, this entire pot was inspired by one little tweet. crazy right? twitter is ACTUALLY good for something.
Now, if you don't know who Tiffany Thurston is you can interweb stalk her HERE!
if it really makes you no difference who she is you can Keep reading....
still with me? cool!
So let's back up a little bit before i actually get to the point of this post.
a little known fact that has been lost in translation over the years(trust me, it's been a lot of years) is what ACTUALLY went down in heaven... and what caused the demise of lucifer....
we know from reading out bibles that he was "trying to be like the most high" (isaiah 14.14)...
so, simply put we know that lucifer became satan because he was trying to be like god, but let's dig a little deeper. shall we...
I find, as believers, we don't like to "identify" with satan because we have painted him as a monster and forgotten what he TRULY IS. a FALLEN angel. more than a fallen angel he is the prince of the earth. the prince of darkness.
at the fall of man, we became his! we switched sides and became the property of satan. why do think the bible says we were "born in sin, shaped in inequity"(psalm 51:5)
*dances in glitter*
hehehe. yea. so.... where were we...
Satan's demise is a lot of OUR biggest mistakes that we make.
we try to be something we are not... God created each and every one of us for a SPECIFIC purpouse. He was INTENTIONALLY when he made us "fearfully and wonderfully"(psalm 139.14).
satan's problem wasn't really "trying to be like god" his BIGGEST problem was TRYIN TO LIVE OUTSIDE OF HIS PURPOSE!!!
see what just happened there? i might have stepped on someone's toe. sorry....... SORRY I'm NOT SORRY!
( ._.) sorry.
Satan tried to do something OTHER than what he was created for, which led to the demise of not only him but numerous other angels and also life as WE know it.
Trying to live MORE THAN or LESS THAN what God created you for will return to you void and your life will be empty. simple as that.
you just have to take ONE STEP AT A TIME, and listen to him.
the only way to hear him is to get to know his voice... so IGNITE the fire of your relationship and get to lovin you some jesus.
The only way to live an abundant life as promised in John 10:10 is to play your part.
simple as that.
Everyone's "purpose" is a general one. to be restored back to God. God is just trying to get US back to HIS original plan. as they were in eden.
Care free and naked.
well... uhm, you know what i mean.
so ANY AND EVERY opportunity you have to share the gospel(which is YOUR TESTIMONY, you don't have to be a preacher to talk about jesus)... USE IT!
you don't have to be famous to SPEAK UP about your faith and what you believe in.
you are exactly where god wants you RIGHT NOW, (how long we STAY there is up to us)
Use the influence and resources you have NOW! don't wait!
Just DO IT!
just do it.
right now.
dont wait.
did i get my point across?
good, i am learning this lesson everyday.
obedience to the word of god is OUR ULTIMATE source of JOY! he wants us happy and FREE IN HIM, and that is just to hold us over until he comes and takes us home.!
like, yea. THAT'S the god we serve.
k. that is all. bye.
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
p.s. Check out this AWESOME Video Blog -- vlog!
A few days ago Tiffany Thurston tweeted: "God can use YOU right where you are! There's a reason you are in your school, job, church, community, etc... BLOOM where you are planted!"
Now, if you don't know who Tiffany Thurston is you can interweb stalk her HERE!
if it really makes you no difference who she is you can Keep reading....
still with me? cool!
So let's back up a little bit before i actually get to the point of this post.
a little known fact that has been lost in translation over the years(trust me, it's been a lot of years) is what ACTUALLY went down in heaven... and what caused the demise of lucifer....
we know from reading out bibles that he was "trying to be like the most high" (isaiah 14.14)...
so, simply put we know that lucifer became satan because he was trying to be like god, but let's dig a little deeper. shall we...
I find, as believers, we don't like to "identify" with satan because we have painted him as a monster and forgotten what he TRULY IS. a FALLEN angel. more than a fallen angel he is the prince of the earth. the prince of darkness.
at the fall of man, we became his! we switched sides and became the property of satan. why do think the bible says we were "born in sin, shaped in inequity"(psalm 51:5)
*dances in glitter*
hehehe. yea. so.... where were we...
Satan's demise is a lot of OUR biggest mistakes that we make.
we try to be something we are not... God created each and every one of us for a SPECIFIC purpouse. He was INTENTIONALLY when he made us "fearfully and wonderfully"(psalm 139.14).
satan's problem wasn't really "trying to be like god" his BIGGEST problem was TRYIN TO LIVE OUTSIDE OF HIS PURPOSE!!!
see what just happened there? i might have stepped on someone's toe. sorry....... SORRY I'm NOT SORRY!
( ._.) sorry.
Satan tried to do something OTHER than what he was created for, which led to the demise of not only him but numerous other angels and also life as WE know it.
Trying to live MORE THAN or LESS THAN what God created you for will return to you void and your life will be empty. simple as that.
you just have to take ONE STEP AT A TIME, and listen to him.
the only way to hear him is to get to know his voice... so IGNITE the fire of your relationship and get to lovin you some jesus.
The only way to live an abundant life as promised in John 10:10 is to play your part.
simple as that.
Everyone's "purpose" is a general one. to be restored back to God. God is just trying to get US back to HIS original plan. as they were in eden.
Care free and naked.
well... uhm, you know what i mean.
so ANY AND EVERY opportunity you have to share the gospel(which is YOUR TESTIMONY, you don't have to be a preacher to talk about jesus)... USE IT!
you don't have to be famous to SPEAK UP about your faith and what you believe in.
you are exactly where god wants you RIGHT NOW, (how long we STAY there is up to us)
Use the influence and resources you have NOW! don't wait!
Just DO IT!
just do it.
right now.
dont wait.
did i get my point across?
good, i am learning this lesson everyday.
obedience to the word of god is OUR ULTIMATE source of JOY! he wants us happy and FREE IN HIM, and that is just to hold us over until he comes and takes us home.!
like, yea. THAT'S the god we serve.
k. that is all. bye.
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper.
p.s. Check out this AWESOME Video Blog -- vlog!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
baby, you're a firework...
Is it just me, or do most people equate talent with musical ability?
could that be why the tween Tv has been bombarded with shows about "making it big" in the music industry?
suddenly, everyone seems to have dreams of becoming a singer, have we figured out why!
i mean, call me crazy, most of my life -- actually, ALL of my life(up until i turned 21...which was 3months ago) i felt i had no talents or gifts..... people would tell me i was good at things but those compliments were few and far between, and even still no one ever actually said that i was "talented".
well, to all those people who never called me talented: eat your hearts out! i run a blog.
well, i mean... what were we talking about again?
if your anything like me, you have no real "artful capabilities", however that doesn't mean you are any less talented than rebecca black....
eesh, bad analogy.
that doesn't mean you are any less talented than (insert "most talented" person you know here).
a lot of people may not consider putting on make-up a talent, but once you've seen me apply eyeliner... you'll think twice about that.
fact is, NOONE is good at everything. some people are better at things than you, and vice versa.
could that be why the tween Tv has been bombarded with shows about "making it big" in the music industry?
suddenly, everyone seems to have dreams of becoming a singer, have we figured out why!
i mean, call me crazy, most of my life -- actually, ALL of my life(up until i turned 21...which was 3months ago) i felt i had no talents or gifts..... people would tell me i was good at things but those compliments were few and far between, and even still no one ever actually said that i was "talented".
well, to all those people who never called me talented: eat your hearts out! i run a blog.
well, i mean... what were we talking about again?
if your anything like me, you have no real "artful capabilities", however that doesn't mean you are any less talented than rebecca black....
eesh, bad analogy.
that doesn't mean you are any less talented than (insert "most talented" person you know here).
a lot of people may not consider putting on make-up a talent, but once you've seen me apply eyeliner... you'll think twice about that.
fact is, NOONE is good at everything. some people are better at things than you, and vice versa.
the key is you have to find YOUR talents. you have at least one. [even if it's pit farting.... everyone is good at something!] run with them...run with your talents through a feild of daisies, into the moonlight . however, if your allergic to daisies stay out of that field. your stuck running on the sidewalk.
but back to the point...
YOU ARE YOU! you come equip INSIDE OF YOU everything you need to live a fulfilled life. do what makes YOU happy.
don't try to be someone you are not...
Get to know you FIRSt, and once you do - i am sure you will LOVE you:)
<3 ∞,
Ryen Lynette Cooper
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